Czekając na niemieckiego hegemona. Otto von Gierke i koncepcja wojny narzuconej.
Waiting for German Hegemon. Otto von Gierke and the Imposed War Concept
Author(s): Mariusz Kopczyński, Tomasz TulejskiSubject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
Published by: Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Keywords: Otto von Gierke; wojna sprawiedliwa; I Wojna Światowa; wojna wymuszona; Otto von Gierke; just war; I World War; imposed war
Summary/Abstract: The questions of the causes of the Great War and responsibility for its outbreak are the subjectof a discussion and controversies for one hundred years. In the article the Authors analyse theconcept of renown German professor of law Otto von Gierke, who is his three wartime writingspresented the original concept of imposed war. According to his opinion the stance of Ententestates forced Germany to aggressive actions, which for him were fully justified. As the authorsdemonstrate von Gierke claims that such war must be treated as a just war in that sense that it isa war between Germany that represents civilisation and the anti-civilised allies. Due to this onlythe German victory might guarantee a just order to Europe and the whole world. This Germanpeace is to decide for a long time on the fate of the whole continent and to correspond also withthe worldwide German aspiration as well as with the interest of a mankind in an abstract meaning.
Journal: Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
- Issue Year: 2018
- Issue No: 107
- Page Range: 63-82
- Page Count: 20
- Language: Polish