Od poznania do konstytuowania siebie. Pedagogiczne implikacje dylematów samotożsamościowych współczesnego człowieka
From cognition to establishing yourself. Pedagogical implications of the self- identity of contemporary man’s dilemmas
Author(s): Marta Krasuska-BetiukSubject(s): Social Sciences, Education
Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe ChAT
Keywords: self-knowledge; Ricoeur’s hermeneutics of the self; self-structures; self-creation through the theatre
Summary/Abstract: The text includes a reflection on the category of self-cognition in thepedagogical context, understood as the space for realizing specific conceptsof self-fashioning, self-creation based on self-knowledge. The text refersto two important dimensions of self-knowledge – it is the component ofidentity and is closely connected with the postulate of self-improvement,constituting the moral imperative of pedagogical profession. First, the thesesof hermeneutics of the self in the philosophical and literary context werereconstructed, then the most important psychological sources of the ideaof self-cognition were pointed out. At the end, the potential of art (theatreof movement), still little used in the pedagogical practice, was recalled indiscovering and exploring oneself and one’s possibilities, meeting oneself,liking oneself or transcending oneself.
Journal: Studia z Teorii Wychowania
- Issue Year: IX/2018
- Issue No: 1 (22)
- Page Range: 111-131
- Page Count: 21
- Language: Polish