„Niecodzienna codzienność” w projektowaniu działania nauczyciela, czyli o wychowaniu małego dziecka w dyskursie studentów pedagogiki
„Unusual everyday” in designing a teacher’s actions, or about education of a small child in the discourse of students of pedagogical sciences
Author(s): Magdalena GrochowalskaSubject(s): Social Sciences, Education
Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe ChAT
Keywords: everyday life; everyday of education; teacher; early education
Summary/Abstract: The article is focused upon some items pertinent to the interpenetrationof the everyday/non-everyday of education. Particular attention ispaid to the need of opening of prospective teachers to new experiences, ofmaking an attempt at understanding what their source is, and eventually,what consequences they might cause for the adopted educational activities.This text constitutes an introduction to the question of preparing teachersfor making an effort aimed at designing everyday educational actions in non-obviousness, or ambiguity. The submitted research project was aimed atfinding an answer to the question to what extent the dimension of everydayand non-everyday of education is present in projects pertinent to professionalactivities and elaborated by teachers. According to the results, theprofessional beliefs of prospective teachers of a small child concerning thequotidian education do not belong to the description of the generation of theyoung. While in one’s personal life non-ordinary events seem to be obvious,they are left out in relation to education.
Journal: Studia z Teorii Wychowania
- Issue Year: IX/2018
- Issue No: 1 (22)
- Page Range: 207-218
- Page Count: 12
- Language: Polish