Интердисциплинарният подход в обучението и успешни практики за прилагането му
The Interdisciplinary Learning Approach and Successful Implementation Practices
Author(s): Stoyna DelchevaSubject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, School education, Vocational Education, Adult Education, History of Education, Economic development, Inclusive Education / Inclusion
Published by: Национално издателство за образование и наука „Аз-буки“
Keywords: contemporary education; focus; integrated learning; outcome; interdisciplinary; learning process
Summary/Abstract: The text examines current issues of contemporary education. Placing focus on achieving an integrated learning outcome in the form of a set of pupils’ skills requires focusing on the interdisciplinary nature of the learning process. The author examines models for its practical application in school.
Journal: Професионално образование
- Issue Year: 20/2018
- Issue No: 5
- Page Range: 515-522
- Page Count: 8
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF