Opinion of Teachers, Parents and Pedagogy Students on the Homeschooling Cover Image

Mišljenje nastavnika, roditelja i studenata pedagogije o modelu školovanja dece kod kuće
Opinion of Teachers, Parents and Pedagogy Students on the Homeschooling

Author(s): Jovana J. Milutinović, Slađana Zuković, Senka Slijepčević
Subject(s): Sociology of Education
Published by: Филозофски факултет, Универзитет у Новом Саду
Keywords: alternatives in education; quality of education; pedagogical pluralism; homeschooling; school pluralism

Summary/Abstract: Following educational trends in the Western countries and the analysis of the situation in our education, in recent years the subject of debates in our area have been the possibilities of organizing education in family conditions. Considering that the education of children at home is legally regulated in a number of European countries, and that in the United States it has a decades-long tradition, the subject of this paper is to consider the assumptions of development of this educational model in Serbia. For this purpose, a brief empirical research was conducted related to the examination of opinions of teachers, parents and future expert associates – pedagogues on the model of homeschooling of children. The applied instrument was designed for the needs of wider research, with a sample of 441 subjects. The results show that the majority of respondents do not support homeschooling, where the students of pedagogy expressed a negative attitude towards this model of education to a lesser extent than teachers and parents. Finding that the students of pedagogy, who receive knowledge related to the alternatives in education during their studies, have a somewhat more positive opinion about homeschooling, implies that higher pedagogical culture and knowledge of alternatives in the field of education can lead to greater openness when it comes to this model of education. According to this, the question arises as to whether learning about examples of good homeschooling education from other countries, as well as providing adequate state support, appropriate materials and curricula for this model of education, will contribute to wider acceptance of this model of education in our society. In any case, it is not desirable to reject novelties that are in line with fundamental human rights and can provide benefits in the field of education. It is only necessary to develop systematic support and adequately administer the control system which will allow parents to provide education under different circumstances that will contribute to the general welfare of children.

  • Issue Year: 42/2017
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 289-302
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Serbian
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