Investment expenditure of voivodships after introducing an individual debt ratio. assessment of the possibility of development in the new conditions Cover Image

Wydatki inwestycyjne województw samorządowych po wprowadzeniu indywidualnego wskaźnika zadłużenia
Investment expenditure of voivodships after introducing an individual debt ratio. assessment of the possibility of development in the new conditions

Author(s): Alicja Sekuła, Joanna Śmiechowicz
Subject(s): Social Sciences, National Economy, Public Finances
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Keywords: voividship local government; investment expenditures; indebtedness of territorial self-government units; individual debt ratio

Summary/Abstract: Determining the permissible level of indebtedness is an important issue for each local governmentunit in Poland. Its prominance grows even more if strong pressure to care for the development is beingput on the local government, while it is struggling with a shortage of revenue. This situation applies tothe majority of voivodships, which, among all the levels of the local government structure, are the mostfocused on financing development (as demonstrated by the share of investment expenditure in totalexpenditure) while having very limited financial independence.The aim of the article is to examine the level and changes in investment expenditures and the levelof debt of voivodships during the three-year period of the individual debt ratio and compare them withtrends that had been characteristic for these categories before the introduction of this index. This issueis particularly important and interesting due to the participation of voivodships in financing thedevelopment of infrastructure in the country. The conducted research indicates a clear nominal andshare in the structure of investment expenditures in the case of self-governing voivodships. However,they can not be associated only with the introduction of the individual debt ratio. Other factors, suchas the start of a new budgeting period in the European Union, have also contributed to this situation.

  • Issue Year: 93/2018
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 182-194
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Polish
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