Zašto je evropska socijalna demokratija u krizi: Panevropska debata o budućnosti ESD, 2009-2011
Why Is European Social Democracy In Crisis: Pan-European Debate, 2009-2011
Author(s): Miroslav RužicaSubject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Fakultet političkih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu & Fakultet političkih znanosti u Zagrebu
Keywords: social democracy; globalization; global crisis; Left; equality; middle class; the role of state
Summary/Abstract: We are in the third year of the pan-european debate on the future of european Social democracy (eSd). It is a response to the challenges of the global economic crisis, but also a response to the deep internal crisis within the eSd. While the social democrats were in power in the majority of european countries in the year 2000 (11 of 15 eumembers), they are rulling parties in only few peripheral countries in 2011 (4 of 27 eucountries). althouth they are still able to attact 20-30% of voters, and with toghether with their partners are even able to form goverments in some countries, their margananalization is a major trend. this is not only because of electoral defeats, but it is due to membership decline, shaken ties with trade unions, lack of an alternative program in a situation when neoliberalism is shaken and political actors have searching for new formulae. In a search of their own identity, new paradigm and attractive program, pan-european debate critically analyze key issues and challenges of our civilization, such as globalization, nature of capitalism and its possible reforms, meaning and importance of the eu, the role of government regarding markets. this debate has brouth back into public discourse many important concepts that constitute the idea of ‘good society,’ such as social values (equailty, solidarity, social justice), buth also importance of culture, middle class, and social and environmental sustainability.
Journal: Političke perspektive
- Issue Year: 1/2011
- Issue No: 03
- Page Range: 79-106
- Page Count: 28
- Language: Serbian