Norms and Freedom in the Net Language Cover Image

Norma és szabadság a netnyelv talaján
Norms and Freedom in the Net Language

Author(s): Zoltán Szűts, Márta Törteli Telek
Subject(s): Finno-Ugrian studies
Published by: Филозофски факултет, Универзитет у Новом Саду
Keywords: net language; language norm; freedom; creativity; linguistic economy; metaphorical language; universal language

Summary/Abstract: This paper focuses on the issue of written language in internet communication. It examines how this new linguistic subculture influences the use of language, and through it, the development of language. The language of the Internet essentially follows the logic of „linguistic economy”, which results in the formation of a special written slang. The paper emphasizes the forms of communication one may encounter on the Internet. Reading the paper one can get an answer to the question of how „spontaneous” internet spelling is manifested. As a result of the deficiencies of the online written text, the absence of traditional meta-language and mimics, the emotional part of one’s discourse is expressed by smileys and emojis. One can witness more and more often that the texts of emails and chats try to depict the phonetic appearance of the spoken language. One witnesses the development of a new pictorial net language, which has its own meaning and grammatical features. A new kind of metaphorical language is being born. The literacy of our age is characterized by the disappearance of the usual image of the text, and ultimately the birth of a new, universal language. It is a question whether linguistic vitality, linguistic diversity, and creative language use can be applied in a creative manner in following the new language norms, or whether net language has a negative impact on language development and causes a loss of values.

  • Issue Year: 19/2018
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 101-119
  • Page Count: 19
  • Language: Hungarian
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