Duration of time charter : [case review] Cover Image

Trajanje brodarskog ugovora na vrijeme za cijeli brod : [prikaz presude]
Duration of time charter : [case review]

Author(s): Božena Bulum
Subject(s): Civil Law, Maritime Law, Commercial Law
Published by: Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti
Keywords: case review; time-charter - duration; charter period;

Summary/Abstract: The expression ''the charter period'' refers to basic period of the contract, but it also includes off-hire period for which the charterers chose to make use of as an extension of charter and period of tolerance which is often contained in time-charters standard forms. The parties can agree the additional extension of the time-charter period (at the same rate and conditions) during round voyage on which the vessel is engaged at the expiry of the period of the charter. The expression ''the charter period'' is not a term of art but one which was liable to take its color from its context; the expression used in Article 18 was ''at the expiry of the period of this charter'' and occurred in quite different context from that which was under consideration in The Aspa Maria. Accordingly, the tribunal in this case wasn't bound by decision in The Aspa Maria.

  • Issue Year: 45/2006
  • Issue No: 160
  • Page Range: 174-179
  • Page Count: 6
  • Language: Croatian
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