The Hungarian Archaeological Mission in Thebes, in the upper section of the el-Khokha hillock: above TT 184 (Nefermenu, 19th Dynasty) 2009 Cover Image

A thébai El-Hoha domb déli lejtőjének feltárása Nefermenu TT 184 számú sziklasírjának körzetében - 2009.
The Hungarian Archaeological Mission in Thebes, in the upper section of the el-Khokha hillock: above TT 184 (Nefermenu, 19th Dynasty) 2009

Author(s): Zoltán Imre Fábián
Subject(s): Archaeology, Ancient World
Published by: Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem
Keywords: Hungarian Archaeological Mission in Thebes; TT 184; TT 241; TT 412; TT 413

Summary/Abstract: Summary of the results preceding the 2009 season of the Hungarian Archaeological Mission in Thebes, in the upper section of the el-Khokha hillock: the TIP–LP shaft tomb in the saff tomb (saff 1) north of the pyramid situated above TT 184 (Nefermenu, 19th Dynasty) and TT 241 (Ahmose, 18th Dynasty); a further shaft tomb opening from the top of the hill, the (Ramesside ?) sloping passage approachable from this; and the 18th Dynasty painted mud brick mortuary chapel in the forecourt of TT 413 (Unis-ankh, Old Kingdom). The 2009 season: description of the saff 1 tomb (FIP or MK); excavation in the sloping passage of Tomb (Kampp) -43- (Ramesside with TIP and Ptolemaic secondary burials); excavation in the area of the forecourt of TT 412 (Qen-Amun, 18th Dynasty); partial reconstruction of the 18th Dynasty mud brick chapel, cleaning and conservation of the paintings.

  • Issue Year: I/2009
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 5-32
  • Page Count: 28
  • Language: Hungarian
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