A 18. dinasztia idején épült thébai vályogtégla szentély rekonstrukciós kísérletei
Attempts of Reconstruction of an 18th Dynasty Mud Brick Mortuary Chapel in the Theban Necropolis
Author(s): Zoltán Imre FábiánSubject(s): History, Archaeology, Architecture, Ancient World, History of Religion, History of Art
Published by: Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem
Keywords: Hungarian Archaeological Mission in Thebes; el-Khokha hillock; reconstruction of painted elements; 18th Dynasty rock cut mortuary monuments
Summary/Abstract: A small mortuary chapel built of mud bricks was exposed in 2008 by the Hungarian Archaeological Mission in Thebes, on the south slope of the el-Khokha hillock. Paintings in a rather good state of preservation as well as several further fragments came to light during the excavation. They represent some characteristic thematic groups typical of 18th Dynasty rock cut mortuary monuments. Especially two groups offer a good chance for the reconstruction and the examination of basic principles of the decoration program, namely, a series of offering bearers and the scenes of beer brewers. On the basis of the reconstruction of painted elements, further conclusions can also be drawn regarding the architectural features of the chapel.
Journal: Orpheus Noster. A KRE Eszme-, Kultúr-, és Vallástörténeti Folyóirata
- Issue Year: IV/2012
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 17-47
- Page Count: 31
- Language: Hungarian