The Role of Art in Education According to Aristotle Cover Image

Uloga umjetnosti u vaspitanju prema Aristotelu
The Role of Art in Education According to Aristotle

Author(s): Mirela Karahasanović
Subject(s): Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Aesthetics, Ancient Philosphy
Published by: Филозофски факултет, Универзитет у Новом Саду
Keywords: Aristotle;soul;art;education;beauty;mimesis;nature;music;

Summary/Abstract: Aristotle's reflections on art are not exclusively focused on settlements and statements with Plato's notion of the destructive role of the art, both in terms of epistemological, and in the domain of practical relationship to the world. In an effort to position art as a specific area in which the ideal and the real, and being a being and a Being can be confirmed and communicated to excellence skills, Aristotle will unlike Plato argue that one of the ontological assumptions of art is showing its ideas in reality. In addition, art and anthropological need, which does not require satisfaction exclusively through affects, but also the intellect, because man is a being who naturally tends to knowledge. Such a tendency is noticable since the earliest times of human life, when the imitation is trying to situate its own position in the world of adults. The fight for human and Basics of situating the self in relation to others claims his integrity as a rational, sensible, political beings, beings that only has the ability to speak and the ability to distinguish between good and evil. In this context, Aristotle's theory of education can not be viewed solely from the perspective of policy, the definition of what is a citizen, and what is actually his role in the policy, but should also be interrogated and referred to issues relating to the overall definition of man as a rational, sensible and political being. The purpose of education is complement to the shortcomings of nature, because man is born as a being who has yet to get himself to develop in all dimensions of our being, in short, to become complete. One of the drives development integrity of man, of his being, is the art, which essentially involved not only in the adequate use of free time, or moral education, but also in education senses to recognize and experience the beauty of art which comes in touch with the culture in the broader sense.

  • Issue Year: 2018
  • Issue No: 29
  • Page Range: 159-175
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Bosnian
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