Ocena zgodności z Konstytucją przepisów ustawy o ograniczeniu handlu w niedziele i święta oraz w niektóre inne dni w zakresie zarzutu o różnicowanie pracowników co do swobody wykonywania przez nich pracy w określone dni
Evaluation of conformity to the Constitution of the provisions of the Act on Restriction of Trade on Sundays, Public Holidays and Certain Other Days, with regard to the plea that employees are differentiated as to their freedom to work during certain
Author(s): Jolanta BucińskaSubject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law
Published by: Kancelaria Sejmu
Keywords: trade; labour protection; public holidays; the Constitutional Tribunal
Summary/Abstract: The President of the Lewiatan Confederation applied to the Constitutional Tribunal to evaluate certain provisions of the act, stating that these provisions provide for a differentiation of employees as to their freedom to work during certain days, what violates the following constitutional principles: the principle of labour protection, the principle of freedom to work, the principle of equality and the principle of proportionality. In the draft Sejm’s position it was concluded, that these provisions conform to the Constitution. The introduction of diversification of commercial entities is related to the objective pursued by the legislator in this act, which is to ensure a rest day being conducive to the health and safety of employees. The constitutionality of the above solution is supportedby the fact, that the legislator limited the group of exclusions to a catalogue of entities whose activity on Sundays and public holidays is rationally justified by social needs.
Journal: Zeszyty Prawnicze BAS
- Issue Year: 2019
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 303-338
- Page Count: 36
- Language: Polish