Miejsce Ukrainy w polityce wschodniej Polski po 2004 roku
The place of Ukraine in Poland’s eastern policy after 2004
Author(s): Tomasz StępniewskiSubject(s): Politics
Published by: Instytut Studiów Politycznych PAN
Keywords: Poland; Ukraine; Polish-Ukrainian relations; European Union; Russia; security
Summary/Abstract: When viewing Polish international relations, its specific significance and the position of Ukraine in these areas ought to be highlighted. In addition to the European Union (EU) (and Germany as its crucial actor), the United States and Russia, it is Ukraine that plays a vital role in Polish international relations. In the 1990s, Polish-Ukrainian relations were considered a ‘strategic partnership’. In recent years, Polish politics regarding Ukraine has been determined by history as an element of internal politics. This article emphasises the evolution of Polish politics towards post-2004 Ukraine, i.e. the period following the events known as the Orange Revolution. Elements of continuity and change (Poland as an EU member state) in the politics and difficulties in its implementation are indicated. Moreover, the complex international situation of Ukraine is discussed and the impact of these determinants upon Polish politics towards the country is outlined
Journal: Sprawy Międzynarodowe
- Issue Year: 71/2018
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 173-193
- Page Count: 21
- Language: Polish