Koncepcja wychowania obywatelskiego Fryderyka Wilhelma Foerstera w kontekście katolickiej etyki społecznej
The concept civic education of Frederick Wilhelm Foerster in the context of Catholic social ethics
Author(s): Andrzej KołakowskiSubject(s): Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education
Published by: Uniwersytet Jana Długosza w Częstochowie
Keywords: Fryderyk Wilhelm Foerster; wychowanie obywatelskie; Kościół rzymskokatolicki; religia; etyka katolicka
Summary/Abstract: One of the most important goals of education is to prepare citizens for life in society; reflections on this subject, however, are carried out in the context of the political needs of the society. Frederick Wilhelm Foerster opposed such an approach. In his opinion only moral concepts should be brought up in discussions about education because civic attitude is part of man's moral culture. Only a man guided by well-established moral principles is able to rise above his selfish aspirations and give priority to higher ideals which have their source in God. Foerster's views on this matter coincide with the Catholic social ethics. According to the Catholic doctrine, true social justice can only be achieved on the basis of Christian moral principles: they help in building a just social order and providing the individual with the proper conditions for personal development. Foerster agreed with the Church that only societies respecting God's law can be able to create
Journal: Pedagogika. Studia i Rozprawy
- Issue Year: 2/2018
- Issue No: 27
- Page Range: 75-88
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Polish