Influence of plyometric trainings for changes of strength abilities of female volleyball players Cover Image

Vplyv plyometrického tréningu na zmeny silových schopností vrcholových volejbalistiek
Influence of plyometric trainings for changes of strength abilities of female volleyball players

Author(s): Martin Kojnok, Marian Vanderka, Katarína Longová
Subject(s): Evaluation research, Sports Studies
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: volleyball; women; strength abilities; plyometrics; vertical jump height; force gradient (RFD);

Summary/Abstract: The aim two groups time parallel 6-week experiment was to compare selected types of plyometric training. One group trained with gradation of external weight loading in eccentric phase (EXP1) and the second group increased drop height (EXP2) during drop jump training. We compared their effects on changes in selected strength abilities. We assessed the level of countermovement vertical jump height (CMJ), standing vertical jump height (SJ) and average force gradient in squat exercises with the knee joint in 90 ° by maximal isometric contraction at intervals of 0-50 ms (RFD50) and 0-200 ms (RFD200). The results showed that in CMJ EXP1 had improved by 1.01 cm (3.5%) (p<0.01). EXP2 improved by an average of 1.78 cm (5.5 %) (p<0.05). SJ in EXP1 average improved by 0.94 cm (3.5 %) (p = n.s.) in EXP2 by 1.91 cm (6.6 %) (p<0.05). In RDF50 the average increase observed after a period of training in EXP1 1.03 (26.08 %) (p = n.s.) and EXP2 0.57 (16.39 %) (p<0.05). In the EXP1 RFD200 the average increase was 2.51 after a period of training (20.91 %) (p<0.01), while on average EXP2 improved by 1.05 (10.04 %) (p = n.s.).

  • Issue Year: 7/2013
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 5-13
  • Page Count: 9
  • Language: Slovak
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