Један модел поетске философије амбивалентног (Лица и наличја света у књижевном делу за децу Бранка Ћопића)
A Model of Poetic Philosophy of Ambivalence (Both Sides of the World in the Children’s Literary Work by Branko Ćopić)
Author(s): Snežana Šarančić ČuturaSubject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Serbian Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
Published by: Филолошки факултет Универзитета у Бањој Луци
Keywords: Branko Ćopić; poetics; ambivalence; oral literature; children's literature;
Summary/Abstract: This paper discusses ambivalence humor and parody, to be the most important qualities of a literary work by Branko Ćopić. Although its roots can be sought on different sides, here they are found in the mythical conception of the binary structure of world and folk philosophy. The ambivalent principle includes the characterisation of certain literary characters, their attitude towards themselves and others, and to the world in which they live. Also, the ambivalence may be present in some literary genres (fairy tale, belief narrative genres, legend, epic poem, a curse, a blessing, a proverb). Ćopić’s relationship to time (day/ night, past/ present, history/ legend) and space, supernatural beings, life and death, reality and fiction, is also subject to an ambivalent vision. In this sense, this feature is not just an emotional layer or the ambivalent reaction of the reader, rather deep currents, the internal structure of Branko Ćopić’s literary works.
Journal: Филолог – часопис за језик, књижевност и културу
- Issue Year: 2015
- Issue No: 12
- Page Range: 21-31
- Page Count: 11
- Language: Serbian