Praca jako obszar aktywności człowieka – wyniki
badań pracowników województwa
Work as an Area of Human Activity – Results of Research
Employees from the West-Pomeranian Region
Author(s): Augustyna BurlitaSubject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management, Accounting - Business Administration, Human Resources in Economy, Business Ethics, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Społeczna Akademia Nauk
Keywords: attitudes to work; expectations from work; work-related stress; work-life balance; satisfaction with work
Summary/Abstract: Work constitutes an important area of life to which professionally active persons devote not only a large part of their time, but also much energy and emotion. Although work is an activity characterised by a large degree of compulsion due to the need to obtain means for consumption, it also allows an individual to satisfy many of his/her important needs and has an impact on human functioning in other spheres of life because of their interdependent, complementary and compensatory nature. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyse selected issues concerning the functioning of an individual person at work, including attitudes to work, expectations from work, work-related stress, the reconciliation of work and other spheres of life, and satisfaction with work. Considerations in this respect were based on the results of primary research done on a representative sample of professionally active inhabitants of the West Pomeranian region in 2017. They were supplemented with an analysis of the literature of the subject, statistical publications and research reports of research centers.
Journal: Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie
- Issue Year: 20/2019
- Issue No: 10
- Page Range: 51-63
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Polish