Interpretator, pielgrzym czy kapłan prawdy? O roli i dyspozycjach osób zajmujących się poznaniem naukowym – próba ukazania sensów
i znaczeń
Interpretator, pilgrim or the priest of truth? About the role and disposal of people dealing with scientific cognition – an attempt to show the meanings
Author(s): Monika SulikSubject(s): Education, Sociology
Published by: Akademickie Towarzystwo Andragogiczne
Keywords: scientist; science; scientific cognition; world of science; human scientific development
Summary/Abstract: The article reflects on the understanding and multidimensionality of human activity which is scientific cognition. An attempt was also made to show the determinants of human scientific development and the characteristics of scien- tific life and scientific work, which is especially important in the current changing and challenging reality. The undertaken considerations also found a place related to women's participation in science and the conditions for the scientific development of scholarly women.
Journal: Edukacja Dorosłych
- Issue Year: 81/2019
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 49-61
- Page Count: 13
- Language: Polish