Poetry as an Escape into Language (On poems by Ján
Ondruš and Alexander Vutimski) Cover Image

Poézia ako útek do jazyka. Na príklade básní Jána Ondruša a Alexandra Vutimského
Poetry as an Escape into Language (On poems by Ján Ondruš and Alexander Vutimski)

Author(s): Irena Dimova
Subject(s): Studies of Literature
Published by: Ústav slovenskej literatúry SAV
Keywords: homotextuality; language deficiency; lyrical subject; Slovak literature; Bulgarian literature;

Summary/Abstract: The focus of the current study is the construction of poetic meaning, which the eminentSlovak author Ján Ondruš and the Bulgarian one Alexander Vutimski employ in someof their poetry texts. First, are being analyzed the poetic strategies of ‘overcomingthe language deficiency’ in Ján Ondruš’s poetry. The argumentation is based on twomain problems and initial points of similarity that can be found in the works of bothpoets: the multiple lyrical subjects and ‘the enclosed circle.’ Second, we look at fourpoetry works by Alexander Vutimski in terms of ‘the naming problem,’ ‘the alternativelanguage’ and ‘the alternative reality.’ Furthermore, we project those problems on twomain lyric presences in the texts – the blue boy and the rotted angel, which representtwo methods of lyrical subject identification/self-identification. We briefly map thetraces of homosexuality as a social problem in the 1940s in Bulgarian context – duringA. Vutimski’s life and writing years.

  • Issue Year: 67/2020
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 58-73
  • Page Count: 16
  • Language: Slovak
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