The Cyberjournalism That We Make And The One That We Want – Cyberjournalistic Praxis: The Case  Of Mass Media In Matanzas, Cuba Cover Image

The Cyberjournalism That We Make And The One That We Want – Cyberjournalistic Praxis: The Case Of Mass Media In Matanzas, Cuba
The Cyberjournalism That We Make And The One That We Want – Cyberjournalistic Praxis: The Case Of Mass Media In Matanzas, Cuba

Author(s): Auxiliar. Sussene Febles García, Arianna Oviedo Bravo, Yusel Reinaldo Martiatu
Subject(s): Education, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
Published by: Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave, Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie
Keywords: Hypertextuality; Interactivity; Multimediality; Cyberjournalism;

Summary/Abstract: The present work characterizes the hypermedia communication's features of mass media in Matanzas, Cuba: TV Yumurí, Radio 26 and the Editorial Girón. The study takes an approach, from the academy, to the cyberjournalistic praxis, describing professional practices, self-regulation and application of knowledge. A group of theoretical considerations around hypermedia resources are proposed in order to improve the digital journalism that we do. The communicology study integrates technical resources of quantitative and qualitative levels. It also considers policy documents, reflections of academics and legitimizing agents to analyze the assessments of their own social development. The main findings point to the heterogeneity, uneven development and fragmentation of cyber-journalistic wasting of the communicative potentialities that provides Internet, such as its hypertextuality, the interactivity and its multimediality.

  • Issue Year: 3/2020
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 73-84
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: English
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