Judėjimo negalią turinčių paauglių patirtys: švietimo socialinis laukas
Social Experiences of Adolescents with Mobility Disabilities in the Field of Education
Author(s): Jurgita SubačiūtėSubject(s): Education, School education, Studies in violence and power, Health and medicine and law, Sociology of Education
Published by: Lietuvos mokslų akademijos leidykla
Keywords: bullying; disabillities; education; field; habitus;
Summary/Abstract: This article analyses the socialization experience at school of 12–18-year teenagers with movement disabilities, and is based on the capital theory by sociologist P. Bourdieu and the concepts of field and habitus. It also deals with home schooling and the adaptation of environment at education institutions. It goes into depth of the effect the bullying has on the socialization process of an adolescent with a disability.
Journal: Filosofija. Sociologija
- Issue Year: 31/2020
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 157-164
- Page Count: 8
- Language: Lithuanian