Mechanisms of humour in french jokes Cover Image

Mechanizmy komizmu we francuskich dowcipach
Mechanisms of humour in french jokes

Author(s): Magdalena Lipińska
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Keywords: humour; pragmalinguistics; French jokes; speech genre

Summary/Abstract: Determining dialogic jokes as quoted statements as well as looking at a comic text from the text theory perspective made it possible to point out certain features of humoristic statements and establish their position among other linguistic forms. A dialogic joke has been defined as Bakhtin’s speech genre and has been described from the point of view of given communicative speech acts. The latter have been analyzed as dialogic statements and quoted forms seen as wholes. From the point of view of the comic aspect of analyzed jokes all speech functions have been found marked. Senders, recipients, code, message, contact and context on the two above mentioned planes have been determined. Adopting a double research perspective turned out to be also necessary in describing mechanisms of humour using an essential term apparatus of pragmalinguistics. Concrete implication types or conversational presuppositions, implication contrast, implication and presupposition juxtaposition (both conventional and conversational), presupposition opposition, presupposition hyperbole, as well as implication or presupposition contrast with utterance meaning all have been found in dialogues. What has also been found were types of breaching conversational maxims in individual dialogic statements as well as in jokes treated as quoted statements. All maxims are used, though not all of them in each dialogue and every time, yet such examples can also be fund. The maxims that are breached most frequently are the Maxim of Manner and the Maxim of Quantity.

  • Issue Year: 2014
  • Issue No: 60
  • Page Range: 183-202
  • Page Count: 20
  • Language: Polish
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