Franciscan Anđeo Zvizdović in the Memory of Literature and the History of Literature (On the Occasion of the 600th Anniversary of His Birth) Cover Image

Fra Anđeo Zvizdović u književnom i književnohistorijskom pamćenju (U povodu 600. obljetnice rođenja)
Franciscan Anđeo Zvizdović in the Memory of Literature and the History of Literature (On the Occasion of the 600th Anniversary of His Birth)

Author(s): Ena Begović-Sokolija
Subject(s): Cultural history, Social history, Theology and Religion
Published by: Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Tuzli
Keywords: Bosnian Franciscans; perception; imagology; locus memoriae; heritage cult; symbolic and cultural capital:

Summary/Abstract: The paper analyses the genesis of the narrative and models of remembering Bosnian Franciscan Anđeo Zvizdović – from the earlier historiographical texts about him, to the recorded legends and artistic literary portrayals of Zvizdović, to the more recent strategies of cultural memory. The socio-historic circumstances, as well as the of Bosnian Franciscans’ primary task (spreading and preserving the faith), have defined their specific status that resulted in very specific hetero-perceptions, self-perceptions and meta-perceptions of the Franciscans. In two plays and two stories authored by four Bosnian Herzegovinian and Croatian authors, and in available literary historiography, one notices different techniques of producing positive perceptions of Anđeo Zvizdović as “a tolerant negotiator”. In that context, this 15th century Franciscan and Ahdnama which he succeeded to negotiate over with the Sultan, have become the locus memoriae and of cultivation of ”heritage cult” as well as a “symbolic and cultural capital” (Pierre Bourdieu).

  • Issue Year: XII/2020
  • Issue No: 12
  • Page Range: 13-30
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: Bosnian
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