Walidacja kwestionariusza do pomiaru percepcji partii politycznych w badaniach polskich wyborców
Validation of a Questionnaire to Measure Political Party Perception in the Studies of Polish Voters
Author(s): Oleg Gorbaniuk, Michał Wilczewski, Julia Gorbaniuk, Karolina Perec, Marta Zielińska, Izabela PielaSubject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: image; perceptron; political party; lexical approach; parliamentary elections
Summary/Abstract: Political party perception (PPP), or party image, is a construct with an under-researched structure. The lack of scholars’ agreement on the culturally universal dimensions of PPP and its measurement prevents systematic investigations into the determinants of PPP and its influence on voters’ decisions. Our studies expand prior lexical research by verifying the five-factor structure of PPP and validating the scales developed to measure it. We conducted six studies on Polish voters between 2011 and 2019. The findings indicate high stability of PPP structure at the individual level (voters) in three personality-related dimensions and two non-personality dimensions. Our tool for measuring PPP showed satisfactory psychometric properties and high explanatory power of voter political preferences. We also discuss limitations stemming from various levels of analysis of the PPP structure.
Journal: Studia Socjologiczne
- Issue Year: 238/2020
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 31-52
- Page Count: 22
- Language: Polish