Glagol kao pjesničko i likovno nadahnuće
Verb as Poetic and Artistic Inspiration
Author(s): Diana Zalar, Paula DunđerSubject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature
Published by: Hrvatsko filološko društvo
Keywords: poetry for children; collection Što sve [All the Things]; expressiveness of verb usage;
Summary/Abstract: The paper analyzes the expressiveness of the use of verbs, playing with encyclopaedic entries, positioning of a particular part of speech into the focus of poetic and artistic thematization in the poetic language of the contemporary poet and painter Nikolina Manojlović Vračar, in particular in her collection Što sve, Ilustrirana enciklopedija glagola [All the Things, An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Verbs] (Mala zvona, Zagreb, 2018.). Through the method of analysis of the artistic text on its semantic (literal and figurative) level and of illustrations as an inseparable part of the language expression, we draw conclusions about the syntagmatic and visual role of the collection conception in directing the attention to the importance and wealth of verbs as a part of speech. The fact that this collection is primarily intended for children raises special attention because grammatical contents have been traditionally unpopular among the target population.
Journal: Jezik: časopis za kulturu hrvatskoga književnog jezika
- Issue Year: 67/2020
- Issue No: 2-3
- Page Range: 99-109
- Page Count: 11
- Language: Croatian