Symptoms of a Narrative ”Syndrome”: The Self Exploratory Turn of the Novel Cover Image
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Symptômes d’un « syndrome » narratif : la tournure exégétique du genre romanesque
Symptoms of a Narrative ”Syndrome”: The Self Exploratory Turn of the Novel

Author(s): Monica Spiridon
Subject(s): Literary Texts
Published by: Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai
Keywords: Narrative theories; Twentieth Century Novel; Parody; Self Reflexivity; Story and Discourse; Cultural Memory.

Summary/Abstract: One of the less debatable and almost universally accepted narrative distinctions is that between story (diegesis, histoire, fabula, das Erzahlte) and discourse (mythos, discours, and sujet, das Erzahlen). In one manner or another, literary genres had to pay a tribute of attention to the semiotic functioning of the narratives, in terms of the particular strategies of the endless clash between the two narrative poles. Along the path of literary history every novelistic recipe has assigned a particular dynamics, specific motivations and distinct functions to the balance between story and discourse. My paper maps out the outcomes of these processes pointing to a series of foremost European novels of the twentieth century.

  • Issue Year: 2009
  • Issue No: 16
  • Page Range: 186-193
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: French
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