“About the Richness of the Bulgarian Dialect Spoken in the Vilayets“ – the Contribution of the Exarchic Newspaper “Novini”/”Vesti” (1890–1912) to the Study of Bulgarian South-Western Dialects on the Threshold of the 19th and 20th Centuries Cover Image

„Едно богатство на българското наречие, говоримо във вилаетите“ – приносът на екзархийския вестник „Новини“/„Вести“ (1890–1912) за изследване на югозоападните български говори
“About the Richness of the Bulgarian Dialect Spoken in the Vilayets“ – the Contribution of the Exarchic Newspaper “Novini”/”Vesti” (1890–1912) to the Study of Bulgarian South-Western Dialects on the Threshold of the 19th and 20th Centuries

Author(s): Maria Mitskova
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Historical Linguistics, Philology
Published by: Софийски университет »Св. Климент Охридски«
Keywords: History of Bulgarian dialectology; Bulgarian dialects from the late 19th century; Bulgarian southwestern dialects; Bulgarian Exarchate; Exarchic newspaper

Summary/Abstract: The following paper focuses on the contribution of the Exarchic newspaper “Novini”/“Vesti” (1890–1912) to the studies of Bulgarian dialects on the threshold of the 19th and 20th centuries. It is a well-known fact that after the re-establishment of Bulgaria as a sovereign state (1878) the Bulgarian Exarchate became the spiritual institution to carry on the National revival language and educational policy. One of the major aims of the newspaper was to acquaint the Bulgarian public and academic community with the dialects from the remote Bulgarian areas still under Ottoman rule and to prove their affiliation with the Bulgarian linguistic territory, while outlining the linguistic and spiritual boundaries of the entire Bulgarian nation.

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