Preferred leadership style, leadership and entrepreneurial inclination among university students Cover Image

Preferált vezetési stílus, vezetői és vállalkozói hajlandóság az egyetemi hallgatók körében
Preferred leadership style, leadership and entrepreneurial inclination among university students

Author(s): Ágnes Gyõri, György Lengyel, Éva Perpék
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Debreceni Egyetem Politikatudományi és Szociológiai Intézet
Keywords: preferred leadership style; leadership aspirations; entrepreneurial inclination; university students

Summary/Abstract: Although many researches have been conducted on leadership styles and university students are participants in exploratory social science research quite frequently, fewer examples can be found on the application of the Full Range Leadership model among the youth. In this article, the authors examine preferred leadership styles among Hungarian students, and map their connections with managerial and entrepreneurial inclination. The online questionnaire used in the research was completed by university students studying economics, technology and social studies in the capital and beyond. The questionnaire was completed by 335 university students. The results are exploratory, and they seem to modify the existing typologies. Four distinct leadership styles could be observed within the target group, embodying the transformative, supportive, defensive, and laissez-faire leadership types. Based on multivariate analysis one may suppose that among students leadership willingness is positively connected to transformative leadership, while entrepreneurial inclination to the transformative and supportive styles.

  • Issue Year: 9/2020
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 3-26
  • Page Count: 24
  • Language: Hungarian
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