Podpůrná opatření uplatňovaná při vzdělávání žáků s odlišným kulturním prostředím a jinými životními podmínkami ve školách hlavního vzdělávacího proudu
Supportive measures applied in education of pupils with different cultural environment and other living conditions in mainstream schools
Author(s): Eva Dostalová, Jan ViktorinSubject(s): Social Sciences, Education, State/Government and Education, Inclusive Education / Inclusion
Published by: Vydavateľstvo Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove
Keywords: inclusive education; supportive measures; pupil with different cultural environment and other living conditions; counselling; primary school; family;
Summary/Abstract: Main objective of the research was to analyse supportive measures that are applied in mainstream schools during the education of pupils with different cultural environment and other living conditions. Based on the main objective, we set partial objectives, which were focused on determining the most recommended degree of supportive measures for pupils with different cultural and living conditions primarily, identifying the most frequently applied area of supportive measures ineducation of pupils with different cultural and living conditions and finding out the level of cooperation of teachers and counseling staff in the education of these pupils. Three hypotheses were set for these objectives, which were verified by the research. All hypotheses were confirmed after the evaluation of the results. The research objectives were achieved using a quantitative method with the technique of the questionnaire.
Journal: Štúdie zo špeciálnej pedagogiky
- Issue Year: 10/2021
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 77-99
- Page Count: 23
- Language: Czech