Lessons Learned by Organisations during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Lessons Learned by Organisations during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Author(s): André de Waal, Julie Linthorst, Caroline HetterschijtSubject(s): Business Economy / Management, Organizational Psychology, Management and complex organizations, Policy, planning, forecast and speculation, Human Resources in Economy, Globalization
Published by: New Millennium Discoveries Ltd
Keywords: COVID-19; Organizational Consequences; Organizational Actions; Lessons Learned; Impact on Business;
Summary/Abstract: The COVID-19 caught many organisations off guard. The same is true for the academic ‘future of work’ literature, which hardly pays any attention to a disruptor like a pandemic. In the past months a catching up in the academic and especially the professional literature regarding COVID-19 could be noticed. However, this literature does not describe the actual actions organisations take to deal with the implications of COVID-19. In this article, based on a literature review a classification scheme of possible actions is drafted. Subsequently, 19 European organisations were interviewed and the actions they are undertaking are put in this classification scheme. In addition, the positive outcomes of these actions are collected as are the lessons learned by the organisations in these past months. The research results help further academic research in mapping the implications of and actions to combat disruptors like pandemics. They also help organisations prepare themselves better for the inevitable next crisis.
Journal: International Journal of Management and Applied Research
- Issue Year: 8/2021
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 72-90
- Page Count: 19
- Language: English