The solution ordered by the prosecutor on the occasion of solving the criminal case resulting from the splitting ordered by the indictment drawn up by a prosecutor from a hierarchically superior prosecutor's office Cover Image

Soluția dispusă de procuror cu prilejul soluționării dosarului penal rezultat ca urmare a disjungerii dispuse prin rechizitoriul întocmit de un procuror din cadrul unui parchet ierarhic superior
The solution ordered by the prosecutor on the occasion of solving the criminal case resulting from the splitting ordered by the indictment drawn up by a prosecutor from a hierarchically superior prosecutor's office

Author(s): Marius Bogdan ionuţ Comşa, Florena-Esther Sterschi
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law
Published by: Universul Juridic
Keywords: splitting; declination; indictment; concurrent offense; interpretations of evidence; independence of the prosecutor; manner of resolving the case; review;

Summary/Abstract: The authors of the present study intend to carry out a complex and rigorous analysis of the legal provisions regarding the solutions ordered by the prosecutor on the occasion of the settlement by disjunction of a criminal file, ordered by indictment, in the case of a competing crime, related to the interpretations of the probator, subsequently, other than those initially retained by the referral document, in such a way the interpretations will influence the judicial investigation that resulted with the pronouncement of a final court decision.

  • Issue Year: 2020
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 123-138
  • Page Count: 16
  • Language: Romanian
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