Familia și valorile moral-religioase în postmodernitate
Family and moral-religious values in postmodernity
Author(s): Gavril TrifaSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
Published by: Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă Alba Iulia
Keywords: children; family;parents; role models; society;
Summary/Abstract: The family is the first social framework that every person uses in order to develop as a person. Its main purpose and function is to provide the multiplication, continuation and growth of humankind. The family is a keystone for the security and balance of social life, given that it naturally ensures birth, upbringing and training of society’s members. Through their children, spouses open more towards society in general, which they need in order to raise their children and to integrate them in society. The family promotes the cohesion of the religious community, not isolated or solitary individuals. In the 21st century, unexpectedly, the role of the family in society and education is changing more and more radically. Postmodernism leads the Enlightenment further. In fact, it makes it more current. Here's the big challenge for the family. This article addresses these issues.
Journal: Altarul Reîntregirii
- Issue Year: XXV/2020
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 85-96
- Page Count: 12
- Language: Romanian