Rada Stanu Królestwa Polskiego wobec niekonstytucyjności Organizacji Komisji Rządowej Wojny
Th e Council of State of the Kingdom of Poland against the unconstitutionality of the Organization of Government Commission of War
Author(s): Michał GałędekSubject(s): History, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Modern Age, Administrative Law
Published by: Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM Uniwersytetu Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego w Krakowie
Keywords: Government Commission of War; collegiality; Kingdom of Poland; Grand Duke Konstantin; Council of State
Summary/Abstract: The article is devoted to issues related to the project of the Organization of the Government Commission of War prepared at the beginning of 1816 and sanctioned by the Emperor aft er the alterations on October 17, 1816. It focuses on the reconstruction of the course of events related to this project prepared on the order of Grand Duke Konstantin and according to his vision of a ministerial organization contrary to the concept regulated in the constitution. Then it analyzes the content of the project and presents the attitude of members of the Council of State to it. The problem had both its political and constitutional dimension. It put the members of the Council in a difficult position because, on the one hand, it were inconsistent with the Constitutional Act, privileging the minister to an extent that undermined the principle of collegiality in government commissions guaranteed by its provisions. On the other hand, due to the uncompromising attitude of the Grand Duke Konstantin, it exposed the Polish government to a serious confl ict with the imperial brother.
Journal: Studia z Dziejów Państwa i Prawa
- Issue Year: XXIII/2020
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 267-292
- Page Count: 26
- Language: Polish