The Principle Of Non-Interference In The Internal Affairs Of States  Cover Image

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The Principle Of Non-Interference In The Internal Affairs Of States

Author(s): Momir Milojević
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Универзитет у Нишу
Keywords: fundamental rights and obligations of states; domestic competences of states; principle of non-interference; international organizations

Summary/Abstract: Centuries-old relations among states have been based upon their sovereignty out of which significant political and legal consequences resulted. The most important consequences are related to designating the sovereignty as independence and supreme power. Hence, there resulted a conclusion that states are free in exercising their power over their respective territories, which must have understood, on the one hand, existence of exclusive internal competence of states and, on the other hand, that other states must not interfere in that. Such understanding is widely accepted in the international customary law and was mostly advocated in the doctrine by the representatives of the natural law school. There were differences among them only in view of the extent of the non-interference principle. Some of them thought that absolutely every interference was forbbiden, while the others allowed certain exceptions, thus obliging those who justified all interventions as a form of use of force not forbbiden in those times in the international relations

  • Issue Year: 1/2000
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 427-447
  • Page Count: 21
  • Language: English
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