A Substantiation of the Historicity of Jesus in Antonio Socci’s Apology: A Presentation and Critique
A Substantiation of the Historicity of Jesus in Antonio Socci’s Apology: A Presentation and Critique
Author(s): Przemysław ArtemiukSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Keywords: Antonio Socci; historical Jesus; apology; sources; substantiation
Summary/Abstract: In this article, the author presents and critiques of Antonio Socci’s substantiations for the historicity of Jesus. This Italian apologist is a writer, journalist, and Catholic publicist is known for his controversial theses. By taking up a defense of Jesus, and thereby Christianity itself, Antonio Socci seeks first to unmask the lies that underpin the foundations of antichristian ideology and then demonstrate the credibility of the events described in the Gospel by referring to archeological and historical studies. As he himself admits, Socci’s publications are not the works of an expert, exegete, papyrologist, or historian, but rather the fruit of his journalistic investigations that takes the form of an apology. The author of this article reconstructs Socci’s defense of Jesus and then critiques his most controversial theories. He then proceeds to formulate conclusions based on this research.
Journal: Rocznik Teologii Katolickiej
- Issue Year: 19/2020
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 81-114
- Page Count: 34
- Language: English