Габровската държавна мъжка гимназия в периода 1879 – 1902 г. и нейните учители-художници, получили академично образование в Европа и Русия
The Gabrovo State men’s High School, in the Period of 1879–1902 and its Teachers-artists, who Have Received an Academic Education in Europe and Russia
Author(s): Nela NedevaSubject(s): Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Visual Arts
Published by: Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий”
Keywords: Gabrovo State Boys’ High School; academic education; teachers
Summary/Abstract: The present article showcases the research done by the author on the drawing teachers of the Gabrovo State Boys’ High School during the 19-th and 20-th century. The study focuses on the teachers who have received academic education in Russia and Western Europe. The point of the article is to show the high level of teaching and erudition of the pedagogical staff during the examined time period. As proof the author has indicated information about their students who have left permanent traces in the history of painting even outside the borders of their country.
Journal: Визуални изследвания
- Issue Year: 4/2020
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 295-303
- Page Count: 9
- Language: Bulgarian