COVID-19 и новата реалност в корпоративното управление
Covid-19 and the new corporate management reality
Author(s): Ekatherina TzvetanovaSubject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Education, Business Economy / Management, Higher Education , Financial Markets, Public Finances, Accounting - Business Administration, Human Resources in Economy, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Нов български университет
Keywords: COVID – 19; management; resilience
Summary/Abstract: The COVID-19 outbreak is an unprecedented situation in which people must take a lot of hard decisions shortly. This study has represented the characteristics that make a company more resilient and successful in times of turbulence. It is shown the pandemic effects on individual aspects of the world economy, focusing on primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors. Besides, it is discussed the CFO and customer short term expectations about corporate profits and consumption.
Journal: Годишник на департамент "Администрация и управление"
- Issue Year: 5/2020
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 86-101
- Page Count: 16
- Language: Bulgarian