Au croisement des cultures, des discours et des langues. Cent ans d’études romanes a l’Université de Varsovie (1919–2019). Tome I - Études littéraires
At the Crossroads of Cultures, Discourses and Languages. The 100th Anniversary of Romance Studies at the University of Warsaw (1919–2019). Volume One - Literary Studies
Contributor(s): Judyta Zbierska-Mościcka (Editor), Wiesław Kroker (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: French literature 17th-21st century; francophone literatures; post-colonial studies; identity; testimony; literary genre; ecocriticism; geocriticism; narratology; reportage; intermediality; history of Romance studies
Summary/Abstract: The book is part of celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the Institute of Romance Studies and its scientific and didactic activity in the field of French and Romance studies. The articles concern French literature, as well as the literature of Belgium, Switzerland and Quebec and cover the period from the 17th to the 21st century. The authors analyse major novels, short stories, essays, dramas as well as selected epistolography and reportage, they indicate the places where literature meets painting and photography meets cinema. The volume offers a wide selection of critical discourses such as: history, history of ideas, narratology, genology, intermediality, post-colonial studies, geocriticism, ecocriticism, which dominate francophone literary research.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-5270-3
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-5262-8
- Page Count: 311
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: French
Un arbre pour aimer, un arbre pour mourir
Un arbre pour aimer, un arbre pour mourir
(A tree to love, a tree to die)
- Author(s):Michel Delon
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:13-28
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:tree; oak; poplar; novel; landscape; Pantheon; tomb
- Summary/Abstract:For a long time, trees belonged to romantic decorations without being identified or characterized. Jean-Jacques Rousseau on the contrary names and describes precisely the trees that appear in "The New Heloise or in the Confessions". The treatises on landscapes differentiate the species according to the land and the place. In the novels, plants become characters and metaphors for humans. They seem to be in relation with the earth as well as with the sky and the infinite. They embody a memory and bear witness to those who are no more. A privileged relationship is established between the human being and the tree, based on identification and symbolization.
Lecture géopoétique de "La Quarantaine" de J.-M.G. Le Clézio
Lecture géopoétique de "La Quarantaine" de J.-M.G. Le Clézio
(Geopoetic reading of the novel entitled "La Quarantaine" by J.-M.G. Le Clézio)
- Author(s):Natalia Nielipowicz
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:29-37
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Le Clézio; La Quarantaine; Kenneth White; geopoetics; ecology; engaged literature
- Summary/Abstract:Various civilisations and cultures are a breeding ground in the search of a harmonious life in agreement with the natural world, which is a feature of the characters in J.-M.G. Le Clézio’s novels. This is the case with the narrators of La Quarantaine, which will be read here through the prism of the philosophy of Kenneth White, a theoretician of geopoetics. According to geopoetic ideas the return journey, presented in the novel’s central story, for the narrator, is a vivid and sensual experience of new places. However the opening of the surrounding space becomes possible not only thanks to this physical experience but also thanks to the knowledge, both scientific and mythological, which the narrator acquires about the «opening» place. The article is an attempt to answer the question whether this new presence in the world, described by Le Clézio, will allow La Quarantaine to be assigned to the trend of ecologically engaged literature.
Fictions françaises de l’anthropocène: Éric Chevillard, "Sans l’Orang-outan", Sophie Divry, "Trois Fois la fin du monde", Céline Minard, "Le Dernier Monde"
Fictions françaises de l’anthropocène: Éric Chevillard, "Sans l’Orang-outan", Sophie Divry, "Trois Fois la fin du monde", Céline Minard, "Le Dernier Monde"
(French Fiction of the Anthropocene: Éric Chevillard, "Sans l’Orang-outan", Sophie Divry, "Trois Fois la fin du monde", Céline Minard, "Le Dernier Monde")
- Author(s):Jean-Paul Engélibert
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:38-47
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:anthropocene; novel; Éric Chevillard; Sophie Divry; Céline Minard
- Summary/Abstract:In these three novels, the Anthropocene leads to the destruction of the world, after which the human survivors live among the ruins of our civilization, in a spectral world. These are the end times, when eschatology reveals itself. But in a postmodern culture without a god, the revelation of a superior meaning lies in the rediscovery of nature or in the disclosure of the erotic and poetic power of imagination.
De l’«ensauvagement» de la littérature québécoise
De l’«ensauvagement» de la littérature québécoise
(About the “ensauvagement” of Quebec literature)
- Author(s):Eva Voldřichová Beránková
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:48-53
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Quebec literature; “ensauvagement”; First Nations; identity; interculturalism; ecology
- Summary/Abstract:Among the emerging French-speaking literatures, the Indian and Inuit ones attract more and more attention of researchers, but also of contemporary writers. Indeed, the birth of literatures produced by the First Nations changes to a large extent the historical and literary contexts of Quebec. The article is devoted precisely to this re-reading of their own identity undertaken by Quebecers, fascinated and intrigued by the presence of an Other in both Canadian physical and literary space. The text first analyzes the paradoxical “concept of long duration” proposed by the Quebec historian Gérard Bouchard. Then it tries to outline the evolution of a more literary process called “ensauvagement of Quebec literature”, which consists of the current willingness to think America, nature, landscape, climate and interculturalism in a new way, enriched by the experience of Indigenous peoples.
«Ils sont des histoires». Renaissance de la littérature amérindienne du Québec
«Ils sont des histoires». Renaissance de la littérature amérindienne du Québec
(“They are stories/histories”. Renaissance of Native American Literature in Québec)
- Author(s):Peter Klaus
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:54-62
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:indigenous literature; Québec; new generation of authors
- Summary/Abstract:The starting point of our topic will be the collective work "Nous sommes des histoires. Réflexions sur la littérature autochtone" ["We are stories/histories. Reflections on indigenous literature"]. We will be questioning what exactly the authors of the Indigenous renaissance, especially the younger generation of authors are contributing and how we analyse their new self-assurance in this concert of indigenous voices. In regard to the great number of anglophone and francophone authors gathered in this book, we will limit ourselves to the analysis of some indigenous authors of Québec without ignoring the impact of important authors like Thomas King or Drew Hayden Taylor in order to discuss works of Virginia Pésémapéo Bordeleau and the new rising star of indigenous literature in Québec: Naomi Fontaine.
Les Amérindiens de Jacques Ferron et la mythopoïésis identitaire
Les Amérindiens de Jacques Ferron et la mythopoïésis identitaire
(The Amerindians of Jacques Ferron and identity mythopoiesis)
- Author(s):Petr Kyloušek
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:63-70
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Quebec novel; Jacques Ferron; mythopoietic hybridity; myth of Orpheus; Native American Orpheus
- Summary/Abstract:Jacques Ferron is the author of an «interdiscursive» work that takes advantage of the inclusive capacity of the aesthetic function to involve in his texts a program corresponding to the integrative phase of identity modeling (according to Bouchard). It is in this context that we should consider the mythopoietic attempt to realize a cultural mixing presented not only as a synthesis of French Canadianity with different aspects of Anglophone Americanity, but also as an integration of the Amerindian and Métis heritage in different works. The novel Le Ciel de Québec (1969) may be interpreted as a mythopoietic construction integrating Ancient Greek, Christian and Native American elements. The major example is the myth of Orpheus and the analogous Wendat myth recorded by Jesuit missionaries in their Relations, both associated with the Christian imaginary of the Resurrection.
Découvrir son propre soi entre l’Occident et l’Orient – "Au temps du fleuve Amour" d’Andreï Makine en tant que roman d’apprentissage
Découvrir son propre soi entre l’Occident et l’Orient – "Au temps du fleuve Amour" d’Andreï Makine en tant que roman d’apprentissage
(Discover the Self between the Occident and the Orient – "Once Upon the River Love" by Andreï Makine as a coming-of-age novel)
- Author(s):Aleksandra Komandera
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:71-78
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Occident; Orient; Self-Construction; Makine; French literature
- Summary/Abstract:The article examines the role of the Orient and the Occident, especially their crossing, in the construction of the self in Once Upon the River Love by Andreï Makine. Both types of the place, with their living conditions, customs, social relations, political discourses, or sceneries, have a great impact on young adolescents who try to define their selves, on the threshold of their adulthood, as it is common in coming-of-age novels. Assisted by educators and initiators, such as a prostitute, a film character, and an admirer of French literature, the young protagonists complete their formation, by discovering the selves of lover, warrior, and poet. However, the finding of the self, realised when the Orient meets the Occident, carries the risk of becoming “a pendulum”.
«Dans ma bouche, les langues s’entrechoquent». Formes et fonctions littéraires du croisement interlinguistique dans la prose postmigratoire en Belgique francophone
«Dans ma bouche, les langues s’entrechoquent». Formes et fonctions littéraires du croisement interlinguistique dans la prose postmigratoire en Belgique
(“Dans ma bouche, les langues s’entrechoquent”. Literary forms and functions of interlinguistic crossover in postmigratory prose in French-speaking Belgium)
- Author(s):Przemysław Szczur
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:79-86
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Belgian literature in French; migration; code-mixing; interlanguage
- Summary/Abstract:The paper discusses the forms that interlinguistic crossover or code-mixing takes in postmigratory Belgian prose in French. This code-mixing can be lexical, phraseological, phonetic or grammatical. In the analyzed texts, it fulfils the following functions: characterizing, distancing, diegetic, referential, ideological, ludic and critical.
Les réécritures de la figure de Moïse dès le XIXe siècle jusqu’à l’âge post-séculier
Les réécritures de la figure de Moïse dès le XIXe siècle jusqu’à l’âge post-séculier
(Rewritings of the Figure of Moses: From the 19th Century to the Post-Secular Age)
- Author(s):Piotr Sadkowski
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:89-102
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Moses; rewriting; post-secularity; openness; finitude; humanism
- Summary/Abstract:The article offers an overview of approaches to the reinterpretations of the figure of Moses in French Francophone literature from the 19th century to the present. It explores the practices of rewriting the Bible, which serve to transgress the fundamentals of the monotheistic tradition, but at the same time to seek for alternative forms of spirituality characteristic of the “post-secular age” (Habermas). The concept of “post-secular literature” has been inspired by John McClure’s concept of “post-secular” fiction. The article throws into relief the aspects which transform the figure of Moses into a symbol of man’s condition in the post-secular era, i.e. the fracture of the self between immanence and transcendence, the struggle with the absurd of human finitude, and the uncertainty of identity exposed to migrations between cultures, religions, and languages.
Pour le bien-être du numéro matricule: la vision de l’avenir chez Albert Robida et Rachilde
Pour le bien-être du numéro matricule: la vision de l’avenir chez Albert Robida et Rachilde
(For the well-being of the administrative number: the vision of the future in Albert Robida and Rachilde’s work)
- Author(s):Anita Staroń
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:103-110
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Robida; Rachilde; speculative fiction; progress; dehumanisation
- Summary/Abstract:Albert Robida and Rachilde, while representing different aesthetics and philosophies, meet in a very pessimistic vision of future society, based on their observation of contemporary life. They denounce the dangers of progress which results in society’s leveling and technological development, leading to the detriment of humanist ideas. Nature disappears from this futuristic universe and the individual becomes a cog in the machine of science and technology, closely controlled by the state. Under the pretext of common happiness, individual freedoms disappear. In the name of security, everyone is forced to follow the same lifestyle. Writers at the end of the 19th century thus arrive at findings surprisingly close to the analyses of disciplinary society and «the gardening state», conducted respectively by Michel Foucault and by Zygmunt Bauman.
Penser la société d’aujourd’hui: le roman policier de Suisse romande
Penser la société d’aujourd’hui: le roman policier de Suisse romande
(To think about the today’s world: contemporary crime fictions of French-speaking parts of Switzerland)
- Author(s):Sylvie Jeanneret
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:111-122
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:crime fictions; contemporary; French-speaking parts of Switzerland; social critique; reflection about the justice
- Summary/Abstract:Contemporary crime fictions (in French: “romans policiers” or, short, “polars”) have proven to be a particularly effective framework for experimenting with the reader’s involvement in literary writings critical of their times. The “polar” makes us think about the injustices of today’s world, its violence and the new forms of human relationships they produce. My argument is based on the work of two Swiss francophone writers – Nicolas Verdan (1971-) and Sébastien Meier (1988-) – with a particular focus on their use of the figure of the anti-hero, their interest in regional specificities of the French-speaking parts of Switzerland and their critical stance on contemporary society. If the close attention the writers pay to mechanisms of social and economic domination is historically a leitmotiv of the genre, the “polar” we are interested in testifies to an almost obsessive desire for justice which takes the form of an ethical posture calling on us to engage with the troubling universe its fictions recreate.
La «religion universelle» au XIXe siècle et aujourd’hui: au croisement des cultures et des traditions
La «religion universelle» au XIXe siècle et aujourd’hui: au croisement des cultures et des traditions
(“Universal religion” in the 19th century and today: at the crossroads of cultures and traditions)
- Author(s):Tomasz Szymański
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:123-130
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:universal religion; hermeneutics; religious and cultural pluralism; Pierre Leroux; Edgar Quinet; Gianni Vattimo
- Summary/Abstract:Any variant of the idea of universal religion, conceived as a metareligion transcending historical religions and reinterpreting the religious heritage of humanity, presupposes the choice of certain criteria of interpretation and a relation to the plurality of traditions and cultures. The present study focuses on conceptions of universal religion developed in the 19th century France within the liberal, lay and republican current, mainly those of Pierre Leroux and Edgar Quinet. Their belonging to the “spiritual posterity of Joachim of Fiore” makes it possible to build a bridge between them and the work of the contemporary philosopher Gianni Vattimo. His post-secular approach invites us to rethink the religious heritage of the West in the light of modern and postmodern religious and cultural pluralism, which should not be synonymous with boundless relativism.
Émile Verhaeren et André Gide, les mondes des écrits de Maria Van Rysselberghe
Émile Verhaeren et André Gide, les mondes des écrits de Maria Van Rysselberghe
(Émile Verhaeren et André Gide, the worlds of the Maria Van Rysselberghe's writings)
- Author(s):Marc Quaghebeur
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:133-147
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:women’s literature in Belgium; inter-war French literature; Verhaeren; Gide; Malraux
- Summary/Abstract:Maria Van Rysselberghe found herself at the heart of literary and artistic circles in the end of the century Belgium, one of the hinges of European modernism, but also of the “Nouvelle Revue Française” circle of the inter-war period. Of these experiences, the one of the first Belgian French-speaking women writers drew several books which are much more than testimonies. "Il y a quarante ans" [Forty years ago], as well as "Strophes pour un rossignol" [Stanzas for a nightingale], recount, in form of a story and then a poem, her passion for Emile Verhaeren. As for "Galerie privée" [Private gallery], it draws up, with an acuity worthy of the Grand Siècle, portraits of writers and major artists of her time. The four posthumous volumes of "Cahiers de la Petite Dame" [Notebooks of the Little Lady] focus on André Gide’s everyday life as much as on the way of living, thinking and writing of the gidian circle.
L’enfant orphelin à la recherche de l’identité (Romain Gary, Jean-Paul Sartre)
L’enfant orphelin à la recherche de l’identité (Romain Gary, Jean-Paul Sartre)
(Orphaned child in search of identity (R. Gary, J.-P. Sartre))
- Author(s):Krystyna Modrzejewska
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:148-156
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Gary; Sartre; orphaned child; identity; memories
- Summary/Abstract:Childhood memories of R. Gary (Promise of the Morning) and J.-P. Sartre (Words) reflect a traumatic search for the identity of orphan boys. The modest image of the father contrasts in them with the mother’s vision of their future, containing everything that was missing in the lives of mothers. Writing as modus vivendi turned out to be an escape into the world of imagination, which, by protecting them from the real world, allowed them to understand this world.
Les «paroles suffoquées». L’esthétique de l’indicible et de la réticence dans les récits testimoniaux de l’après-guerre européen
Les «paroles suffoquées». L’esthétique de l’indicible et de la réticence dans les récits testimoniaux de l’après-guerre européen
(Smothered Words. The Aesthetics of unspeakable and of reluctance in testimonial accounts of the European post-war period)
- Author(s):Joanna Teklik
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:157-166
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:World War II; Holocaust Literature; testimony; concentration camp; reticence
- Summary/Abstract:The survivors of the concentration camps are often heavily working on their words to transcribe the trauma they have lived. As a matter of fact, the complete reconstruction of the events and dramas appears to be impossible; it is a reason why the texts are full of digressions, breakings, a lot of disruptions revealing in background the truth upon the human nature. Taking up again their own experience, witnesses such as Robert Antelme, Jean Cayrol, Charlotte Delbo, Imre Kertész, Primo Levi, Jorge Semprun or Elie Wiesel give a new interpretation of it and split it up. In the same time, they are twice affected by this breaking, through the testimony of their text. The short and scattered form, disrupted in its expression is destined for expressing the quest of the sense appearing in Europe at the end of the Second World War, in a time, as never before, where the human being is in search of strong moral references. The rhetorical ‘reticence’ is a manner to reflect the present world as it appears : split up, wounded in the inner deepness of itself.
Le langage – patrie immatérielle de Jorge Semprún et reflet d’une identité changeante
Le langage – patrie immatérielle de Jorge Semprún et reflet d’une identité changeante
(The Language: Jorge Semprún’s immaterial homeland and reflection of a changing identity)
- Author(s):Beatriz Coca Méndez
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:167-176
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:bilingualism; multilingualism; memoir; self-expression; Jorge Semprún
- Summary/Abstract:In Jorge Semprún’s work, the experience of what he has lived through comes from both a personal choice and the vicissitudes of the 20th century history: exile, resistance and deportation. These enforced events have shaped Semprún’s portrait: exile in 1936, deportation to Buchenwald in 1943, secrecy in Spain from 1950 onwards, and the birth for writing in 1964. This journey is indebted to his identity roots: a double French-Spanish cultural affiliation and, especially, his condition as a Holocaust survivor. This characterizes and determines the Semprunian discourse and poetics, since the themes that appear in his narrative are characterized by the setting up of new spaces and, therefore, of new roots that shape the personal mythology of the writer’s memory through linguistic, even multilingual, appropriation.
Proust invisible? Quelques remarques autour de "Proust, Prix Goncourt. Une émeute littéraire" de Thierry Laget
Proust invisible? Quelques remarques autour de "Proust, Prix Goncourt. Une émeute littéraire" de Thierry Laget
("Proust invisible? Some remarks on Thierry Laget’s" Proust, Prix Goncourt. Une émeute littéraire)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Thiel-Jańczuk
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:177-184
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Proust; visibility; effect of presence; media; biography; autofiction
- Summary/Abstract:The paper discusses the question of the mediatic visibility of Marcel Proust, which is inspired by the Thierry Laget’s biographical essay devoted to controversies around The Prix Goncourt for "In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower" in December 1919. In opposition to the myth of Proust’s mediatic invisibility, created by the French Nouvelle Critique and its interpretation of Proust’s Contre Sainte-Beuve, the author shows the nature and importance of the mediatic image of this writer for his understanding of the autofictional narrative and the biographical discourse concerning Proust.
De la "Comparaison d’Homère et de Virgile aux Réflexions sur la poétique" de René Rapin: quelle place attribuer à Homère?
De la "Comparaison d’Homère et de Virgile aux Réflexions sur la poétique" de René Rapin: quelle place attribuer à Homère?
(From René Rapin’s "Comparaison d’Homère et de Virgile to his Réflexions sur la poétique…": what place assign to Homer?)
- Author(s):Maja Pawłowska
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:187-195
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Seventeenth-century French literature; René Rapin; Comparaison d’Homère et de Virgile; Réflexions sur la poétique et sur les poètes anciens et modernes; Homer; Virgil; Imitation of the Ancients
- Summary/Abstract:In his treaties, "Comparaison d’Homère et de Virgile" (1668), and "Réflexions sur la poétique et surles poètes anciens et modernes" (1684), René Rapin invites French writers to imitate the greatness of Latin and Greek literature and, specifically, the art of Homer and Virgil. In "Comparaison", a work written on demand and his first critical essay, Rapin shows the superiority of Virgil, favouring his regularity. But in Réflexions, an independent work of intellectual mature reflexion, Rapin prefers Homer and his irregular but sublime and charming art of writing.
"Le Château noir, ou les Souffrances de la jeune Ophelle": entre Madame de Genlis et Mrs Radcliffe
"Le Château noir, ou les Souffrances de la jeune Ophelle": entre Madame de Genlis et Mrs Radcliffe
("Le Château noir, ou les Souffrances de la jeune Ophelle": between Madame de Genlis and Mrs Radcliffe)
- Author(s):Łukasz Szkopiński
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:196-203
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:French literature; novel; Anne-Jeanne-Félicité Mérard de Saint-Just; Stéphanie- Félicité de Genlis; Gothic novel; “folle d’amour”
- Summary/Abstract:The first part of the paper will focus on Anne-Jeanne-Félicité Mérard de Saint-Just’s two novels, "Mon journal d’un an, ou Mémoires de Mademoiselle de Rozadelle-Saint-Ophelle" (c. 1788) and "Démence de Madame de Panor, en son nom Rozadelle Saint-Ophèle" (1796). A special emphasis will be put on the possible literary influence of Madame de Genlis and her "Histoire de la duchesse de C***", particularly on the first of the two books. The motive of “folle d’amour”, clearly present in the second novel, will also be explored. Finally, the manner in which Mérard de Saint-Just, undoubtedly inspired by the popularity of the English Gothic fiction, reused these two texts while publishing her next novel, "Le Château noir, ou Les souffrances de la jeune Ophelle" (1798/1799), will be analyzed.
La tétralogie de Durtal: les objectifs de la déconstruction huysmansienne de la formule romanesque traditionnelle
La tétralogie de Durtal: les objectifs de la déconstruction huysmansienne de la formule romanesque traditionnelle
(Durtal’s tetralogy: objectives of Huysmans’ deconstruction of the traditional formula of novel)
- Author(s):Agata Sadkowska-Fidala
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:204-211
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:novel; naturalism; document; mysticism; protagonist; modification
- Summary/Abstract:From "À rebours", the Huysmansian novel, faithful to the naturalistic aesthetic and to the traditional formula, sets off in a direction which is immediately identified by Zola as a blow to naturalism, and which also constitutes a blow brought to the novel as a genre. In the catholic trilogy, the plot deteriorates from novel to novel, the document takes over, the protagonist’s monologue invades the story. The author explains it by a desire to renew the novel formula, which arrived at an impasse; the pedagogical design of the cycle contributes to the need to seek a new form. But that’s not all. The changes introduced reflect the wishes and needs of the protagonist, who seeks to huddle in a safe place and dreams of finding a haven of peace in the spiritual realm.
L’enfant et les vieillards. Une mesure du temps dans les récits d’enfance (Chateaubriand, Gide)
L’enfant et les vieillards. Une mesure du temps dans les récits d’enfance (Chateaubriand, Gide)
(Children and old people. A Measure of Time in Childhood Stories (Chateaubriand, Gide))
- Author(s):Damien Zanone
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:212-215
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:autobiography; childhood stor; old age; Chateaubriand; Gide
- Summary/Abstract:Among the frequent scenes in autobiographical childhood stories are those that show the child of old times surrounded by old people (grandparents in particular), whom the author recalls as he himself grows old or even reaches old age. Through these scenes, the story of childhood always rewrites a fable of children and old people whose stakes are multiple: taking the measure of time, thinking about the ages of life, meditating on filiation, taming death. The article looks at two examples: Chateaubriand’s "Mémoires d’outre-tombe" [Memoirs from Beyond the Grave] and Gide’s "Si le grain de meurt" [If I Die. An Autobiography].
L’usage de l’épigraphe et de la dédicace chez les fantastiqueurs belges
L’usage de l’épigraphe et de la dédicace chez les fantastiqueurs belges
(The use of the epigraph and the dedication in Belgian French-speaking fantastique)
- Author(s):Renata Bizek-Tatara
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:216-223
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Belgian literature; fantastique epigraph; dedication; paratext; Belgian school of the bizarre
- Summary/Abstract:This article deals with the use of the epigraph and the dedication in Belgian French-speaking fantastique. The analysis of these paratext in the work of Jean Ray, Michel de Ghelderode, Jean Muno, Jean-Baptiste Baronian or Bernard Quiriny reveals that they make systematic and strategic use of them in order to seduce the reader with the promise of a strange adventure. They also seek to valorise their scriptural production and to make it a speciality of Belgian literature, namely a school of the bizarre.
Narration intertextuelle dans "L’OEuvre posthume de Thomas Pilaster" d’Éric Chevillard
Narration intertextuelle dans "L’OEuvre posthume de Thomas Pilaster" d’Éric Chevillard
(Intertextual Narration in "L’OEuvre posthume de Thomas Pilaster" by Éric Chevillard)
- Author(s):Anna Maziarczyk
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:224-232
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Éric Chevillard; intertextuality; narration; narrative; editor’s fiction
- Summary/Abstract:One of the major representatives of Minuit literature, strongly intertextual in its narrative modes, Éric Chevillard exploits this literary phenomenon in an unusual way, which is not surprising in the case of the writer known for his peculiar novels. Instead of referring to other texts to form a network of literary influences and affiliations, he endeavours to create a romantic plot around them. This article analyzes L’OEuvre posthume de Thomas Pilaster to show how Chevillard turns intertextuality into an original narrative device to replace the conventional form of storytelling.
L’Inconnue d’Arras d’Armand Salacrou: du «drame-dans-la-vie» au «drame-de-la-vie»
L’Inconnue d’Arras d’Armand Salacrou: du «drame-dans-la-vie» au «drame-de-la-vie»
("The Unknown Woman from Arras" by Armand Salacrou: from «drama-in-life» to «drama-of-life»)
- Author(s):Tomasz Kaczmarek
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:233-240
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Armand Salacrou; August Strindberg; drama crisis; expressionism; stage character
- Summary/Abstract:The author of the article studies Salacrou’s play in the context of August Strindberg’s pre-expressionist aesthetic. In fact, this play, somewhat forgotten today, has a number of features which, like the works of the Swede, announce the crisis of traditional drama. Salacrou destroys the canonical form of «drama-in-life», which is based on a dramatic progression of the action and on the character as an active agent ensuring this same progression, by proposing a new paradigm of «drama-of-life» which moves away from classic prerogatives to focus on the inner life of the protagonist. Instead of focusing on episodes that inevitably lead to disaster, the French writer attempts to embrace «a lifetime» of the character who killed himself. This is how he passes from «agonistic drama» to «ontological drama».
«Ceci n’est pas un livre» – "Les Immémoriaux" de Victor Segalen aux confins des genres
«Ceci n’est pas un livre» – "Les Immémoriaux" de Victor Segalen aux confins des genres
(«This is not a book» – "A Lapse of Memory" ["Les Immémoriaux"] of Victor Segalen at the edge of genres)
- Author(s):Agnieszka Kukuryk
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:241-251
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:A Lapse of Memory; Victor Segalen; exoticism; Maori culture;Other (the Excluded);
- Summary/Abstract:The first novel by Breton writer Victor Segalen, published in 1907, "Les Immémoriaux" (translated into English as "A Lapse of Memory") is a political, philosophical, ethnographic and poetic text. To the denunciation of the misdeeds of colonization is added a reflection on the Other and our way of looking at it, exposed in an unfinished essay entitled "Notes on the exotic", of which "Les Immémoriaux" appears to be the perfect counterpart to the ethnographic novel. Inspired by the pictorial and literary work of Paul Gauguin, Segalen envisages the possibility of describing foreign cultures «from inside to outside», that is to say in their radical difference, through what he called an «aesthetic of the diverse». Thanks to this, more than a book, the author creates a portrait of the Maori people by addressing the question of «otherness» which has become crucial for the philosophy, anthropology and social sciences of the 20th century.
Dispositif photo-littéraire et parcours mémoriel dans "Bruges-la-Morte" de Georges Rodenbach (1892), "Nadja" d’André Breton (1928 et 1963) et "Dora Bruder" de Patrick Modiano (1997)
Dispositif photo-littéraire et parcours mémoriel dans "Bruges-la-Morte" de Georges Rodenbach (1892), "Nadja" d’André Breton (1928 et 1963) et "Dora Bruder" de Patrick Modiano (1997)
(Photo-literary system and memory journey in Georges Rodenbach’s "Bruges-la-Morte" (1892), André Breton’s "Nadja" (1928 and 1963) and Patrick Modiano’s "Dora Bruder" (1997))
- Author(s):Agathe Salha
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:252-272
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Photo-literary system; image; memory; urban setting; passer-by
- Summary/Abstract:This article examines the association of text and photographic image in three stories celebrating the encounter and disappearance of a woman crossed in an urban setting. All based on the same literary source, Baudelaire’s poem «À une passante», they illustrate the multiple links between image and memory.
Au croisement de l’écriture (autobiographique) et du cinéma chez Marguerite Duras
Au croisement de l’écriture (autobiographique) et du cinéma chez Marguerite Duras
(At the Intersection of (Autobiographical) Writing and Cinematography in the Works by Marguerite Duras)
- Author(s):Anna Ledwina
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:273-280
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Duras; writing; cinema; autobiography; intertextuality; family
- Summary/Abstract:In the work of Duras, a significant role is played by the image. It penetrates and stimulates her writing, refers to the author’s biography. Together with the publication of "Un barrage contre le Pacifique", she begins to write the history of her childhood, which overlaps with the beginnings of cinematography. In turn, "L’Éden cinéma, L’Amant and L’Amant de la Chine du Nord" enable readers to discover the unusually suggestive world of childhood presented through the sequences of the most important events from Duras’s young years. In this way, readers have the opportunity to understand the complexity and multidimensionality of the author’s rich oeuvre, using various means of expression, constantly recalling childhood memories that shaped Duras. The interpenetration of two elements − autobiography and cinematography − reveals the subtleties of the Duras’s writing technique. Therefore, the tenth muse makes it possible to read the work of Duras metaphorically, allowing its intertextual reading.
Les Français écrivent-ils des reportages?
Les Français écrivent-ils des reportages?
(Do the French write reportages?)
- Author(s):Anna Saignes
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:281-292
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:reportage; literary reportage; literary journalism; Polish literature 20th-21st; French literature 20th-21st
- Summary/Abstract:How to translate into French the Polish term «reportaż», which is indispensable when talking about contemporary Polish literature? If the meaning of this word is obvious in Poland, it is not the same in the French-speaking European area. The strong presence, throughout the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st, in the Polish literary landscape of a writing practice called «reportaż» does not at first glance have an equivalent in the French-speaking European area where “reportage” is more clearly linked to the field of the press and not literature. This article explores three hypotheses that may shed light on these contrasting situations. According to the first, literary reportage has not been written in France since 1939. According to the second, French literary reportage was made invisible throughout the second half of the 20th century. The third invites us to reflect on how literary history is written today.
La Romanistique – genèse, évolution et nouvelles perspectives d’une discipline singulière
La Romanistique – genèse, évolution et nouvelles perspectives d’une discipline singulière
(Romance Studies – genesis, evolution, and new perspectives of a singular discipline)
- Author(s):Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:295-302
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Romance philology; linguistics; literary studies; cultural studies; comparatism; professional challenges
- Summary/Abstract:This contribution treats the history and the evolution of the discipline of ‘Romanistik’ (Romance philology) which is born in Germany in the beginning of the 19th century, in a twofold perspective: on the one hand, it points out its very particular conception, placed on an international level, embracing the study of different romance languages, literatures and cultures; and, on the other hand, it shows the evolution of the discipline during these last decades, where it has been partially put into question, being confronted to specific challenges on the methodological, theoretical, organizational and also professional level.
Quelques pages de l’histoire des études romanes et italiennes à Varsovie. La correspondance de Mieczysław Brahmer et de Giovanni Maver (1927–1939)
Quelques pages de l’histoire des études romanes et italiennes à Varsovie. La correspondance de Mieczysław Brahmer et de Giovanni Maver (1927–1939)
(Several Pages from the History of the Faculties of Romance and Italian Studies in Warsaw. The Correspondence between Mieczysław Brahmer and Giovanni Maver)
- Author(s):Teresa Jaroszewska
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, French Literature, Philology
- Page Range:303-311
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Mieczysław Brahmer; Giovanni Maver; history of Polish Romance studies; history of Polish Italian studies; history of Italian Polish studies; University of Warsaw (1933–1939)
- Summary/Abstract:M. Brahmer, one of the greatest figures of Romance studies in the 20th century Poland, in 1937 moved from Cracow to Warsaw to assume the post of the head of the Seminar of Italian literature and after the war for over 20 years he ran Warsaw’s faculty of Romance studies. He conducted an important correspondence with G. Maver, a pioneer of the Italian Slavic Studies and the director of the first Chair of Polish Studies in the West at the La Sapienza University in Rome where Brahmer was lecturing in Polish language and literature for six years. Their letters provide a valuable source material on the history of Polish Romance and Italian studies and the conditions in which this generation of scholars had to work, as well as give a testimony of their friendship. The article discusses Brahmer’s pre-war letters, describing i. a. the circumstances surrounding the establishment of the faculty of Italian studies in Warsaw.