Sarmackie theatrum. T. 5: Między księgami
Sarmackie theatrum. T. 5: Między księgami
Contributor(s): Maria Barłowska (Editor), Marzena Walińska (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-564-3
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-2073-1
- Page Count: 248
- Publication Year: 2012
- Language: Polish
Indeks osobowy
Indeks osobowy
- Author(s):Marzena Walińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts
- Page Range:235-246
- No. of Pages:12
O bibliotekach i o książkach w zbiorze inskrypcji Nathana Chytraeusa
O bibliotekach i o książkach w zbiorze inskrypcji Nathana Chytraeusa
(On libraries and books in the inscription volume by Nathan Chytraeus)
- Author(s):Jerzy Starnawski, Robert K. Zawadzki
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:17-25
- No. of Pages:9
- Summary/Abstract:Nathan Chytraeus (actually Kochhafen, 1543—1598), a German Latin-speaking poet is an authorof an inscription Variorum in Europa itinerum deliciae seu […] inscriptionum […] monumenta(1594). Inscriptions were written down in different places and public buildings all over Europe, suchas temples, schools, castles, palaces, and tombs. The article presents selected inscriptions concerninglibraries and books, deriving from among others the Vatican Library (an inscription handmadeby Henry VIII, inscriptions on the formation and history of the library), Medyceus Libraries (onlibrary founders), Prince Urbino Libraries (an inscription informing on the magnificence of theedifice and value of volumes). Inscription on Henryk Rantzau, retained in his property, presentshim as a great book lover. Also, his decree concerning the future of the collections belonging to thefamily of Rantzau is shown.The article is source in nature and gives texts of the transcriptions in question in an originaland Polish version.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Dialog” autorów, impresorów i czytelników w drukach 1 poł. XVI wieku ze zbiorów Biblioteki. Fundacji Wiktora hr. Baworowskiego we Lwowie
„Dialog” autorów, impresorów i czytelników w drukach 1 poł. XVI wieku ze zbiorów Biblioteki. Fundacji Wiktora hr. Baworowskiego we Lwowie
(A „dialogue” of authors, printers and readers in prints of the first half of the 16th century from the collections of The Count Wiktor Baworowski Library in Lviv)
- Author(s):Jolanta Gwioździk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:26-44
- No. of Pages:19
- Summary/Abstract:The programme of publishing classic and humanistic works at the turn of the 15th and 16th centu-ries, as well as in the first half of the 16th century required the acceptance of new editorial practices,with regard to both writing and the book format; the style of its composition and decoration. Theunity of the publication content, the publishing address and the typographic shape of prints derivedfrom entering into a „dialogue” with a reader. The new reading practices were influenced by theelements of the literary-publishing frame, their choice and location in the book. The article analysestheir development on the basis of the example of prints from The CountWiktor Baworowski Libraryin Lviv. The attention was paid to communication, mutual influences of the authors, editors, transla-tors, printers, as well as engravers and readers on the example of the edition of the first Polish herbal.The authors’, printers’ and readers’ reports were presented in the context of the humanistic changesand the development of the book typography and art.
- Price: 4.50 €
Uwagi o pierwodruku Kupca Mikołaja Reja i problem odbiorcy dzieła
Uwagi o pierwodruku Kupca Mikołaja Reja i problem odbiorcy dzieła
(Remarks on the first edition of Kupiec by Mikołaj Rej and problems of its reception)
- Author(s):Anna Kochan
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:45-60
- No. of Pages:16
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses the issues connected with the first edition of Kupiec by Mikołaj Rej andexplains the reasons of various transcription solutions in older editions: they resulted from the lackof knowledge of the print possibilities.Further on, the work is devoted to the print format introducing an extratextual order and issuesconnected with work reception. The appearance of principles known from the middle-aged writingsconcerns narratively important places in Kupiec, and despite a far-reaching reconstruction of anoriginal form of Mercator by Naogeorgus, the places highlighted in the publication refer to the ori-ginal beginning of acts and scenes. The structures similar to mnemonic ones, as well as numerousreferences to listening and looking are the evidence of the conventionalization of particular literarymeans. The stageability of Kupiec was not solved, but it was pointed out that the text is addressed toboth a reader, and listener to whom the text will be read aloud.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wokół zagadki autorstwa Muz y gór wielickich (Kraków 1608)
Wokół zagadki autorstwa Muz y gór wielickich (Kraków 1608)
(Around a mystery of the authorship of Muza gór wielickich (Cracow 1608))
- Author(s):Agnieszka Borysowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:61-74
- No. of Pages:14
- Summary/Abstract:The author of the article raises the problem of attribution of Muza gór wielickich, an epic poemdescribing salines and salt miners’ job published in Cracow in 1608. Andrzej Loeaechius, a Polish-Latin poet of a Scottish origin used to be considered the author of the work. Nowadays, the work isascribed to I.N., whose initials were placed in Muza…, a poem dedicated to Eustachy Wołłowicz.The author of the article formulates a hypothesis that Jakub Najmanowicz, a professor and censorfrom the Cracow Academy hides under the label of I.N. and contradicts the authorship of the previousone. At the same time, she presents various evidence confirming the legitimacy of ascribing theauthorship of the very work to Andrzej Loeaechius.
- Price: 4.50 €
Translacja — kontaminacja — interpretacja. Przekłady Piotra Kochanowskiego w świetle współczesnych mu wydań Orlanda Szalonego i Jerozolimy wyzwolonej
Translacja — kontaminacja — interpretacja. Przekłady Piotra Kochanowskiego w świetle współczesnych mu wydań Orlanda Szalonego i Jerozolimy wyzwolonej
(Translation — contamination — interpretation. Piotr Kochanowski’s translations in the light of modern editions of Orlando Furioso and Jerusalem Delivered)
- Author(s):Joanna Pietrzak-Thébault
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:75-89
- No. of Pages:15
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the translations of two 16th century Italian epic poems, that is LodovicAriost’s Orlando Furioso and Torquat Tass’ Jerusalem Delivered by Piotr Kochanowski in the lightof modern editions of both works. According to a contemporary editing practice, the texts wereaccompanied by numerous paratexts: various types of comments, as well as rhymed “allegories” introducinga reader to the content of each song and constituting its interpretation. A Polish translatormade an interesting choice of an “allegory” to Ariost’s epic poem, that is the one by Lodovic Dolce.In the case of Tass’ work, however, he made use of the allegory editions by Orazio Ariost, LodovicAriost’s nephew.These rhymed texts translated by Kochanowski and published by Polish publishers as integralparts of both epic poems have been retained until recently.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wojsko serdecznych afektów Hieronima Falęckiego — z problematyki edycji, poetyki i recepcji
Wojsko serdecznych afektów Hieronima Falęckiego — z problematyki edycji, poetyki i recepcji
(Wojsko serdecznych afektów by Hieronim Falęcki — on edition, poetics and reception)
- Author(s):Iwona Słomak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:90-104
- No. of Pages:15
- Summary/Abstract:The article orders and completes the state of research concerning the edition and reception ofWojsko serdecznych afektów by Hieronim Falęcki. His work, hardly known and worked on nowadays,reflects worldview and aesthetic tendencies typical of the very epoch in which it was created.One of the distinctive features is among others respecting the principles worked out in oratory.The author, paying attention to the circumstances of the edition of Wojsko…, selected areas of itsstylistics and graphic layout, as well as citing the so-far unknown evidence of text reading by thecontemporaries, confirms a previous hypothesis by Andrzej Litwornia, who, contrary to earlier arrangements,but also on the basis of small data, suggested that the book, addressed to a wide circleof readers could be fairly popular one day.
- Price: 4.50 €
Literacka rama wydawnicza druków z przełomu XVI i XVII wieku jako miejsce sporów o autorstwo
Literacka rama wydawnicza druków z przełomu XVI i XVII wieku jako miejsce sporów o autorstwo
(A literary publishing frame of prints at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries as a place of the arguments about the authorship)
- Author(s):Anna Sitkowa
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:107-122
- No. of Pages:16
- Summary/Abstract:The article deals with the problem of Old-Polish literary thefts. The attention was paid to threebooks at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries (M. Stryjkowski: Kronika; P. Skarga: Wsiadane nawojnę kazanie; Ł. Górnicki: Rozmowa Polaka z Włochem), the authors of which or their heirs proveda dishonest possession of a manuscript, text presented and anonymous print. They conductedpolemics with literary thieves within a literary publishing frame, using among others titles, a way ofdefining authorship, a privilege text, addresses to Zoil, dedication letters, forewords and marginesin an apologetic function.
- Price: 4.50 €
Rękopiśmienne i drukowane dedykacje do Biblii gdańskiej
Rękopiśmienne i drukowane dedykacje do Biblii gdańskiej
(Manuscript and printed dedications to Biblia gdańska)
- Author(s):Mariola Jarczykowa
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:123-140
- No. of Pages:18
- Summary/Abstract:The Radziwiłł family contributed a lot to the history of Polish translations of The Holy Bible.Mikołaj “Czarny” held a patronage over the translation of the so called Brześć Bible in the 16th century,which was consolidated in a poem for a family crest and dedication to Zygmunt August. In the17th century The Radziwiłł Bible was still appreciated in Birże. Surroundings, though, when in needof a reedition, prince Krzysztof held a patronage over the edition which was published in Gdańsk in1632. In the beginning, a dedication to Władysław IV signed by Radziwiłł was inserted. However, itturns out that the manuscript included an original version addressed to Zygmunt III Waza. A comparisonof a manuscript and printed dedication shows many differences deriving from the change ofan addresse. The acts of synods reveal not only difficulties in selling a new translation, but also theattachment to a literary publishing frame of Brześć Bible.
- Price: 4.50 €
O ramie wydawniczej w siedemnastowiecznych tomikach poetyckich Wespazjana Kochowskiego (wybrane zagadnienia)
O ramie wydawniczej w siedemnastowiecznych tomikach poetyckich Wespazjana Kochowskiego (wybrane zagadnienia)
(On a publishing frame in the 17th century poetic books by Wespazjan Kochowski (selected issues))
- Author(s):Teresa Banaś-Korniak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:141-154
- No. of Pages:14
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses the nature and functions of the elements of a publishing frame of the firsteditions of poetic books written by Wespazjan Kochowski, a 17th century Polish writer. The analysiscovers the titles with subtitles, dedication letters, letters to readers, censorship notes, author’ssignals of beginnings and endings, as well as graphic elements (copperplate engravings and woodengravings decorating frontispieces of old prints). The author comes to a series of conclusions:among others, she states that the frame parts in religious and secular works are different. Kochowskiused to take care a lot of the advertisement of the first editions of his texts. Delimitative parts of hisworks include information on the content, composition and type of poem or author’s inspirations. Indedication letters to secular texts he encouraged to read them, and referred to the Ancient toposestrying to convince the reader of the importance of a literary work. In religious texts, frame elementsare often prayer or hymnic in character and are most often directed at God’s Mother, more seldomat God or God’s Son. The graphic elements of works, copperplate engravings and wood engravingsreferring to the 17th century trends and plastic tendencies are very interesting. They are marked bya well-thought composition, and symmetry whereas the characters and objects presented on themhave a symbolic or allegoric connotation connected with literary motives of Kochowski’s texts. Itallows for making an assumption that the author had a big influence on their formation and locationin his works.
- Price: 4.50 €
Między erudycją, retoryką i świadectwem. Kilka uwag o treści i funkcjach przypisów w twórczości Adama Mickiewicza. Część I (do 1826 roku)
Między erudycją, retoryką i świadectwem. Kilka uwag o treści i funkcjach przypisów w twórczości Adama Mickiewicza. Część I (do 1826 roku)
(Between erudition, rhetoric and evidence. A few remarks on the content and functions of footnotes in works by Adam Mickiewicz. Part I (until 1826))
- Author(s):Marek Stanisz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:155-178
- No. of Pages:24
- Summary/Abstract:Adam Mickiewicz provided many of his poetic works with footnotes. In a youth period of hisliterary activity, the very footnotes appeared in among others Ballady i romanse, Grażyna and Sonetykrymskie as well as several shorter texts (such as Kartofla, Mieszko, książę Nowogródka, DoJoachima Lelewela, Popas w Upicie). The footnotes in the texts under investigation were ascribedmaiiny eruditive functions, and constituted a form of uniting readers and influencing their way ofreading. Besides, they were a record of personal experiences of the poet. In the footnotes from thisperiod of time Mickiewicz rejected an image of a naive and romantic individual, instead presentedhimself as a historian-esseist and a political columnist writer, a folklore enthusiast and sophisticatedtourist, humourist and satirist, reporter and philologist. Thus, his footnotes allow for showing hisyouth works from a unique and original perspective.
- Price: 4.50 €
Martin Borrhaus — jak czytano klasyków w renesansie
Martin Borrhaus — jak czytano klasyków w renesansie
(Martin Borrhaus — how the classics were read in the Renaissance)
- Author(s):Jakub Z. Lichański
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:181-196
- No. of Pages:16
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the article is to show how the classics were read on the example of an edition ofRhetoric by Aristotle translated by Hermolao Barbaro (1453/1454—1493), commented upon byMartin Borrhaus (or Cellarius) (1499—1564). This particular work belongs to the valuable onesbecause of the very comments. According to the researcher, the comments in older editions are theevidence of the Deception of the classics and that is why they should be paid a special attentionto. In conclusion, a hypothesis was formulated that there is a very significant difference betweenreading the classics, e.g. Rhetoric by Aristotle, today and e.g. in the mid-16th century. It does notconcern the text of the treatise, but its form: a bilingual text of the treatise and comments on onepage (as in a hypertext to some extent), and, most importantly, comments offering not philologicalsimilia, not the analysis of text genres, but a path leading to text understanding. The commentatordoes not give a finished and unambiguous interpretation, but show how to understand difficult partsof the text and what they mean. The very edition demands reader’s activeness and attention. It isa difficult path, at the end of which one can only hope that the intricacies of the Greek and Latintexts were finally understood.Hence, one can definitely state that Martin Borrhaus’s work show how to deal with a classic textin order to obtain the biggest benefits. Modern tools can only make this contact easier. However, itis only us that the benefit of this meeting depends on.
- Price: 4.50 €
Jezuicka ars legendi — Francesco Sacchini, De ratione libros cum profectu legendi (1613)
Jezuicka ars legendi — Francesco Sacchini, De ratione libros cum profectu legendi (1613)
(A Jesuit ars legendi — Francesco Sacchini, De ratione libros cum profectu legendi (1613))
- Author(s):Wiesław Pawlak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:197-219
- No. of Pages:23
- Summary/Abstract:The scholars of the Renaissance and Baroque shared the Hugh of St. Victor’s view that “there aretwo main ways of gaining knowledge: reading and reflection, with reading being the primary in theprocess of acquiring knowledge” („Duae praecipue res sunt, quibus quisque ad scientiam instruitur:videlicet lectio et meditatio, e quibus lectio priorem in doctrina obtinet locum”). Thus, one of themost important questions concerning the humanist culture in the early modern period refers to readingpatterns recommended and practised within the respublica litteraria of that time. These models canbe reconstructed among others on the basis of the instruction texts, among which one of the mostwidely-read was a repeatedly published treatise by Francesco Sacchini (1570—1625), an Italian Jesuit,entitled De ratione libros cum profectu legendi (1613). The article presents the contents of this workand the pattern of intensive reading propagated in it, according to which the decisive role was playedby learning precisely, sometimes even by heart, a relatively small collection of model texts treated asthe object of imitation and a source of information (copia rerum et verborum).
- Price: 4.50 €
Z Hiszpanii do Polski. Dzieje poradnika medytacji Diega de Estella
Z Hiszpanii do Polski. Dzieje poradnika medytacji Diega de Estella
(From Spain to Poland. The history of a meditation guidebook by Diego de Estella)
- Author(s):Maria Wichowa
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:220-234
- No. of Pages:15
- Summary/Abstract:The work discusses the history of the reception of a meditation guidebook by Diego deEstella (1524—1578), a Spanish Franciscan, in the Old-Polish period. He is totally unknownto the contemporary humanities in Poland, however, his work Libro de la vanidad del mundo(O wzgardzie świata i próżności jego, 1562) was famous on an international scale in the 16th,17th and 18th centuries. It was translated into many languages, including Latin, Italian, Germanand English. In 1611 its Polish adaptation by father Augustyn Kochański (1568—1632), a Franciscanas well, was published. The Polish version, though, was not based on the original one,but on the Latin translation prepared on the basis of the Italian translation. The Polish translatordirected the work at Poor Clares above all from Gniezno, whom he took care of spiritually. Heprepared a guidebook for them helping them in concentration and internal training, and directingthoughts at the Creator. Piety, virtuous life, fervent service, contemplation, asceticism, humility,fast, denying oneself, it all was to lead sisters to salvation. Diego de Estella’s work was againworked on by Andrzej Chryzostom Załuski (1648—1711), a bishop from Płock. He translated itfrom the Spanish Medytacje na różne teksty Pisma Świętego by Fray Diego, whereas the guidebook O wzgardzie świata was based on Kochański’s text, by only making the Polish languageof this work modern, and adding it to Medytacje… It was clearly marked on the title page of theWarsaw edition from 1731. The first edition of this adaptation was revealed in 1702. Hence, Diegode Estella’s work gained big interest and long life in the religious culture of the Republic ofPoland for over 100 years, and is worth being paid attention to by the contemporary researchersof religious writings.
- Price: 4.50 €