Prilozi o historiografiji Bosne i Hercegovine (2001–2017) I
Contributions on Historiography of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2001-2017) I
Contributor(s): Dževad Juzbašić (Editor), Zijad Šehić (Editor)
Subject(s): Regional Geography, Historical Geography, Military history, Political history, Government/Political systems, Military policy, 19th Century, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), The Ottoman Empire, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Source Material, Politics and Identity, Peace and Conflict Studies
Published by: Akademija Nauka i Umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine
Keywords: Ancient Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bosnian and Herzegovinian historiography; Bosnian eyalet; Croatian Osmanistics; Uprising of 1875-1878; Bosnia during the Austro-Hungarian rule;
Summary/Abstract: Periodično sagledavanje historiografske produkcije u Bosni i Hercegovini imalo je značajne rezultate za ocjenu njenih dostignuća i planiranje budućih aktivnosti. Agresija na Bosnu i Hercegovinu 1992–1995. imala je krupne posljedice na stanje bosanskohercegovačke historiografije, historiografije jugoistočne Evrope, pa i šire, a kao posljedica toga povećan je interes za prošlost i traženje u njoj odgovora na aktualna zbivanja. U tom razdoblju u Bosni I Hercegovini i njenom susjedstvu historijska nauka je poslužila i kao instrument aktualne politike, pa je ponestalo mjesta za kritičke analize historijskih izvora i njihovo objektivno vrednovanje i interpretiranje. Od tada su prisutne težnje da se stvaraju separirani i zatvoreni sistemi kako bi se imala vlastita nacionalna nauka, institucije, umjetnost i školstvo, a to je dovelo do degradacije nauke i kulture i njene marginalizacije u odnosu na evropske i svjetske tokove. I pored izuzetno nepovoljnih mogućnosti za bavljenje historijskom naukom, zabilježeni su ipak određeni rezultati. U središtu istraživanja raznih profila naučnika nalazili su se uglavnom radovi koji su se bavili nacionalnom problematikom. Tematska zastupljenost bila je usmjerena na teme koje se odnose na vlastitu naciju, granice, političku historiju, regionalnu i lokalnu problematiku, što je dovelo do zatvaranja u uske, nacionalne okvire. Mogućnost saradnje ili rada na zajedničkim projektima u Bosni i Hercegovini u potpunosti je marginalizirana.
Series: Posebna izdanja ANUBiH
- E-ISBN-13: 978-9926-410-53-7
- Page Count: 351
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Bosna i Hercegovina u antičko doba u kontekstu zapadnobalkanske historiografije u prve dvije decenije 21. stoljeća
Bosna i Hercegovina u antičko doba u kontekstu zapadnobalkanske historiografije u prve dvije decenije 21. stoljeća
(Ancient Bosnia and Herzegovina in the context of Western Balkan historiography during the first two decades of the 21st century)
- Author(s):Amra Šačić Beća
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Archaeology, Cultural history, Regional Geography, Historical Geography, Ancient World, Methodology and research technology
- Page Range:13-54
- No. of Pages:42
- Keywords:Ancient Bosnia and Herzegovina; Western Balkan historiography; methodology; Rome; Bellum Batonianum; archeology;
- Summary/Abstract:The research of ancient history in institutional terms is less represented than other historic periods, which certainly has an impact on the quality and quantity of published papers. We should also bear in mind one specific characteristic of ancient historiography – the difficulty of making a clear distinction between historical and archaeological research of the ancient history of Bosnia and Herzegovina – thus the results of both of these scholarly fields can be observed through the prism of comparability of their themes. A noticeable stagnation in the process of archaeological and historical research is the result of the war of 1992–1995 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, the recent period witnessed the birth of a significant number of papers addressing topics such as Roman conquests, peregrine communities (civitates peregrinae), municipal units, and Romanization and urbanization of present-day Bosnia and Herzegovina. We should emphasize that the majority of these papers address the topics from the period of Augustus’s and Tiberius’s reign. The focus is on the study of the position of indigenous communities during the military conflicts with Rome, while the issue of their development following Bellum Batonianum (AD 6–9) is quite neglected. Apart from Slovenian scholar Marjeta Šašel Kos, the first phases of the Roman conquests of the territory of present-day Bosnia and Herzegovina were mostly studied by Croatian scholars – Siniša Bilić-Dujmušić, Danijel Džino, and Marin Zaninović – as part of their wider scope of research during the last two decades. Their research assumes two opposite directions. Firstly, they believe that the conquest of the Adriatic hinterland, i.e. the interior of Illyricum, should be traced through military and political interaction of Rome with individual indigenous communities and polities. Secondly, they believe that the sources are interpreted by tracing the essential political interaction between Rome and the entire regional geopolitical system of Illyricum in order to avoid defining Roman interactions with certain smaller political bodies. In the context of regional historiography regarding Roman conquests, we should single out the papers of already mentioned Danijel Džino. Although his stances frequently part ways with the scholars from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Džino should be acknowledged for making a methodological contribution to the study of the ancient history of Bosnia and Herzegovina through his research.
Interpretativne aporije bosanskohercegovačke historiografije
Interpretativne aporije bosanskohercegovačke historiografije
(The interpretative aporias of Bosnian-Herzegovinian historiography)
- Author(s):Srećko M. Džaja
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Political history, Nationalism Studies, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Source Material, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:55-67
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:balancing BiH historiography; historical paradigms; national narratives; problems of continuity and discontinuity; interpretive aporias; scientific discourse;
- Summary/Abstract:Auf den bisherigen Konferenzen in Sarajevo über das Thema Bosnien-Herzegowina in der Geschichtsschreibung wurden nicht nur zahlreiche case studies vorgelegt, sondern auch Bosnien-Herzegowina als eine historische Ganzheit behandelt. Die nationalen Narrative der Bosniaken, Kroaten und Serben schlugen dabei untereinander konträre Wege ein. Die bosniakischen Interpreten der bosnischen Geschichte sprechen gerne von der Staatlichkeit Bosnien-Herzegowinas sowie seiner historischen Identität im Singular. Dabei widmen sie mehr Aufmerksamkeit jenen Aspekten, welche allen bosnisch-herzegowinischen Bewohnern gemeinsam sein sollten; die gegenseitigen Unterschiede finden sie dagegen gering und interpretieren diese als sekundäre bzw. wenig bedeutsame Erscheinungen. In dem serbischen nationalen Narrativ ist, ganz im Gegenteil, Bosnien-Herzegowina keine historische Ganzheit für sich, sondern nur ein Bestandteil des serbischen politischen und kulturellen Raumes bzw. bloß eines der serbischen historischen Länder. Der serbischen Auffassung ähnlich ist Bosnien-Herzegowina auch im kroatischen nationalen Narrativ positioniert, selbstverständlich mit kroatischen politischen und kulturellen Merkmalen. Allerdings hat die kroatische Inanspruchnahme Bosnien-Herzegowinas als ein kroatisches historisches Land inzwischen an der Resolutheit verloren. Dies geschah unter dem Druck historischer Ereignisse, durch die das kroatische Element hohe zahlenmäßige Verluste einbüßte. Außerdem kompliziert sich der Status der bosnisch-hezegowinischen Kroaten durch ihre doppelte Identität: einmal durch das Bewußtsein von Bosnien-Herzegowina als eigene ursprüngliche Heimat – belegt im Schrifttum der bosnischen Franziskaner vom Mittelalter bis heute – und, zum zweiten, durch die Zugehörigkeit zum kroatischen Kulturkreis. Diese Dualität dürfte eine Folge der 400-jährigen osmanischen Eroberungs-, Siedlungs- und Religionspolitik sein.
Hrvatska osmanistika 2001.–2017.: Studije iz prošlosti Bosanskog ejaleta u ranom modernom dobu
Hrvatska osmanistika 2001.–2017.: Studije iz prošlosti Bosanskog ejaleta u ranom modernom dobu
(Croatian Osmanistics 2001–2017: Studies from the Past of the Bosnian Eyalet in the Early New Age)
- Author(s):Nenad Moačanin
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Government/Political systems, Politics and religion, Methodology and research technology, Demography and human biology, 17th Century, 18th Century, 19th Century, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), The Ottoman Empire, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:69-78
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Croatian Ottomanism 2001–2017; Bosanski ejalet; early new century;
- Summary/Abstract:In the period of 2001–2017 Croatian Ottomanists (nine, but really seven more productive authors) had produced a fairly large number of innovative works dealing with Bosnia-Herzegovina, or, more precisely, the eyalet of Bosnia in the early modern period (roughly 1500–1800) which for a certain time was including about half of present-day Croatia. The parts of Croatia in the Adriatic hinterland were belonging to the Bosnian eyalet until the end of the 17th century, as well as western most part of the land between the Sava and Drava rivers, while the rest of that territory, that is, central and eastern Slavonia was attached to the new eyalet of Kanizsa in 1600, yet it had mostly remained under Bosnian control in financial matters. This was the reason why the history of the whole space was outlined as one and the same larger unit. A wide range of subjects featuring new methods, advanced and original was discussed, from social and economic issues, to religion and culture. The most interesting findings and achievements had been made in the matters of analyzing the intricacies of Ottoman taxation. It turned out that the tax assessment must not be apprehended at the first glance, but that the historian has to include the rather hardly visible practices on the ground, influenced by local realities, with a huge impact on the land regime, and even more so, on demographic estimations. Concerning the high rates of conversion to Islam, special attention was made to the hitherto neglected factor, that is, to the financial stimuli. It was found that, due to the specific situation of the economic position of the peasantry, in Bosnia, or its central parts together with northern Herzegovina, embracing Islam brought more substantial easements than in much of the rest in the Balkans. As for the military issues, ocaklık timars and autonomy fresh interpretations were also offered. To the history of towns, culture, relations between the eyalet and Dubrovnik and particularly ecohistorical subjects due respect was paid with remarkable success. Last but not least, the new reading of Evliya Çelebi’s travelogue had resulted in many new insights. Much of this work was performed in a manner like looking for a needle in a haystack, but in my opinion it was quite rewarding.
Objavljeni primarni izvori iz Osmanskog razdoblja kao doprinos historiografiji Bosne i Hercegovine (2000–2019)
Objavljeni primarni izvori iz Osmanskog razdoblja kao doprinos historiografiji Bosne i Hercegovine (2000–2019)
(Published Ottoman Primary Sources as a Contribution to the Historiography of Bosnia-Herzegovina (2000–2019))
- Author(s):Aladin Husić
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Methodology and research technology, 18th Century, 19th Century, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), The Ottoman Empire, Source Material
- Page Range:79-97
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:historiography; Ottoman sources; defteri; sijjili; Bosnia; Herzegovina; Klis;
- Summary/Abstract:As was evident, even though the period in question was relatively short, a considerably large number of Ottoman materials were published, despite the diverse nature of the sources. This is partly a result of the fact that some of the above work was made even before 1992, either as projects of individuals or institutions. The material may be uniform in its kind, but it still allows the study of numerous issues that can be studied on the basis of published sources, which makes the “uniformity” of materials completely marginal. While an argument could be made in this respect with regard to the temporal disparity of sources, there are a number of other factors that need to be taken into account. First of all, the (lack of) preservation of the materials for certain periods, but also the absence of a strategy that would, in its program, at least to a point define certain guidelines that should be followed in filling certain time gaps, especially when it comes to the 19th century. Regardless of this kind of shortcoming, it can be said that in terms of publishing of sources, this period was still productive, even though there was a significant amount of material that was translated for decades before its publication.
Pitanje ustanka 1875–1878. u bosanskohercegovačkoj historiografiji: između historijske istine i multiperspektivnosti
Pitanje ustanka 1875–1878. u bosanskohercegovačkoj historiografiji: između historijske istine i multiperspektivnosti
(Question of the Uprising of 1875–1878. in Bosnian historiography: between historical truth and multiperspectivity)
- Author(s):Edin Radušić
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Political history, Government/Political systems, Politics and society, 19th Century, The Ottoman Empire, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:99-130
- No. of Pages:32
- Summary/Abstract:Bosnian-Herzegovinian historiography of the 21st century shows that the uprising and the eastern crisis (1875–1878), as part of the great theme of imperialism and nationalism, are phenomena of long duration. During this period, new books and articles appear that elaborate or significantly touch the uprising. The dominant feature of much of this new historiography and its creators is that they were more or less willingly placed in a national context. The central point of historiography on the uprising has been Milorad Ekmečić, who intensively dealt with this thematic framework in the second half of the 20th and the first half of the 21st century. In his more relaxed phase of interpreting historical themes, Ekmečić, in methodological terms, selecting and processing phenomena of long duration, strongly connected the uprising in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1875–1878 not only with previous events (the “Serbian Revolution” and other uprisings of the Balkan Christian peasantry) but also with those that recur at certain intervals until the end of the 20th century. Moreover, in his interpretation, the uprising of 1875–1878, together with other similar events, before and after it, belongs to one whole that is an expression of revolt against the socio-economic system of inequality and division, essentially established by the Ottoman (Islamic) state idea and practice. Established social relations during this period, which ultimately resulted in the division and distrust of members of different religious and national groups, Ekmečić saw as the historical foundations of division and mutual violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Balkans at the end of the 20th century. Such Ekmečić’s approach found fertile ground among some of his historiographical followers, who at scientific conferences and round tables, together with institutional leaders of political, scientific and cultural life in Republika Srpska, strengthened the link between the Bosnian-Herzegovina uprising 1875–1878 and the present. In interpreting the causes of the uprising in the Bosnian-Serbian historiographic circle, Ekmečić’s thesis on the dominant socio-economic causes of the uprising and on agrarian movements as the essence of the national revolution has been largely retained, with some exception in recent interpretations of Bratislav Teinović.
Historiografski radovi o Bosni i Hercegovini u vrijeme austrougarske uprave (1878–1918) objavljeni u zemlji u vremenskom okviru od 2001. do 2017. godine
Historiografski radovi o Bosni i Hercegovini u vrijeme austrougarske uprave (1878–1918) objavljeni u zemlji u vremenskom okviru od 2001. do 2017. godine
(Historiographic works on Bosnia and Herzegovina in the time of Austro-Hungarian rule (1878-1918) published in the country in the period 2001-2017)
- Author(s):Zijad Šehić
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Military history, Political history, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade, Military policy, Methodology and research technology, 19th Century, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), Source Material, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:131-207
- No. of Pages:77
- Keywords:Bosnia and Herzegovina; Austria-Hungary; historiography; ideology; scientific meetings; publications;
- Summary/Abstract:Based on the analysis and evaluation of the characteristics of historical science in Bosnia and Herzegovina over the period considered, several important facts need to be pointed out. The aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1992 had profound consequences on the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina's historiography and in its neighbourhood, and as a consequence there is an increased interest in the past and in seeking answers to current events in the past. Historical sciences have largely become an instrument of current policies, so little attention is paid to critical analyses of historical sources and their objective evaluation and interpretation. New interpretations of historical processes, while removing credible facts, have greatly influenced the formation of new approaches to historiography. Historiographic works are valued differently in Bosnia and Herzegovina, although many facts have been known before, so it is impossible to give a singular assessment of Bosnia and Herzegovina's historiography which considers the period of Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Detailed insight into the structure of published historiographical works in Bosnia and Herzegovina shows that the treatment of certain aspects of Bosnia and Herzegovina's past is dominated by discussions, articles and short stories of unequal quality and scientific scope, as well as the lack of extensive, scientifically based studies, which are a prerequisite for the creation of historiographic syntheses. Although significant results have been achieved in Bosnian-Herzegovinian historiography in the study of political, economic and cultural developments in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Austro-Hungarian period, there are several issues that have been neglected in historical science: the writing of a voluminous history of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the publication of source material of different provenance and thematic representation, study of population migration from 1878 to 1918, consideration of the economy and society of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Austro-Hungarian rule of 1878-1918, review of socio-economic trends during the First World War, as well as depictions of Bosnia and Herzegovina in world travel literature.
Czech Historiography on Bosnia and Herzegovina (2000–2018)
Czech Historiography on Bosnia and Herzegovina (2000–2018)
(Czech Historiography on Bosnia and Herzegovina (2000–2018))
- Author(s):Ladislav Hladký
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Political history, Government/Political systems, Political behavior, Methodology and research technology, Nationalism Studies, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), Inter-Ethnic Relations, Source Material, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:209-217
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:History of Bosnia and Herzegovina; so-called post-Dayton Bosnia; Czech-Bosnian relations; Czechs in Bosnia and Herzegovina; Sarajevo assassination;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper provides a synopsis and characterization of the most important historiographically, politologically, and ethnologically oriented works published in the Czech Republic between 2000 and 2018 on the history and current evolution of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Czech works on the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina can be divided into two main groups. The first group includes monographs by historians who were familiar with the reality of Bosnian multiethnicity in the period before the breakup of Yugoslavia and in that context, therefore, continue in their books to support the idea of preserving Bosnia within its existing borders and in the form of a multinational state. The second group comprises books by Czech authors who primarily focus on analysing political events in the contemporary, so-called post-Dayton Bosnia, of which they are highly critical and as a result also highly skeptical when it comes to the prospect of continued coexistence between the nations of Bosnia. During the period in question, several works were published in the Czech Republic dedicated to the history of Czech-Bosnian relations and the synthetical treatment of the history of the Czech national minority living in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Prikazi i reinterpretacije Sarajevskog atentata u javnom diskursu u Češkoj
Prikazi i reinterpretacije Sarajevskog atentata u javnom diskursu u Češkoj
(Representations and Reinterpretations of the Sarajevo Assassination in Czech Public Discourse)
- Author(s):František Šistek
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Military history, Studies in violence and power, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:219-244
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:Sarajevo assassination; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Czech Republic; places of memory (lieux de mémoire); reinterpretations; representations; discourse; First World War;
- Summary/Abstract:Analysis of the representations and reinterpretations of the Sarajevo assassination amid the centenary of the First World War revealed a diverse range of different, sometimes directly opposed, opinions that coexist in contemporary Czech public discourse. We can designate a large part of them, especially in the internet discourse and in the media, for the selective bricolage of historical facts, narratives, misconceptions and prejudices. Different memories of the Sarajevo assassination, its key participants and witnesses reflect the significant ideological plurality of present-day Czech society, as well as the selective interpretation and instrumentalization of modern history in favour of achieving contemporary goals in various spheres (domestic and international politics, tourism, etc.). Many of the interpretations and ideological conflicts we reconstructed on the basis of Czech materials certainly sound familiar to anyone familiar with similar discourses and debates on the Sarajevo assassination which are periodically led in other countries of Central and Southeastern Europe, such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia or Austria. In the widespread laymen understanding that we can often encounter, especially in the former Yugoslavia, many of the conceptualizations that occur more frequently with regard to interpretations of the Sarajevo assassination are often understood practically as collective and almost predictable attitudes of particular nations. In the “Serb” discourse, Princip’s actions are usually celebrated, endorsed and justified, while in the “Bosniak” and “Croat” (but also “Austrian”) discourse, the assassination is problematized or completely renounced as the act of a nationalistic terrorist. Examples of Czech representations and reinterpretations have shown that, despite the occasional “national colouring”, these are in fact transnational discourses. Their Czech variations obviously owe their origin to specific ideological and political beliefs typical of many other Czech debates about modern history, such as “pro-Western” or “pro-Russian” orientation, “cosmopolitanism” or “Slavdom and nationalism”. In some cases, they obviously draw from discursive arsenals from the deeper past (monarchism, pro-Habsburg loyalism, anti-Habsburg ideology of interwar Czechoslovakia, Pan-Slavism, etc.) or other areas (influence of South Slavic, especially Serbian nationalist interpretations).
Nauka i politika: moderna ruska historiografija o Bosni i Hercegovini
Nauka i politika: moderna ruska historiografija o Bosni i Hercegovini
(Science and politics: modern Russian historiography about Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author(s):Safet Bandžović
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Political history, Government/Political systems, Political behavior, Nationalism Studies, History of Communism, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Source Material, Geopolitics, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:245-294
- No. of Pages:50
- Keywords:Russian historiography; Bosnia and Herzegovina; interpretation; politics; Balkans;
- Summary/Abstract:The periods of deep political and social quakes always bring reconsideration and rearrangement of the events that happened in the past. Disappearance of ideological paradigm, changes in global politics and epochal consciousness affected the return of the pre-socialist past, its romantization and idealization, as well as revisionist change of social determinants that were used for historical interpretations in post-socialist countries with the intense action of politics, nationalism and history in their historiographies. Even the bigger historiographies like Russian, are not immune from political pressure in relation to its own history, and histories of other countries and nations. There are many differences between the Soviet and the modern Russian historiography, as well as their forms. Due to the wish to control history, the international and class principle gave its place to the more active, national one, with the renewal of its identity that is clean from communist influence. Interests and politics of superpowers leave a huge mark in the history of the Balkan nations. Political disputes and positioning affect the historiographies and they play a big role in determining the topics that need to be researched. Dissolution of Yugoslavia and the emergence of new post-Yugoslav states on the European political map worsened the efforts of Russian historians in analyzing and researching their past and modernity. The increase of Russian interest in researching the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina is related to the political crises and conflicts in that area and wider Balkan context. Their attention is mostly focused on the Eastern Crisis (1875–1878.) and the Bosnian / Annexation crisis (1908–1909), dissolution of the SFRY and the “post-Yugoslav” wars. They also do research about the events that occured in this area in the last decade of the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st century.
The Forgotten Thousands: The Historiography of World War II Rescues of Allied Airmen in Yugoslavia
The Forgotten Thousands: The Historiography of World War II Rescues of Allied Airmen in Yugoslavia
(The Forgotten Thousands: The Historiography of World War II Rescues of Allied Airmen in Yugoslavia)
- Author(s):Robert J. Donia
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Military history, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Politics of History/Memory, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:295-318
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:Operation Halyard; World War II; Allied Air Rescue Operations; Chetniks; Partisans; Yugoslavia; Pranjani;
- Summary/Abstract:During World War II, Allied bombing of German-controlled petroleum refineries in Ploesti, Romania, diminished Axis fuel production but cost the Allies hundreds of planes and thousands of lives. Crews of many damaged planes flew partway back to Italy but were forced to crash-land their craft or bail out over Yugoslavia, where many landed on territory controlled by Partisans or Chetniks. Local Yugoslavs (mainly peasants), as well as both Chetniks and Partisans, welcomed them and gave them shelter. They were then evacuated by Allied transport aircraft (principally C-47s) that landed on makeshift airstrips maintained by Partisans or Chetniks. The historiography of these rescues may be divided into document-based studies, prepared principally by US military personnel based on official records; and memory-based studies by pro-Mihailović authors based principally on participant memoirs. Whereas memory-based studies uniformly adopted a Serb nationalist viewpoint, document-based studies showed no favoritism and portrayed various factions working in parallel to rescue Allied airmen. After Milošević fell in 2000, the Foreign Minister of Serbia and Montenegro, Vuk Drašković, in cooperation with the US Embassy, united the movement to valorize downed airmen and local efforts to rehabilitate Mihailović. Whether deliberately or not, US officials thereby undercut human rights activists in Serbia, and non-Serbs throughout the former Yugoslavia, who saw Mihailović as a war criminal, collaborator, and inspiration for war crimes and genocide in the wars of the 1990s.
Kako se pisalo i kako se danas treba pisati o historiji Drugog svjetskog rata u Bosni i Hercegovini?
Kako se pisalo i kako se danas treba pisati o historiji Drugog svjetskog rata u Bosni i Hercegovini?
(How was it written and how one should write today about the History of the Second World War in Bosnia and Herzegovina?)
- Author(s):Ivo Goldstein
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Military history, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Source Material, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:319-338
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Bosnia and Herzegovina; Second World War; historiography;
- Summary/Abstract:The author analyzes the methodological concepts that have been used over the decade in the writing of the history of the Second World War in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as in the other republics of the socialist Yugoslavia. He also writes about how this history was written in the last 30 years. Finally, he proposes how this topics should be approached and written today. In the era of socialist Yugoslavia, so-called “partisanship” was at applied, in other words, a way of thinking and ultimately a text that was “permeated” or to which the “communist Party” way of thinking was imposed. Since 1990, after the democratization and independence of BiH, the space of freedom has opened up. However, some historians began to produce “our history” in ethnic sense. Historians elsewhere evaluate this idea as provincial and politically driven propaganda. Fortunately, a number of papers have been published in recent years that have taken strong steps in the right direction-ideologies are analyzed, the history of violence is analyzed, attempts are made to fathom into its deeper sociological causes, into the psychological motives of the individuals.
Historiografija i pitanje karaktera rata u Bosni i Hercegovini 1992–1995.
Historiografija i pitanje karaktera rata u Bosni i Hercegovini 1992–1995.
(Historiography and the question of the Character of the 1992–1995 War in Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author(s):Mesud Šadinlija
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Military history, Studies in violence and power, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Inter-Ethnic Relations, Source Material, Politics of History/Memory, Politics and Identity, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:339-351
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:historiography; aggression; Bosnia and Herzegovina; identity; culture of memory;
- Summary/Abstract:Aggression was clearly defined in international law in December 1974 by a resolution of the UN General Assembly. In each of the theoretically established stages of armed aggression, which, without exception, imply the widespread use of state power, determining the existence of a crime is an extremely complex legal issue, further complicated by the accompanying political connotations. In post-conflict societies, such as contemporary Bosnian-Herzegovinian society, the whole issue is much more complex. We considered in which directions the scale of value judgments shifted regarding the character of the war that lasted from 1992 to 1995 from the end of the war to the present. For different tendencies of attitude towards this issue in the historiographies of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its surroundings, we have indicated descriptive frameworks, highlighted the main characteristics and differences between them.