ЕС след Ковид-19: ефекти, поуки, перспективи
The EU After Covid-19: Effects, Lessons, Perspectives
Collection of reports presented during the 2022 annual scientific conference “The EU after COVID-19: effects, lessons, perspectives“, 25 March 2022. Organized and published by the Bulgarian European Studies Association (BESA).
Contributor(s): Dimitar Hadjinikolov (Editor), Ingrid Shikova (Editor), Iskra Christova-Balkanska (Editor), Teodora Kaleynska (Editor), Veronika Stoilova (Editor), Gergana Radoykova (Editor), Katya Hristova-Valtcheva (Editor), Monika Moraliyska (Editor), Teodora Delisivkova (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Political Theory, Economic policy, Government/Political systems, Electoral systems, Politics and communication, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Public Finances, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Bulgaria; European Union; COVID-19; Cohesion; Regionalism; European integration; Western Balkans; Social Policy; Welfare; Trade
Summary/Abstract: Collection of reports presented during the 2022 annual scientific conference “The EU after COVID-19: effects, lessons, perspectives“ organized by the Bulgarian European Studies Association (BESA), 25 March 2022. The conference was dedicated to the 65th anniversary of signing of the Treaties of Rome, establishing the European Union.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-90953-2-4
- Page Count: 201
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: Bulgarian
Европейският съюз след изборите за Европейски парламент – обществени нагласи и политическа реалност
Европейският съюз след изборите за Европейски парламент – обществени нагласи и политическа реалност
(„The Pandemics“ of the European Union – a Crisis of Trust, Leadership and Values)
- Author(s):Gergana Radoykova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Electoral systems, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:5-15
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:European Union; European Parliament; Bulgaria; Elections; Citizens
- Summary/Abstract:In the European Parliament elections of May 2019 citizens cast their vote on how they want the European Union to move forward in the next five years. In times of crisis, sharp political opposition, fake news, populism and the search for a unite European approach to the problems and challenges of the day, voters have shown that they want the people to whom they have delegated power to show common sense, ability to conduct dialogue and achieve compromise and above all – clear results. The paper is an attempt to take stock of the results of the European Parliament elections. A special focus is placed on the picture in Bulgaria, as well as on the debate on the election of the President of the European Commission.
Европейската интеграция на Западните Балкани след КОВИД-19
Европейската интеграция на Западните Балкани след КОВИД-19
(European Integration of Western Balkans after COVID-19)
- Author(s):Milen Zhelev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:16-29
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:European Integration; Western Balkans; COVID-19; European Union
- Summary/Abstract:The report examines the bilateral processes of applying for membership in the European Union in the countries of the region Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northern Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro. The report's methodology will include a content analysis of public communication between the official institutions of the candidate countries for EU membership and the institutions of the EU themselves. Depending on the specifics of each country and its relative progress in the negotiations with Brussels, a comparative analysis of the various local issues will be conducted. As a common indicator in the comparative study concerning the different countries in the region, at the beginning of each one there will be considered three chronologically arranged however randomly selected events that occurred immediately before and during the growth of the pandemic, cause by COVID-19. The hypothesis that the COVID-19 phenomenon has a direct impact on the integration processes of the countries of the Western Balkans will be empirically proven or refuted.
Икономически и политически трансформации в Скандинавия в условията на пандемична криза
Икономически и политически трансформации в Скандинавия в условията на пандемична криза
(Economic and Political Transformation in Scandinavia in Times of Pandemic Crisis)
- Author(s):Katina Yoneva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Government/Political systems
- Page Range:30-50
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Scandinavia; Sweden; Pandemic; COVID-19; Economic Growth; Social Policy; Political Crisis
- Summary/Abstract:The COVID-19 pandemic was a public health crisis with number of social, political, economic, and psychological consequences. The varying response of institutions contributed to the reduction of the negative effects on all facets of Scandinavian life. In response, the Kingdom of Sweden give high priority over the past two years to the no-lockdown COVID strategy, promoting social distancing and good hygiene. A number of criticisms were levelled at the central government and its main public health agency regarding its bad management. This has led to the Sweden’s political crisis and the country’s Prime Minister, Stefan Löfven, lost a vote of no confidence on 21 June. However, the citizens in Sweden retained more of their personal freedom and the balance between the Sweden Democrats and the people was restored.
Може ли политическият хумор да бъде деструктивен? Политическият хумор онлайн в ЕС по време на пандемия
Може ли политическият хумор да бъде деструктивен? Политическият хумор онлайн в ЕС по време на пандемия
(Can Political Humor be Considered a Destructive Force? Political Humor in the EU Online Media during the Pandemic)
- Author(s):Vladislav Vasilev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Political Theory, Politics and communication
- Page Range:51-67
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Political Humor; Digital Communication; Marginalization; Post-COVID-19; Political Critique
- Summary/Abstract:Political humor online becomes increasingly important element of today societies' information diet. Its vast online usage in political and oppositional discourse, as well as its role as a communication strategy for political agitation, highlights the need to redefine the contemporary normative benefits of political jokes for democratic societies in the EU. Such analytical perspective is particularly relevant to post-pandemic EU societies in which factors as social division on major political topics and the political cleavage as a whole became somewhat of a standart. This article explores the architecture and societal function of political humor online as a means of socio-political critique and protest in post-Covid-19 EU societies. From the perspective of digital communication, the article employs the leading theoretical concepts of humor to compare what constitutes a “destructive force” for democratic and authoritarian media. The research focus falls on analyzing the role and effects of political humor in online media in the context of upholding EU's democratic values.
Пандемията КОВИД-19 и съответствието на системата на финансиране на Европейския съюз с основополагащата цел за кохезия и с основните ценности за равенство, демокрация и върховенство на правото
Пандемията КОВИД-19 и съответствието на системата на финансиране на Европейския съюз с основополагащата цел за кохезия и с основните ценности за равенство, демокрация и върховенство на правото
(The COVID-19 Pandemic and Compliance of the System of Financing of the Еuropean Union with the Fundamental Aim of Cohesion and with the Fundamental Values of Equality, Democracy and the Rule of Law)
- Author(s):Dencho Georgiev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Economic policy, Public Finances, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting
- Page Range:68-83
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Cohesion; Rule of Law; EU Multiannual Financial Framework; EU Own Resources
- Summary/Abstract:The package of the European Union's Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027, including the Green Deal and the Own Resources Decision, was conceived as the EU's main response to address the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the question arises as to what extent the acts of this package, as well as the system of the financing of EU policies as a whole, are consistent with the fundamental objectives and values enshrined in the Treaties on the European Union. In particular, in view of the expected deepening of economic, social and territorial inequalities as a result of the pandemic, it is of key importance to answer the question whether the MFF package complies with the fundamental aim of cohesion and solidarity between Member States in Article 3 of the EU Treaty, which in turn is based on the values in Article 2 TEU, including equality, democracy and the rule of law, which are at the top of the hierarchy of EU law. The paper offers answers to this question, paying particular attention to the requirement under Article 175 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union that all EU policies (not only its cohesion policy) and actions, as well as the functioning of its internal market, are consistent with the objectives of cohesion and contribute to their achievement. What follows from this requirement is a sui generis primacy of the objectives of cohesion over the objectives of all other EU policies and activities.
Поуките от глобалната финансова криза (2008 -2009 г.) и по-доброто управление в ЕС на турбуленциите на трудовия пазар по време на КОВИД пандемията
Поуките от глобалната финансова криза (2008 -2009 г.) и по-доброто управление в ЕС на турбуленциите на трудовия пазар по време на КОВИД пандемията
(Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis (2008-2009) Led to Better Management of Labor Market Turbulence during the COVID Pandemic)
- Author(s):Radoslav Pashov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:84-92
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:EU; Bulgaria; Unemployment; COVID-19; Crisis
- Summary/Abstract:The economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has worsened the current economic development of the EU to a significantly greater extent than the global financial crisis of 2008-2009, which was considered the most significant since the Great Depression (a drop in current GDP of the EU in 2020: -5.96%; 2009: -4.35%). Unlike the shocks of more than 10 years ago, however, governments were now better prepared and took quick measures to contain the negative effect of the recession. Bulgaria, as part of the EU, is also included in the general vision of the Union to alleviate the economic effects of the pandemic. One of the key measures of the Bulgarian governments, etc. measure "60/40", which aims to preserve the employment of the population. The aim of the study is to examine whether there is "hidden" unemployment as a result of the "60/40" measure, i.e. to what extent it has helped workers not to fall under the care of the social system (to receive unemployment benefits). The study reviews the effects of the global financial crisis for the period 2008-2009 on the gross domestic product (GDP) of the 10 richest economies in the world, there is also summary data for EU countries and Bulgaria. By means of a composition of a comparative method, the effect caused by Covid-19 and that of the 2008-2009 crisis on the gross domestic product is compiled on the page, and a comparative analysis is provided for Bulgaria and unemployment during the two crises. Based on empirical data, a simulation is made of what unemployment would be without the "60/40" mark (hidden unemployment).
Ефекти от пандемията върху мерките за финансова грамотност
Ефекти от пандемията върху мерките за финансова грамотност
(Effects of the Pandemic on Measures of Financial Literacy)
- Author(s):Kaloyan Simeonov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:93-105
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Financial Literacy; Pandemic; Welfare
- Summary/Abstract:The COVID-19 pandemic has situated financial literacy in a new dimension. The need for a good level of financial literacy both in conditions of growth and in economic, financial or health crises, such as the one caused by the pandemic, came to the fore even more strongly. The economic recession and the sudden loss of jobs and income caused by the pandemic have made even stronger the need for households to set aside funds and manage their personal finances well. But the pandemic, in addition to difficulties, has also created new opportunities. They are mainly expressed in the possibility of using the new financial technologies for easier distribution of educational materials and activities, including to more remote settlements. The pandemic has also raised the level of understanding of the importance of financial literacy for household welfare. It also created new risks, including related to the faster use of new financial products and services that are now literally "one click" away. In addition, financially illiterate people tend to be digitally illiterate as well, making it difficult for new digital programs to spread. The current analysis aims to assess the main effects of the pandemic on the development of financial literacy policies and measures. On the other hand, it aims to explore how financial literacy can alleviate the consequences of the pandemic.
Пандемията от КОВИД-19 - нова заплаха за изоставащите региони в България
Пандемията от КОВИД-19 - нова заплаха за изоставащите региони в България
(The COVID-19 Pandemic – a New Threat to Less Developed regions in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Mariela Savkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:106-122
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:European Union; Cohesion; Europeanization; Regionalism; Regional Disparities; Integrated Territorial Investments
- Summary/Abstract:Bulgaria's fifteen-year experience in the EU shows that our country achieves slower cohesion than other member-states from Central and Eastern Europe, and besides between less and more developed regions, internally. With the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a new threat for deepening the regional disparities in Bulgaria, and complementary expanding the gap in the quality of health care and access to education of children from vulnerable groups between regions of Bulgaria. Today, the European Union faces other challenges such as external hybrid attacks, BREXIT, refugee flows, and humanitarian emergencies from the military conflicts in the Middle East and most recently from the invasion of Russia in Ukraine. To address these issues in 2020, in addition to the existing European opportunities, the member-states have created two new funds, and one instrument for the management of migration, visa regime, and internal security of the EU. Further, they have allocated funds from the current Multiannual financial framework and the "Next Generation EU" package to provide financing for the new instrument REACT-EU to overcome the negative impact of the consequences of COVID-19. Bulgaria seeks to use these financial opportunities by implementing a new Integrated Territorial Investments (ITI) approach to reduce the regional inequalities in access to quality public services and economic opportunities for the population living in the less developed regions. The current report evaluates the subject of COVID-19 concerning the upcoming regionalization of the European programs in Bulgaria and their effectiveness in diminishing the negative consequences of the pandemic in Bulgarian regions.
Индекси и критерии за оценка на секторната уязвимост от КОВИД-19
Индекси и критерии за оценка на секторната уязвимост от КОВИД-19
(COVID-19 Sector Vulnerability Assessment Indices and Criteria)
- Author(s):Stoyan Shalamanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy
- Page Range:123-133
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:COVID-19; Pandemic; Non-Financial Sector; Sectoral Vulnerability; Lockdown
- Summary/Abstract:What is specific about the COVID-19 pandemic is that it is an exogenous factor of economic growth. The specificity of addressing the health consequences of the virus requires imposing restrictions mainly on the mobility and social life of people. On the one hand, there are not purely economic and financial factors for the crisis, on the other hand, addressing the health aspect of the crisis concerns some sectors differently if compared to others. And some sectors, such as health, land transport and construction, even turn out to be favored, their growth is stimulated both by the created situation with COVID-19 and the support that is not precisely targeted according to the needs of the sectors. If the COVID-19 crisis lasts longer, it would be useful for economic policy to identify the most vulnerable sectors to make support more targeted, rather than supporting sectors and businesses that do not need support, which only creates inflation. The purpose of the present study is to identify a set of criteria used in the scientific literature around the world for assessing sectoral vulnerability to lockdowns, including the assessment of sectoral vulnerability to automation, percentage of self-employed in the sectors, Stringency index, Lockdown index, Home-office index, Teamwork, and Customer-facing.
Възстановяването на туристическия сектор в ЕС – възможен ли е единен европейски подход?
Възстановяването на туристическия сектор в ЕС – възможен ли е единен европейски подход?
(Recovery of EU Tourism Sector - Is It a Single European Approach Possible?)
- Author(s):Dimitar Pehlivanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:134-146
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:EU; Pandemic; Tourism; Governments Response; Recovery Measures
- Summary/Abstract:Both in Europe and worldwide, the tourism industry has been hardly hit by the more than two-year COVID-19 pandemic. Restrictions on free movement, which are at the heart of tourism, have led to an unprecedented collapse in reservations, travellers, revenues and the entire economy. According to various estimates, the collapse is between 70 and 90% worldwide during the pandemic, tens of thousands of museums and other public spaces have been closed, and the World Tourism Organization predicts that between 10 and 20% of them will never reopen. During the pandemic, various measures have been taken at EU level to complement and coordinate national measures for tackling this disease, but also to push forward the fast recovery of the economy and tourism, in particular. Resolutions and recommendations were adopted at the level of individual institutions, many rules for redirecting financial flows to small and medium-sized businesses and all affected companies were changed. Undoubtedly, the largest financial and political instrument that the EU has created is the Recovery Plan with a total value of 750 billion euros. In the field of tourism in particular, a number of regulations related to the protection of passengers' rights have been changed, as well as a number of reliefs for airlines, sea, bus and rail carriers. Beyond any doubt, the pandemic has been one of the strongest challenge of solidarity and the EU's ability to react quickly since decades. Has the EU succeeded in implementing timely measures at European level and to what extent will they help to rebuild the tourism industry? We can answer part of this question right now, the rest we have yet to see.
Ограничения и регулации в търговията на Европейския съюз: уроци от пандемията
Ограничения и регулации в търговията на Европейския съюз: уроци от пандемията
(Restrictions and Regulations in Trade: Lessons from Pandemic)
- Author(s):Irena Nikolova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy
- Page Range:147-158
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers; Barriers to Foreign Trade; Trade Restrictiveness Indices
- Summary/Abstract:The coronavirus pandemic has changed the perspectives of societies by transitioning to a new reality often defined as the “new normal”. It is evident that the return of societies and economies to the situation before the pandemic will not happen. Moreover, the digitalization processes are permanently established, and they have significantly accelerated the restructuring of economic sectors as the digitalization level in Southeast Asian countries is significantly higher from those in the other parts of the world. During the pandemic trade in goods and services is not an exception from the whole situation. The expectations for the post-pandemic world are that all those digitalization trends will continue. Moreover, the transition to high-tech manufacturing led to electronic chip shortage and production delays. In parallel, the pandemic closed the borders that is only typical for a war and movement of goods and services was blocked for the first time after WW2. The countries started encouraging the domestic production of goods and delivering services in order to prevent another closure of borders. That resulted in an increase of protectionism by implementing primarily non-tariff measures. The purpose of the paper is to present the main regulations and restrictions in EU trade during the pandemic and to present the expectations after the pandemic. The specific tasks of the paper are related to two main issues: i) Comparison of restrictions and regulations in trade of EU Member States with third countries before and during the pandemic; ii) Present the expected consequences in trade after the coronavirus pandemic is over.
Тенденции и перспективи пред търговията на Европейския съюз с основни азиатски страни
Тенденции и перспективи пред търговията на Европейския съюз с основни азиатски страни
(Trends and Prospects for European Union's Trade with Main Asian Countries)
- Author(s):Monika Moraliyska
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy
- Page Range:159-176
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Trade; EU; Asia
- Summary/Abstract:The paper analyzes the EU's trade relations with its main partners in Asia. The countries that are the EU's main trading partners in Asia have been identified. Statistics on trade in EU goods with China, Turkey, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam and India in the period 2010-2020 are analyzed. Trends on trade in services between the EU and these countries, as well as on bilateral investments are presented. The main prospects for EU trade cooperation with Asian countries are outlined.
Сближаването при експортната специализация като критерий за икономическа кохезия в ЕС на примера на България, Румъния, Унгария и Словакия
Сближаването при експортната специализация като критерий за икономическа кохезия в ЕС на примера на България, Румъния, Унгария и Словакия
(Approximation in export specialization as a criterion for economic cohesion in the EU on the example of Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia)
- Author(s):Dimitar Hadjinikolov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy
- Page Range:177-190
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:EU; Export Specialization; Economic Cohesion; Bulgaria; Romania; Hungary; Slovakia
- Summary/Abstract:An important prerequisite for the successful implementation of the EU's common policies is the existence of high economic cohesion in the Union. Economic cohesion is reflected in the similarity of the structure of the economies of the Member States. One of the criteria for economic cohesion is the convergence achieved in the export specialization of the Member States. To determine the degree of this convergence, the convergence in export specialization of four similar economies of the following new EU Member States - Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, and Slovakia - was measured in four different years: 2006, 2014, 2019 and 2020. The results show that in all four Member States there is a clear trend towards convergence with the EU average in terms of export specialization. This is also a proof for a growing economic cohesion. The convergence process is significantly more pronounced in Hungary and Slovakia than in Bulgaria and Romania, with Romania having slightly greater convergence than Bulgaria. There is also some impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, there has been a slight retreat from the achieved convergence in export specialization in Romania and to a lesser extent in Slovakia.
Резюмета на английски. За авторите
Резюмета на английски. За авторите
(Abstracts in English & About the Authors)
- Contributor(s):Dimitar Hadjinikolov (Editor), Ingrid Shikova (Editor), Iskra Christova-Balkanska (Editor), Teodora Kaleynska (Editor), Veronika Stoilova (Editor), Gergana Radoykova (Editor), Katya Hristova-Valtcheva (Editor), Monika Moraliyska (Editor), Teodora Delisivkova (Editor)
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Conference Report
- Page Range:191-201
- No. of Pages:11