Mierzenie się z esejem. Studia nad polskimi badaniami eseju literackiego
Coping with an essay. Studies on Polish research on a literary essay
Author(s): Małgorzata Krakowiak
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Studies of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: literary essay; Polish
Summary/Abstract: Coping with an essay shows two research perspectives. The part entitled The presenceof an essay in the Polish literature is a historical perspective of the very phenomenon.Motivating it, the assumption is that writing essays consciously, as texts clearly differentfrom others, by Polish authors has been dated back to the 1920s. A separate, but parallelissue was the ingraining of the term „essay” in the awareness of the participants ofthe Polish literary life, and various propositions to define its scope. Chronologically, theresearch and literary reactions to the appearance of subsequent texts referred to as essayswere traced. Historical conditions influencing an increase in knowledge on a Polish essay,created and read under the circumstances of both a free flow of ideas, and gradually witha return of the literary diaspora overcome at the end of the century.The part called In the circle of the theory contains five cross-sectional perspectives of anessay, already treated as a defined genological model. Analysing various theoretical standpoints,and observing contemporary linguistic tendencies, first terminological misunderstandingswere presented, and a suggestion to specify the name designation (in order toachieve a communicative efficiency) was offered. Complex conditions of pronouncing aliterary nature of an essay were shown from today’s point of view. The author was confirmedin her beliefs that being in favour of the existence of a paradoxically precise genremodel of an essay is justified. Finally, the popularization of writing forms deriving froma literary essay in its traditional form (which is still gaining new textual realizations). Itconcerns both the esseisation of various texts described by researchers for a long time, anda hypothetical prediction concerning significant trends in the Polish literature nowadays.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-504-9
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-2147-9
- Page Count: 296
- Publication Year: 2012
- Language: Polish
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