Cross-border Perspectives and Interdisciplinary Approaches of Life Quality
Cross-border Perspectives and Interdisciplinary Approaches of Life Quality
Contributor(s): Gina Aurora Necula (Editor), Carmelia Mariana Dragomir Bălănică (Editor), Alexandra Toma (Editor)
Subject(s): Foreign languages learning, Communication studies, Sociology, Family and social welfare, Welfare services, Economic development, Migration Studies, Sports Studies, Tourism
Published by: CEEOLPRESS
Keywords: sociology;ecotourism;Economic development;Family and Social welfare;Sport studies
Summary/Abstract: In this study, researchers analyse, from different perspectives, the challenges related to technology, language, culture, society, law, engineering, economics and physical education and sports, viewed from a cross-border perspective, with emphasis on similarities and dissimilarities between life quality in the Republic of Moldova and life quality in Romania. The study involves experienced, as well as young researchers (PhD students), in order to ensure the transfer of knowledge and good practices. The volume endeavors to tackle key aspects related to the quality of environmental factors, food quality, urbanization, communication, language, nutrition, health, education, economic conditions, security, social environment, leisure, all approached in an integrated manner. The transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach aims to mirror the complexity of contemporary life and to consider the variety of factors that influence the perception of life quality.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-3-949607-21-9
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-3-949607-20-2
- Page Count: 460
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: English
Building a Nonviolent Identity while Surrounded by Icons of Violence
Building a Nonviolent Identity while Surrounded by Icons of Violence
(Building a Nonviolent Identity while Surrounded by Icons of Violence)
- Author(s):Gina Aurora Necula, Alexandra Toma
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Studies in violence and power, Economic development, Tourism
- Page Range:3-24
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:structural violence; cultural violence; direct violence; euphemism; propaganda
- Summary/Abstract:This paper mostly analyses the way violence is rebranded through public monuments belonging to a controlled manipulative narrative and how language is aimed to conceal reality, covering past trauma and pain and turning them into glamorous concepts like victory and glory. Art and language subtly translate societal violence and restructure reality.
Ecotourism, as a Step Forward Towards New Standards in Environment Protection
Ecotourism, as a Step Forward Towards New Standards in Environment Protection
(Ecotourism, as a Step Forward Towards New Standards in Environment Protection)
- Author(s):Carmelia Mariana Dragomir Bălănică
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:25-47
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:ecotourism;education;sustainable development
- Summary/Abstract:This paper reflects the progress made by Romania and the Republic of Moldavia in environmental management and ecotourism, highlighting the regulatory framework, the implementation of green economy practices, environmental monitoring, public participation, education for sustainable development, and other relevant issues related to the protection of atmospheric air, biodiversity and protected natural areas, water resources management, waste, and chemicals management.
Quality of Life: Achievements and Expectations in Social Media Political Communication
Quality of Life: Achievements and Expectations in Social Media Political
(Quality of Life: Achievements and Expectations in Social Media Political
- Author(s):Delia Andreea Oprea
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics, Media studies, Sociology
- Page Range:49-75
- No. of Pages:27
- Keywords:internet; politics; communication; social media
- Summary/Abstract:Changes made by the internet and by social media in particular are affecting the way we see the world, the way we perceive reality, and even more, the way we conceive our lives. Another important change that has occurred is that there is now no filter on the way we choose to represent reality or on the way we speak: ironically, directly, by giving false or partially true information, etc. But, when the citizens’ well-being is in danger, all the good and all the bad things can be reflected in social media, without caring for language, but more for the ideas voiced for the whole world to hear.
Factors Determining the Composition of Means and Methods of Strength Training of Athletes Specialising in Sports Wrestling
Factors Determining the Composition of Means and Methods of Strength Training of Athletes Specialising in
Sports Wrestling
(Factors Determining the Composition of Means and Methods of Strength Training of Athletes Specialising in
Sports Wrestling)
- Author(s):Victor Manolachi, Veaceslav Manolachi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Sports Studies
- Page Range:77-204
- No. of Pages:128
- Keywords:sport; strength training; wrestling
- Summary/Abstract:This paper explores the possibilities of neuroregulatory adaptation of muscle motor units for the development and manifestation of strength qualities and the importance of taking into account and reducing the protective reactions of muscle and tendon echanoreceptors. Moreover, this research tackles the role of muscle microtraumas and the activation of muscle fibre regeneration in the development and manifestation of strength qualities.
Food Waste and its Impact on the Future of Mankind
Food Waste and its Impact on the Future of Mankind
(Food Waste and its Impact on the Future
of Mankind)
- Author(s):Maricica Stoica, Dimitrie Stoica
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Human Ecology, Environmental interactions, Globalization
- Page Range:205-224
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Food supply chain; Food loss and waste; Food security
- Summary/Abstract:This chapter presents food loss, food waste and Zero Waste terminology and also explores the economic consequences of food waste. Knowledge of food waste terminology and its consequences on the economic dimension can have a positive impact on the natural resource efficacy and existence of humanity in the future.
Exercises for Improving the Life Quality of People with Disabilities
Exercises for Improving the Life Quality of People with Disabilities
(Exercises for Improving the Life Quality of People with Disabilities)
- Author(s):Gheorghe BRANIȘTE, Dumitru PRODAN, Viorel DORGAN
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law, Family and social welfare, Sports Studies
- Page Range:225-242
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:physical education; disability; quality of life
- Summary/Abstract:This paper provides information on the following terms: disability and quality of life. In addition, it also depicts the components of quality of life. Physical education plays an important role both in the life of an individual and of society as a whole. Physical exercise contributes to the harmonious development of the individual since it has significant educational potential, maintains their physical and mental health and contributes to the socialisation of people of all ages.
Intercultural Communication Competence and its Implications on the Integration of Foreign Students
Intercultural Communication Competence and its Implications on the Integration of Foreign Students
(Intercultural Communication Competence and its Implications on the Integration of Foreign Students)
- Author(s):Georgiana Ciobotaru
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Foreign languages learning, Communication studies, Higher Education
- Page Range:243-268
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:quality of life; foreign language studies; communication
- Summary/Abstract:The quality of life of foreign students is important for their future development, their academic performance, how they evolve professionally and personally also depend on this, as they stay in Romania for a shorter or longer period of time, transforming how they are as people, becoming others, richer culturally, linguistically, people of modern, open democratic societies, able to adapt anywhere and interact with a different Other.
The Pragmatics of Facebook Interactions in Romania and the Republic of Moldova
The Pragmatics of Facebook Interactions in Romania and the Republic of Moldova
(The Pragmatics of Facebook Interactions
in Romania and the Republic of Moldova)
- Author(s):Alexandra Toma
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:269-288
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:computer-mediated communication; emoji; pragmatic markers; speech acts
- Summary/Abstract:This paper presents the results of a survey conducted on a corpus of Facebook posts and compares patterns of online interaction through this social media platform in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, with an emphasis on linguistic methods of expressivity and the pragmatics of communicative exchanges. Moreover, the paper will corroborate the discoveries of the surveys with cultural elements (common and distinct) in order to reveal the way culture is mirrored in communication through Facebook.
Materials for a Better Life – Trends and Perspectives
Materials for a Better Life – Trends and Perspectives
(Materials for a Better Life – Trends and
- Author(s):Geanina Marcela Podaru
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Energy and Environmental Studies, Transport / Logistics
- Page Range:289-315
- No. of Pages:27
- Keywords:materials; quality of life; composite materials;
- Summary/Abstract:Composite materials are being used more and more and place themselves in the category of new materials especially designed to meet special requirements in terms of mechanical strength, rigidity, corrosion resistance, lightweight, fatigue strength, shock, wear, and dimensional stability thus, being used more frequently in the aeronautical industry, but also in many other fields (automotive industry, sports equipment or others). The polymer composite houses are proving to be a solution for the disasters that arise in people’s daily lives, even for the countries that are protected from natural disasters, with a decent standard of living. The modular assemblies obtained have a low cost and a short assembly time, so they can also be used for emergencies.
GDP and Inflation - Macroeconomic Indicators that May Reflect an Improved Economic Well-Being
GDP and Inflation - Macroeconomic Indicators that May Reflect an Improved Economic Well-Being
(GDP and Inflation - Macroeconomic Indicators that May Reflect an Improved Economic Well-Being)
- Author(s):Ramona Mariana Călinică
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Micro-Economics
- Page Range:317-332
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:gross domestic product; inflation; macroeconomic indicators; economic welfare
- Summary/Abstract:Within each national economy, a range of economic activities is carried out, resulting in a diverse range of goods and services, which can be assessed in physical or value terms using macroeconomic indicators. One of these is the gross domestic product, which is used to measure a nation’s economic activity and is considered to be an index that can reflect the health of an economic system. When analysing the state of an economy, inflation is another important indicator. It has a significant impact on the evolution of the GDP and can have considerable damaging effects to the economic growth. The aim of this paper is to analyse the evolution of both GDP and inflation in the context of the economic and monetary integration of Eurozone countries.
International Legal Standards for the Protection of Government Officials During the Performance of Their Duties
International Legal Standards for the Protection of Government Officials During the Performance of Their Duties
(International Legal Standards for the Protection of Government Officials During the Performance of Their Duties)
- Author(s):Mihai Draniceru
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Criminal Law, Civil Law, Governance, EU-Legislation, Corruption - Transparency - Anti-Corruption
- Page Range:333-353
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:politics, public servants; public service; government officials
- Summary/Abstract:The chapter presents a comparative analysis of the legal aspects regarding the rights and guarantees offered to government officials both by the legislation of international institutions and of some reference countries. Particular emphasis has been placed on the protection by legal-criminal instruments of civil servants against pressure from third parties, which, by most laws, are considered crimes. The paper focuses on the persons placed under the protection of the law, the main sanctions, and the circumstances of committing the offences.
Progress and Suitability of Life Quality Indicators in Imagistic Analysis
Progress and Suitability of Life Quality Indicators in Imagistic Analysis
(Progress and Suitability of Life Quality Indicators in Imagistic Analysis)
- Author(s):Alina-Mihaela CEOROMILA
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Agriculture
- Page Range:355-371
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:quality of life; indicators; imagistic analysis
- Summary/Abstract:The paper shows that both optical and electronic microscopy combined with intelligent image processing techniques have an important role in the clinical imaging evaluation of cells, molecules, and genes. The development of new adaptative microscope imaging techniques combined with artificial intelligence machines will contribute to real time measurements both at the laboratory and industrial scale.
Learning Foreign Languages as a Social Practice
Learning Foreign Languages as a Social Practice
(Learning Foreign Languages as a Social
- Author(s):Daniela Eugenia LUPAȘCU
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Foreign languages learning, Communication studies, Language acquisition, Sociolinguistics
- Page Range:403-413
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:SLA; second language acqusition; communication
- Summary/Abstract:People develop social practices as a way to relate to one another and our environment. Besides cultural social practices such as traditions or religion, one of the characteristics that most distinguishes us as a society among other peoples is our spoken language. Linguistic social practices are an essential component of any society, country, or group of people. In this study, we aim to review the broad concept of SLA and its main theories in general and to focus on second language learning as a social practice in particular.
Comparative Analysis and the Evolution of Communication Services
Comparative Analysis and the Evolution of Communication Services
(Comparative Analysis and the Evolution of Communication Services)
- Author(s):Ciprian-Mugurel Enache
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Communication studies, Economic development, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:415-433
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Internet; communication; technological development
- Summary/Abstract:Looking back at the performance of the technology of that time compared to that of the technology of today, we can see the huge technological leap that mankind has taken in the last 50 years. At the same time, with the development of technology, the need for communication has also grown exponentially, for many of us it is inconceivable that today we should not start the day by reading our e-mails, scrolling news from online newspapers or viewing various videos posted on social networks.
Well-Being For Migrants: Linguistic and Cultural Aspects to Improve Emotional Intelligence
Well-Being For Migrants: Linguistic and Cultural Aspects to Improve Emotional Intelligence
(Well-Being For Migrants: Linguistic
and Cultural Aspects to Improve Emotional
- Author(s):Alina Preda
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Foreign languages learning, Welfare services, Migration Studies
- Page Range:435-454
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:language; migrants; social integration; culture; emotional intelligence
- Summary/Abstract:Migration is a universal phenomenon, which existed with the subsistence of the human beings on earth. People migrate from one place to another for several reasons, but the goal or main reason behind changing residence would be to improve their living conditions or escape from debts and poverty. Hence, migration has a great impact on any geographical area, and it is known as one of the three basic components of population growth in any particular region. Migration involves certain phases to go through; hence, it is a process. Moreover, subsequently it has a negative impact on the mental well-being of such population. Due to globalisation, modernisation, improved technologies and developments in all sectors, migration and its impact on human well-being is a contemporary issue; hence, here is an attempt to understand migration and its impact on the mental health of migrants based on the studies conducted around.