Slovanský literární svět: kontexty a konfrontace III: Motiv domova ve slovanských literaturách
Slavonic Literary World: Contexts and Confrontations III: Motif of home in Slavonic literatures
Contributor(s): Lenka Paučová (Editor)
Subject(s): Comparative Study of Literature, Bulgarian Literature, Czech Literature, Polish Literature, Serbian Literature, Slovak Literature, Slovenian Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature, Politics and Identity
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Slavonic literatures; Václav Prokůpek; 19th century; Czech-Slovak relations; Slovak poetry; motif of home; de-naturalization; National identity; Slovenian modernist poetry; Tomaž Šalamun; Realism; prose; Tradition; outlaw theme;
Summary/Abstract: Post-conference proceedings “Slavonic Literary World: Contexts and Confrontations III” with the subtitle “Motif of home in Slavonic literatures” consists of 15 papers of doctoral students from 5 European countries. In compliance with the thematic focus of the conference the authors deal with the motif of home in variety of connections, therefore their works bring the new impulses to present state of knowledge and their works illustrates the tendencies and directions of young generation of Slavists.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-8893-1
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-8892-4
- Page Count: 155
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Slovak, Czech
Domov slovenského drotára (J. K. Tyl – Pomněnky z Roztěže a téma domova)
Domov slovenského drotára (J. K. Tyl – Pomněnky z Roztěže a téma domova)
(Slovak tinsmith's home (J.K. Tyl – Memories from Roztěž and the theme of home))
- Author(s):Jana Bujnáková
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Diplomatic history, Czech Literature, 19th Century, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:9-16
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:19th century; Czech-Slovak relations; tinker; love; homeland;
- Summary/Abstract:The mutual development of Czech-Slovak relations naturally led to the emergence of literary works with home as the main theme. The arabesque, Pomněnky z Roztěže by Josef Kajetán Tyl, also falls into the period of 19th century. After the unpleasant relationship experience a Slovak tinker loses the meaning of life and feeling of having a home. Being lonely, he wanders around missing his homeland, thinking of his family, childhood and home village. However, on the mental side, the homeland was represented by his love to Hanka and their future plans. The unfulfilled love is ultimately existentially and personally liquidating for the tinker, who lost his home, understood not only as a physical place.
Keď príroda prestala byť domovom (Odprírodnenie v súčasnej slovenskej poézii)
Keď príroda prestala byť domovom (Odprírodnenie v súčasnej slovenskej poézii)
(When nature ceased to be a home (Denaturalization in contemporary Slovak poetry))
- Author(s):Zuzana Cepková Feješová
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Comparative Study of Literature, Slovak Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:17-26
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Slovak poetry; motif of home; de-naturalization; Habaj; Ferenčuhová; Kucbelová;
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper focuses on the relation between home and nature motifs in Slovak poetry. The motif of home was traditionally connected with nature, country and native village. However, the conventional opposition between nature and culture is being revaluated in the contemporary poetry. Several passages of the poetic texts prove the thesis about a period of so-called post-modern Romanticism characterized by escape from the nature, but anguishing poetic reactions on the social situation are symptoms of de-naturalization in the ambient of modern urban home. The de-naturalization, it means the loss of interaction with the home in nature, seems to be a part of a deeper process of identity crisis. De-humanization linked with de-naturalization is projected onto the creation of lyrical subject and issues into the usage of herbal and animal elements with unusual functions.
Národnostní identifikace v románu Václava Prokůpka Ztracená země
Národnostní identifikace v románu Václava Prokůpka Ztracená země
(National identification in the novel by Václav Prokůpek "Ztracená země")
- Author(s):Vladimíra Derková Derková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Czech Literature, Theory of Literature, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:27-35
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:National identity; Václav Prokůpek; ruralism; nation; Hlučín region;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper covers the projection of national identity in Václav Prokůpek’s novel Ztracená země (1938). This work focuses not only on the identification of the main characterʼs origins and the presented region of Hlučín but also on the influence of historical events on the present perception of the novel.
The Experience of Exile And Home in Connection with the Self-Understanding of the Poet in the Poetry by Tomaž Šalamun
The Experience of Exile And Home in Connection with the Self-Understanding of the Poet in the Poetry by Tomaž Šalamun
(The Experience of Exile And Home in Connection with the Self-Understanding of the Poet in the Poetry by Tomaž Šalamun)
- Author(s):Mateja Eniko
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Slovenian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:37-46
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Slovenian modernist poetry; Tomaž Šalamun; experience of voluntary exile; motif of home; poetic self-reflection;
- Summary/Abstract:For the poetic creation of Tomaž Šalamun, one of the most important Slovenian modernist poets, the experience of staying abroad was crucial. This was his voluntary and conscious decision. Referring to Said, it was his choice to give force to his creativity. Šalamun’s necessity to go out of home borders is closely connected with his understanding of the role of the poet. In his poetry, exile is represented as experience that allows him to establish himself as a poet, gives him the power to create and to step out of the conventional frameworks. The motif of living abroad is presented in a tense relation to home (both in terms of intimacy and socio-political space). Starting from Bakhtin’s theory of dialogism, the poet’s self-understanding of himself and his home is closely linked to the relationship with the other.
Tematika gastarbeiterů a národních stereotypů v tvorbě Natalky Sňadanko
Tematika gastarbeiterů a národních stereotypů v tvorbě Natalky Sňadanko
(Themes of guest workers and national stereotypes in Natalka Sňdanko's work)
- Author(s):Lenka Heinigová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Comparative Study of Literature, Ukrainian Literature, Sociology of Culture, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:47-54
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Natalka Sniadanko’s literary work; Ukrainian women’s literature; A Collection of Passions and Misadventures of a Young Ukrainian Lady; Frau Müller Will Not Pay More; national stereotypes;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper focuses on themes, such as illegal Ukrainian workers or different national stereotypes, in literary production of a contemporary Ukrainian writer Natalka Sniadanko. For this work were chosen two of her novels—the debut A Collection of Passions and Misadventures of a Young Ukrainian Lady (2001) and Frau Müller Will Not Pay More (2013). In her fiction Sniadanko tends to reflect life experience of Ukrainian women who have left their homeland in search of a better life and future. The author also shows different national mentality, issues of women’s emancipation and Eastern European guest workers, so called “gastarbeiters”. The aim of the paper is to prove, based on theme analysis, Sniadanko’s literary work is not just so-called “chick lit”, but it also stands a chance as a product of highbrow literature.
Martin ako rodné mesto v živote a tvorbe Anny Horákovej-Gašparíkovej
Martin ako rodné mesto v živote a tvorbe Anny Horákovej-Gašparíkovej
(Martin as a hometown in the life and work of Anna Horáková-Gašparíková)
- Author(s):Hana Hrancová
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Slovak Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:55-62
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Anna Horáková-Gašparíková; home town; Martin; memoirs; Slovakia;
- Summary/Abstract:Anna Horáková-Gašparíková came from the well-known Gašparík family from the city of Martin. Despite the fact that she lived in the Czech lands for the most part of her life, she regularly came back to Martin and maintained an intense contact with her countrymen. Her positive relation to the city was manifested in various forms in her literary work as well. Besides the chapter about Martin in the monograph Slovensko (Slovakia), she dedicated several newspaper articles to the city as well as a small booklet called Údolí Turce. Dva dopisy (The Valley of Turiec. Two Letters) written together with Karl Vik. As a literary critic, she also wrote forewords to collections Jozef G. Tajovský v kritike a spomienkach (Jozef G. Tajovský in Critical Works and Memoirs) and Janko Jesenský v kritike a spomienkach (Janko Jesenský in Critical Works and Memoirs), which represent a probe into the history (as well as the then events) of the city of Martin.
Obraz rodného kraja v próze realistického autora J. Čajaka
Obraz rodného kraja v próze realistického autora J. Čajaka
(An image of the native region in the prose of the realist author J. Čajak)
- Author(s):Ľubica Hroncová
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Slovak Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:63-70
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Realism; prose; home; Slovaks from Dolná zem; autobiography;
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper focuses on the theme of the home and homeland in selected proses written by J. Čajak jr., who, despite a strong relationship to the surroundings of Dolná zem, returns in his proses to the youth spent in Slovakia and reminisces in them about the members of his national community. The author depicts the features of the life reality from different regions of Slovakia and the relation of individual characters to their home, which is reflected especially in their autobiographical character. The concept of the home in the proses from the Slovak environment is for Čajak connected with the feeling of emotional perception of the birthplace, which is reflected also in their literary processing.
David Zábranský (prostřednictvím Herce a truhláře Majera) mluví o stavu své domoviny
David Zábranský (prostřednictvím Herce a truhláře Majera) mluví o stavu své domoviny
(David Zábranský (Actor and Joiner Majer) talks about the State of his Home)
- Author(s):Marek Lollok
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts, Czech Literature, Stylistics
- Page Range:71-80
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Contemporary Czech play; monodrama; political play; David Zábranský; Studio Hrdinů;
- Summary/Abstract:The contribution deals with the new Czech play Actor and Joiner Majer Talks about the State of his Home which was written by David Zábranský for Studio Hrdinů Theatre in Prague. This play is conceived as a polemic with the majority political view and lifestyle of certain social groups; it is constructed as a text a là thèse. We are especially analysing the linguistic (stylistic), structural and argumentative aspects of the Zábranský’s text with regard to the following performance by Kamila Polívková (2016, performed by Stanislav Majer) and its context.
Pacho, hybský zbojník: subverzia domácej zbojníckej tradície
Pacho, hybský zbojník: subverzia domácej zbojníckej tradície
(Pacho, the Hybe bandit: a subversion of the domestic bandit tradition)
- Author(s):Lenka Macsaliová
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Slovak Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:81-89
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Tradition; outlaw theme; subversion; history;
- Summary/Abstract:In a paper I will focus on three aspects of the selected prose by P. Jaroš from book Krvaviny. The first line will be the authorʼs work with older literary genres: folk-tale, fair-song, legend, which were popular in the Slovak territory mainly in the 18th century. They served as the dominant platform for talking, lecturing, or singing about the outlaw theme. I will analyse transformation of the traditional face of an outlaw in Slovak literature. On the plan of the character Pacho I will focus on what comes in story after the national symbol, which was Juraj Jánošík in Slovak native tradition. The third point is that I will try to answer the question of the importance and function of a subversive writing about the traditional outlaw theme in the literature, cultural, but also social or political context in the sixties and seventies of the 20th century.
Kateřina Tučková: roztříštění rodiny vlivem historických událostí, paměť, hledání identity
Kateřina Tučková: roztříštění rodiny vlivem historických událostí, paměť, hledání identity
(Kateřina Tučková: fragmentation of the family due to historical events, memory, search for identity)
- Author(s):Martin Markoš
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Comparative Study of Literature, Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:91-98
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Family; relationships; memory; generation; fatality; myth; ritual; Tučková; home as archetype;
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper deals with Kateřina Tučková’s literary work, concretely with the novels The Expulsion of Gerta (Vyhnání Gerty Schnirch), The Goddesses of Žítková (Žítkovské bohyně) in terms of family memory, relationship decline, narration of personal and family history, confirmation and reproduction of family myths (both presumed and real) and in terms of destructive influence of historical events on families and individuals. The attention is paid to (non-)functional communication, honesty (or alienation) and to (non-)dealing with set up life roles and strategies. Methodologically, this paper is based on studies by M. Castells (Power of Identity), A. Giddens (The Transformation of Intimacy: Love and Eroticism in Modern Societies) and J. Derdowska (Oscillating Mosaic: Urban Space and Literary Work) which can be used for anthropology of literature.
Z otčiny na galeje a späť. K významovým a výrazovým dimenziám motívu domova v spisoch uhorských protestantských exulantov v 17. storočí
Z otčiny na galeje a späť. K významovým a výrazovým dimenziám motívu domova v spisoch uhorských protestantských exulantov v 17. storočí
(From the fatherland to the galleys and back. The meaning and expressive dimensions of the motif of home in the writings of Hungarian Protestant exiles in the 17th century)
- Author(s):Petra Rusňáková
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Metaphysics, Hungarian Literature, 17th Century, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:99-106
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Baroque; home and exile; religion; persecution; metapsychical and sensual reality;
- Summary/Abstract:Until the half of the 17th century Hungary was a country where even non-catholic religious communities were tolerated. Although in the second half of the 17th century the ruling dynasty of Habsburgs reacted more strictly to movements in Europe and inside the monarchy (Turkish occupation, thirty years’ war, anti-habsburg rebellions). In order to internally strengthen his empire, the monarch took steps related also to religion. Religious homogenity was at that time considered to be one of the country stability aspects. Due to that catholic Habsburgs decided to eliminate majoritarian protestant communities—evangelicals a. c. and the reformed (calvins). On the basis of events from this period there came to existence a new type of literature reflecting mentioned facts. Authors were scholars and priests that became exiles or even galleymen. In connection with that they work explicitly or implicitly with a motif of home in their writing. The paper focuses on analysis of semantic and expressive dimensions of this motif.
Statický a dynamický motiv domova v současných bulharských pohádkách se zvířecím hrdinou
Statický a dynamický motiv domova v současných bulharských pohádkách se zvířecím hrdinou
(Static and dynamic motif of home in contemporary Bulgarian fairy tales with an animal hero)
- Author(s):Martina Salhiová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Bulgarian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:109-116
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Bulgarian author fairy-tale; animal hero; static motif; dynamic motif; intertextual motif of home;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper analyses the static and dynamic motif of home in several selected contemporary Bulgarian fairy-tales with animal heroes. In the hierarchy of motifs, a “sub-motif” becomes homesickness and a happy return from a foreign place, or a dissatisfaction with the current home, a long-distance journey, whose ultimate aim is to evaluate home or to save friends, hesitation between the natural space connected with freedom and the city, in which a materialistic approach to life is preferred (e.g. easy access to food, human care). I will not focus only on the role of intermotifs and intertextual motifs, on the static and dynamic motifs of home, that determine the course of fairy-tale, but also on the function of a character, which influences the concept of home.
Význam priestoru mesta v tvorbe slovenských nadrealistov
Význam priestoru mesta v tvorbe slovenských nadrealistov
(The importance of the city space in the work of Slovak surrealists)
- Author(s):Jaroslava Šaková
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Comparative Study of Literature, Slovak Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:117-124
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:City; home; war; wandering; nadrealism;
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper I will deal with the area of a city in writing of the Slovak nadrealist poets. City played an important role in writing of the French and Czech surrealists and this pattern is repeated also with Slovak writers. Poems Srdce Bratislavy I and II by M. M. Dedinský and Neskutočné mesto by Vladimír Reisel represent the most striking example. Beside them, regarding the motif of home, the area of Bratislava becomes important for the nadrealists mainly as a shelter during a war situation. In accordance with the cosmopolite perception of area, which is a part of nadrealist poetics, home is not considered to be a concrete place, more preferably to be a symbol of something worth protecting from a war conflict and its destructive consequences. In addition to the area of a city and home, the paper will deal with the motif of wandering, the character of a passenger or wanderer and their specific depiction in comparison to Czech and French surrealist writing.
Home of All Fears—Poland. Metaphor of Poland As a Home In Dawid Kornaga’s Local Anaesthesia
Home of All Fears—Poland. Metaphor of Poland As a Home In Dawid Kornaga’s Local Anaesthesia
(Home of All Fears—Poland. Metaphor of Poland As a Home In Dawid Kornaga’s Local Anaesthesia)
- Author(s):Michał Wolski
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Polish Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:125-136
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Poland; Local Anaesthesia; vampires; home; satire; homeland;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the paper is to philologically analyze Dawid Kornaga’s novel Local Anaesthesia (Znieczulenie miejscowe, 2008) from the perspective of using the metaphor of Poland as a home of all vampires and other creatures. Kornaga presents in his work 25 profiles of demonic characters (19 of them are vampires and 6 are other wraiths known from Slavic folklore), and all of them in different ways—involving irony, cynicism and humour—represents specific approach to thinking of Poland as a home, but also homeland, burden or duty. Construction of the novel is similar to silva rerum and allows great transparency of plot elements, time periods, relations between characters and their sentiments concerning their living place. It leads to the peculiar collage of attitude towards Poland, which is annotated with ironic narrative commentary and allows to recognize a group portrait of Poles, who are (in Kornaga’s novel) nothing less than a nation of vampires.
Postava Gavrila Principa v súčasnej srbskej dráme
Postava Gavrila Principa v súčasnej srbskej dráme
(The character of Gavrilo Princip in the contemporary Serbian drama)
- Author(s):Ana Žikić
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Serbian Literature, Theory of Literature, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:137-147
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:G. Princip; collective memory; national identity; ideology; contemporary Serbian drama;
- Summary/Abstract:In the paper, I will deal with an interpretation of the character of G. Princip in contemporary Serbian drama based on two plays by authors B. Srbljanović and M. Marković. Both texts were written at the occasion of celebrating hundred years of the beginning of World War I and lean on historical reality and archive material, but they are not simple reconstruction of events. I will analyze the texts from culturological point of view, due to the fact that they present events long term present in collective memory of South Slavs, they bring to light circumstances of the assassination and show a role of an individual in confrontation with large collective history and explore meaning of the words „victim“ or „hero“ in spirit of postmodernism.