Společný vzdělávací program přeshraničního exkurzního vyučování jako podpora výchovy k občanství: Sborník z konference. 14. a 15. listopadu 2018, Skalica – Hodonín
Common Educational Programme for Cross-Border Excursion Teaching to Promote the Education of Civics: Conference Proceedings. 14 and 15 November 2018, Skalica – Hodonín
Contributor(s): Slavomír Lesňák (Editor), Svatopluk Novák (Editor), Matúš Porubjak (Editor)
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Politics, Education, Cultural history, Customs / Folklore, Governance, Economic history, Social history, Modern Age, Recent History (1900 till today), Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Higher Education , History of Education, Other Christian Denominations, Socio-Economic Research, History of Religion, Identity of Collectives
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: education; civic education; environment; identity; cultural history; 20th century; holocaust; regional studies; Roma; gypsies; folk culture; politics;
Summary/Abstract: The following work, denominated Joint Learning Program for Cross-Border Educational Excursion as a Support for the Understanding of Citizenship, takes shape of an international convention compilation. The aforementioned convention took place in Hodonín (CZ) and Skalica (SK) 14 and 15 November 2018. The individual contributions within the compilation are the outcome of an individual research, documenting the cultural and historical specifics of the bordering regions of the Czech and Slovak Republics. The structure of the compilation follows the principle of multifield analysis and subsequent multifield studies deal with regional specifics and minutiae. The scientific contributions are intended for university professors, students and other professionals. Published papers are also intended for public use in the domains such as education, culture, and tourism.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-9394-2
- Page Count: 245
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: Czech
Socioekonomická komparace příhraničních regionů Jihomoravského a Trnavského kraje
Socioekonomická komparace příhraničních regionů Jihomoravského a Trnavského kraje
(Socio-Economic Comparison of the Border Regions of the South Moravian and Trnava Regions)
- Author(s):Jozef Mečiar, Svatopluk Novák
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Regional Geography, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:10-23
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:South Moravian region; Trnava region; comparison; cross-border cooperation;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper compares the cultural and natural features of the following border regions: South Moravian Region (Czech Republic) and Trnava Region (Slovak Republic). Both regions have a similar demographic and settlement character, which is further strengthened by the ethnic and cultural affinity of the majority of inhabitants of the two compared areas. Although the natural conditions do not hinder cross-border cooperation, they do not really encourage it. There is a certain difference in the position of both regions within their countries, as the South Moravian Region is a larger but only a marginal region, while the Trnava region is a smaller but metropolitan area as the factual background of the state capital. From this point of view, the amenities and economic and political importance of the Trnava region significantly exceed the size of its territory and the number of its inhabitants, while those of the South Moravian region are adequate to its size and population. The complementary type of cooperation (“complementation of the different”) has less chance – either the sources and attractors are the same in the regions, or they are easier to reach in the neighbouring regions of the home states, or they can be achieved in a greater amount and quality in other neighbouring countries. The chances for the coordination type of cooperation (“coordination of the same”), are higher even though the territorial neighbourhood of both regions is rather narrow. This opportunity is used by the project “Common Educational Programme of Cross-Border Excursion Teaching” (NFP304011C840) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the operational programme Interreg V-A Slovak Republic – Czech Republic 2014–2020.
Od spoločného štátu k odlišným systémom samosprávy
Od spoločného štátu k odlišným systémom samosprávy
(From the Common State to Different Systems of Self-government)
- Author(s):Jozef Lenč
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Politics, Governance, Recent History (1900 till today), Government/Political systems, History of Communism
- Page Range:24-36
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:self-government; Czech and Slovak Republics; election; competences; political system; democracy;
- Summary/Abstract:A century ago, the Czechs and the Slovaks began to build a common future, a political system and a way of managing communities, cities and regions. The attempt to establish a functional democracy was unsuccessful, however, the constitution of 1920 made it possible to form the basis of a democratic political system. During the years of cohabitation under the power of the Communist Party, the state, regional and local government were centralised on both sides of the Morava River under the power of the Communist Party. The Velvet Revolution (1989) and the subsequent peaceful separation of the Federation created space for their own way of governance at the level of municipalities and self-governing regions. Two different systems create a space for comparing the functionality and searching for the errors that were made during the formation of the systems. The missing municipalisation of the self-government is one of the mistakes which prevent our system of self-government from being perceived as effective and rational.
Krajina a člověk v regionu – příroda, její přetváření a ochrana
Krajina a člověk v regionu – příroda, její přetváření a ochrana
(Landscape and Man in the Region – Nature, Its Transformation and Protection)
- Author(s):Petr Jemelka
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Agriculture, Energy and Environmental Studies, Regional Geography
- Page Range:37-44
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:landscape; nature; protection; agriculture; forestry; environment;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper is an outline of the view of the heterogeneous form and the transformation of the relations between humans (human population) and the environment. It offers a brief assessment of the historical peripetia of the settlement of the South Moravian landscape (including the interesting geopolitical aspect – the situation after World War I), the use of natural resources and the overall anthropogenic transformation of the original landscape (agriculture, forestry, ponds, etc.). It also includes incentives for the promotion of environmental awareness and education. Using specific examples from the region it illustrates the topics of active nature and landscape conservation (MAB programme, biosphere reserve, Natura 2000 programme, the importance of non-profit organizations). These specific references to remarkable sites (natural and technical monuments, etc.) can become a source of inspiration for excursion education, combining both science and social science topics.
Vinohradnícke a vinárske tradície ako významná súčasť kultúrneho dedičstva a kultúrneho potenciálu Trnavska a Záhoria
Vinohradnícke a vinárske tradície ako významná súčasť kultúrneho dedičstva a kultúrneho potenciálu Trnavska a Záhoria
(Viticulture and Wine-Growing Traditions as an Important Part of the Cultural Heritage and Cultural Potential of Trnava and Záhorie)
- Author(s):Katarína Slobodová Nováková
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Museology & Heritage Studies, Agriculture, Regional Geography
- Page Range:45-56
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:viticulture; wine growing; cultural traditions; cultural heritage; Trnava region;
- Summary/Abstract:Viticulture represents the oldest specialized agricultural activity in Slovakia. The studied region was a specialized area from the 13th century. To a large extent, it represented the main occupation of the population, and was also called the urban type of viticulture. The impact of viticulture is evident in the region to the present day; the vineyard landscape is the Genius loci of the region. At present, viticulture is an important source of additional employment, entrepreneurial activities, as well as a cultural potential of the region. Therefore, the subject of our interest is the regional and community level of cultural heritage and the cultural potential of the studied area. We want to highlight the importance, persistence and revitalization of the viticulture tradition in the individual vineyard areas, specific activities, events, wine roads, local expressions as well as small sacral constructions in the region.
Trvalá udržateľnosť s dôrazom na environmentálnu problematiku – teória, implementácia a jej miesto v náuke o spoločnosti
Trvalá udržateľnosť s dôrazom na environmentálnu problematiku – teória, implementácia a jej miesto v náuke o spoločnosti
(Sustainable Development with a Special Focus on Environmental Problems – Theory, Implementation, and Its Place in Civics Education)
- Author(s):Matúš Porubjak
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Education, Energy and Environmental Studies, Economic development
- Page Range:57-65
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:sustainable development; environment; climate change; cycleway; civics education;
- Summary/Abstract:In the first, theoretical, part of the article we introduce the concept of sustainable development and show how it is used by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015. In the second, research, part of the article we present the report from the three-day research trip realized on bicycle at the end of August 2018 from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava to the Faculty of Pedagogy of Masaryk University in Brno, riding the cycleway shown on the map. Special attention is paid to climate changes, ecology, and the environmental specifics of the Trnava and South Moravia regions. Moreover, we introduce several suggestions for the enhancement of the environment situation in the mentioned regions. The last, implementation, part of the article is devoted to the importance of sustainable development in general and environmental protection and climate change for civics education.
Stopy T.G.Masaryka a jeho spolupracovníků na obou březích řeky Moravy
Stopy T.G.Masaryka a jeho spolupracovníků na obou březích řeky Moravy
(Traces of T. G. Masaryk and His Colleagues on Both Banks of the Morava River)
- Author(s):Erika Vonková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Political history, Social history, Recent History (1900 till today), Higher Education , History of Education
- Page Range:68-79
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:T. G. Masaryk; Skalica; Hodonín; Pavel Blaho; Ludevít Šimek; Jan Herben; Emanuel Havelka;
- Summary/Abstract:The first part of the paper is devoted to a consideration of what the secret of the extraordinary personality of T.G.M. as a poor boy who broke through consists in. The author offers an answer to the „Attempt at the Graphological Biography of T.G. Masaryk“ by Robert Saudek, published in Masaryk‘s Proceedings in 1927. The second part of the text highlights the relationship of T.G.M. to both banks of the Morava River during his childhood, specifying it on both the Moravian and Slovak sides. The third part is aimed at Masaryk‘s contacts with the natives at the time of his teaching at the University of Vienna and the University of Prague. The Vienna contacts are connected on the basis of cooperation between the Slovak academic association Tatran and the Czech academic association. The cooperation of T.G.M. with the future doctor in Senica Dr. Ludevít Šimek and young Skalička citizen Pavel Blaho is mentioned. The cooperation with Slovak students at the time of Masaryk‘s engagement at the Czech University of Prague is connected with their activities around „Detvan“ and „Čas.“ The fourth part is devoted to the cooperation of T.G.M. with Slovak friends from the close neighbourhood of the Morava River on the Slovak side during the preparation and start-up of „Hlas“. The Moravian side of the Morava River in the matter of contacts with T.G.M. is represented by a native of Brumovice, the so-called creator of the Masaryk legend – editor of the magazine Čas, politician, journalist, writer and historian, Jan Herben, who spent almost all his life assisting Masaryk and his ideas. The text will also recall the important personality of Hodonín – Emanuel Havelka, who led five dialogues with Masaryk between 1904–1910, especially about religion, philosophy and education.
Formování regionální identity na příkladu vybraných významných osobností
Formování regionální identity na příkladu vybraných významných osobností
(Formation of Regional Identity in Examples of Selected Prominent Personalities)
- Author(s):Radim Štěrba
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Regional Geography, Politics and Identity, Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:80-89
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:regional identity; Strážnice; education; didactic transformation;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper focuses on the development of regional identity among pupils by using the themes of important personalities associated with the given place. Within the defined region – the Hodonín region, the town of Strážnice, such prominent personalities were selected (B. Hrejsová, J. A. Komenský, M. Kudeříková, J. Skácel and J. Úprka), who represent the region, those that significantly exceed it and have significant international overlaps. At the same time, the text should serve as a starting material for the didactic implementation of the given topic into school education.
Trnavská univerzita v dejinách slovenského filozofického myslenia
Trnavská univerzita v dejinách slovenského filozofického myslenia
(Trnava University in the History of Slovak Philosophical Thinking)
- Author(s):Zuzana Palovičová
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Education, Modern Age, Higher Education , History of Education, Philosophy of Education
- Page Range:90-97
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:University of Trnava; Aristotelianism; Cartesianism; neo-scholastic system;
- Summary/Abstract:The University of Trnava was founded in 1635. The foundation of the university represented an important milestone not only in the history of the town of Trnava, but also promoted the development of education in Austria-Hungary. The town of Trnava gained European repute as the University of Trnava became a centre for science, education and culture. This article evaluates the scientific contributions of the University of Trnava in the 17th and 18th century with the focus on the field of philosophy. We analyse the Aristotelism in the neo-scholastic system and the influence of Cartesianism on the development of philosophy in Slovakia. The article also addresses the contribution of the University of Trnava to philosophy after the reform of Maria Theresa.
Baťovka – modernistická vize života koncernu Baťa a.s. na Slovácku
Baťovka – modernistická vize života koncernu Baťa a.s. na Slovácku
(Baťovka – Modernist Vision of the Life of the Baťa a.s. Concern in the Slovácko Region)
- Author(s):Barbora Vacková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Regional Geography, Economic history, Social history
- Page Range:98-108
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Baťa Company; democratization; individualization; modernization; Ratíškovice – Baťovka; standardization;
- Summary/Abstract:The text should serve as a basis for teachers who want to acquaint their students with the concept of modernity as it was developed within the framework of sociological knowledge, through excursion education in localities of typical standardized workers‘ colonies. The paper uses a small Baťa colony at the brown coal mine in Ratíškovice (South Moravia, Czech Republic) for this purpose. The first part of the text presents the sociological idea of modernity; the second part introduces the context of the Baťovka colony in Ratíškovice; the third is the application of the concept in the given locality. Similarly, the idea can also be used in other Baťa locations.
Trnava ako kultúrne a hospodárske centrum regiónu v 18. storočí – pohľad Mateja Bela
Trnava ako kultúrne a hospodárske centrum regiónu v 18. storočí – pohľad Mateja Bela
(Trnava as Cultural and Economic Centre of the Region in 18th Century (Bel’s View))
- Author(s):Peter Fraňo
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Regional Geography, Economic history, 18th Century
- Page Range:110-116
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Matej Bel; Trnava; topography; regional history;
- Summary/Abstract:Matej Bel (1684–1749) is one of the most famous and reputable Hungarian men of letters. His most valuable works, Notitia Hungariae novae historico-geographica (Vienna 1736), was also dedicated to the description of Trnava. Trnava is called „Little Rome“ because of the characteristic complex of university buildings and many churches in town. This paper deals with the characterization of Trnava’s history (etymology of town names), geographical (town location), economic (trade, markets, agriculture, the function of wheat and vine) and cultural characterization (seat of archbishop and university, free royal town), religious and secular topography (churches, monasteries, seminars, academic buildings, bulwarks, three squares, twelve streets) and the national situation (relations between Hungarians, Germans and Slovaks). Thanks to Bel’s writing and by comparing it to nowadays conditions we can make a relatively clear picture of Trnava as a cultural and economic centre of the region in the 18th century.
Holokaust a jeho kontexty v Strážnici a Svatobořicích na podklade orálnych svedectiev preživších
Holokaust a jeho kontexty v Strážnici a Svatobořicích na podklade orálnych svedectiev preživších
(The Holocaust and Its Contexts in Strážnice and Svatobořice Based on Oral Testimonies)
- Author(s):Slavomír Lesňák
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Oral history, History of the Holocaust
- Page Range:117-125
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:St. John's wort; Guardhouse; holocaust; oral testimonies; iWitness;
- Summary/Abstract:The study examines the holocaust in the Moravian villages of Svatobořice and Strážnice using the micro-historical view. The transformations of the locality of Baráky in Svatobořice as well as the talk by the survivor Ruth Felix about her life reflect the „great history“ of the 20th century. The study draws information on both sites from the oral sources stored in the Visual History Archive (University of Southern California). The presentation of the field research concerns the locality of Baráky (Svatobořice – Mistřín), the former Roma settlement near Svatobořice, the synagogue and the Jewish cemetery in Strážnice and the house of Ruth Felixová on Bzenecká Street.
Spolupráce Okresního výboru Svazu Cikánů-Romů v Hodoníně a Okresného výboru Zväzu Cigánov-Rómov v Senici v letech 1969-1973
Spolupráce Okresního výboru Svazu Cikánů-Romů v Hodoníně a Okresného výboru Zväzu Cigánov-Rómov v Senici v letech 1969-1973
(Cooperation of the Regional Committee of the Union of Gypsies-Roma in Hodonín and the Regional Committee of the Union of Gypsies-Roma in Senica in 1969-1973)
- Author(s):Dušan Slačka
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Ethnohistory, Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:126-133
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Czechoslovakia; Roma people; borders; federation; ethnic emancipation;
- Summary/Abstract:The first two Romani organisations officially approved by the authorities in Czechoslovakia – the Union of Gypsies-Roma in the Slovak Socialist Republic (Zväz Cigánov-Rómov – ZCR) and the Union of Gypsies-Roma in the Czech Socialist Republic (Svaz Cikánů-Romů – SCR) – were established in 1968 and 1969. The areas of activity of the Regional Committee of ZCR in the Senica district and the Regional Committee of the SCR in the Hodonín district neighboured each other at the Moravian-Slovak border, which was the area– in the late 1960s – of the re-established border between the two partly autonomous republics of the newly federalized Czechoslovakia. During the quite short existence of both organisations (both were terminated in 1973), the aforementioned Regional Committees were not able to carry out closer cooperation. This paper aims to show the reasons why the cooperation of these neighbouring organisations did not reach the level expected by their regional officials and also tries to explain the situation in the late 1960s and early 1970s in the broader historical process of influencing the lives of Romani communities for many generations connected by a shared history, family links and common dialect of the Romani language, living in south-eastern Moravia and western Slovakia, by the often-changing politico-administrational arrangements in this area.
Trnava ako historické centrum náboženského života
Trnava ako historické centrum náboženského života
(Trnava as a Historical Centre of Religious Life)
- Author(s):Ivan A. Petranský
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Jewish studies, Social history, History of Judaism, Other Christian Denominations, History of Religion
- Page Range:134-141
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:City of Trnava; Religious life; Catholic Church; Evangelical Church of Augsburg Confession; Jewish religion;
- Summary/Abstract:Trnava has a specific significance in the religious history of Slovakia, and in some historical periods this importance extends beyond the boundaries of Slovakia and, at the same time, it acquires a dimension that extends to other than religious and confessional aspects of society. The paper deals with the key problems of Trnava’s position in religious life, focusing largely on the importance of the town in the history of the Catholic Church from the Middle Ages up to the 20th century. In addition, it focuses on the history of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession and the Jewish religion as the confession which also shaped the history of the town. The issue is explored from the point of view of the possibilities of using the results for the preparation of excursion education, paying attention to specific places in Trnava which could be used for excursions.
Výzvy v integrácii zdravotne znevýhodnených na trnavských univerzitách
Výzvy v integrácii zdravotne znevýhodnených na trnavských univerzitách
(Challenges in the Integration of People with Disabilities at Universities in Trnava)
- Author(s):Lukáš Siegel
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Education, Higher Education , Health and medicine and law, Distance learning / e-learning
- Page Range:142-152
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:university; encountering disabilities; students with special needs;
- Summary/Abstract:In this article, we will analyze the difficulties that students with disabilities encounter at universities. These students have a unique set of needs. Universities must consider this factor while creating any school regulations and curriculum. University education is essential in our society. Students with special needs often rely on education in order to apply for a job position. Therefore, it is necessary to pay close attention to students with special needs. We will focus on a specific region in Slovakia to demonstrate the difficulties that students with disabilities encounter at a university. We will analyze what kind of measures universities in this region utilized. Universities in this region created a set of guidelines to help students with special needs. These will serve as a basis for our analysis. These universities struggle with various challenges while integrating students with special needs. The purpose of this article is to describe the current situation in the Trnava region and to address some of the challenges that universities encounter.
Společné rysy lidové kultury na Podluží a na Záhoří na příkladu lidového oděvu
Společné rysy lidové kultury na Podluží a na Záhoří na příkladu lidového oděvu
(Common Features of Folk Culture in Podluží and Záhoří in the Example of Folk Clothing)
- Author(s):Alena Křížová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Customs / Folklore, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:154-161
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Lengthy; Záhoří; Croats; folk culture; folk costumes;
- Summary/Abstract:Folk culture was formed in the past without regard to the state borders. For its appearance, the geographical and climatic conditions, the resulting source of livelihood, the economic ties to the city centres, and the way of life in its material, social and spiritual form were fundamental. For the ethnographic regions of Podluží in the south-eastern tip of Moravia and Záhoří in the south-western part of Slovakia, the lowland position and the same conditions for agriculture are characteristic. The historical circumstances of coexistence in the common state of the Austrian Monarchy contributed to their proximity, as well as being influenced by the Croat colonization that began in the mid-16th century, which also affected the appearance of folk clothing and was reflected primarily in the colour of individual components and their embroidery decorations. However, the development of folk costumes can only be observed systematically from the end of the 18th century, as written and pictorial sources and material documents are missing for the older period. By comparing the cut of clothing components in both regions, it can be concluded that male and female workwear exhibits the most common features, some differences in festive and ceremonial dresses are found especially in accessories. Nevertheless, the overall character of folk clothing in Podluží and Záhoří tells us about the cultural proximity of inhabitants on both sides of the border.
Výtvarné dění těsně po vzniku Československa na území moravského Slovácka
Výtvarné dění těsně po vzniku Československa na území moravského Slovácka
(Artwork Just after the Birth of Czechoslovakia in Moravian Slovakia)
- Author(s):Radovan Rybář
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Regional Geography, Recent History (1900 till today), History of Art
- Page Range:162-173
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Fine Arts; the Moravian region of Slovácko; the idea of Slavonic reciprocity; Moravian-Slovak cultural relations;
- Summary/Abstract:The Association of Moravian Visual Artists (SVUM) based in Hodonín became one of the most important cultural groupings after the establishment of the independent Czechoslovak state in the first decades of the 20th century. The active association with the idea of Moravianship of the creators emerged from the 1890s around the painter Joža Uprka, who called for the emancipation of Moravian artistic life as an alternative to European modernism. The „Association“ gradually developed into an art institution, using the traditions of Moravian Slovácko and forming an ideological platform of the late Moravian cultural revival.
Malým Rímom kráčali múzy – poznávanie literárnych dejín Trnavy ako možnosť exkurzného vzdelávania
Malým Rímom kráčali múzy – poznávanie literárnych dejín Trnavy ako možnosť exkurzného vzdelávania
(Muses Walked through Little Rome – Learning about the History of Literature of Trnava as an Opportunity for Excursion Education)
- Author(s):Marián Kamenčík
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Studies of Literature, History of Education
- Page Range:174-181
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Trnava; literature; literary life; literary monuments; literary personalities;
- Summary/Abstract:Since the Middle Ages the town of Trnava has been shaped as an important social, economic, religious and cultural centre. The educational and artistic level of the town is also represented by many writers, poets and cultural workers who have created their works of literary art here. The article focuses on six Trnava literary-cultural initiatives through which the city has made significant contributions to the history of national literature. At least in outline we will cover the literary works of authors, literary generations, formal or informal groups, from the Renaissance to the second half of the 20th century, which have to this day remained a solid part of the Slovak literary identity. Chronologically, these literary phenomena are concerned: Trnava during the Renaissance period, Trnava of the Baroque university erudition, Bernolák´s generation, Osvald´s group, Trnava of the Avant-Garde and the Trnavian group (Concretists). The knowledge of the literary history of the city will be put in the context of the existing system of monuments which mark the places where the literary life was organized, and we also plan to use them as educational excursion opportunities for students and visitors to Trnava.
Amatérski zberatelia ľudového umenia a starožitností. Osobná aktivita jednotlivcov a jej význam v začiatkoch muzeálnej činnosti
Amatérski zberatelia ľudového umenia a starožitností. Osobná aktivita jednotlivcov a jej význam v začiatkoch muzeálnej činnosti
(Amateur Collectors of Folk Art and Antiques. Personal Activity of Individuals and Its Importance in the Beginnings of Museum Activity)
- Author(s):Martina Bocánová
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Museology & Heritage Studies, Customs / Folklore, Recent History (1900 till today)
- Page Range:182-187
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:museum; museology; folk art; collecting; city;
- Summary/Abstract:The study deals with the development of museology by not only pointing to the socio-political situation of the time, but also by emphasizing the important personalities of the region. In Trnava, the collection activity was developed in two directions – the organized form and enthusiasts, for whom the collection of historical artefacts was a personal challenge. The Franz R Osvald Museum Company was founded in Trnava and its ambition was to associate people interested in history. Its main objectives were the management, preservation and presentation of historical, ethnographic and archaeological collections, which were handed over by the Saint Adalbert Association. Besides the organized way of work and enrichment of museum funds, we also know amateur collectors and artists interested in historical artefacts. The outstanding personality of the region was Štefan Cyril Parrák, who devoted his life to collecting folk art. Thanks to his enthusiasm, he gathered large quantities of historical objects of considerable historical, archaeological and cultural value. His huge personal collection has become one of the basic building blocks of the Western Slovakia museum in Trnava and has helped this museum to move from the position of a regional museum to that of a national museum, among other important institutions of this type in Slovakia. Despite the disintegration of his family and many existential problems, Štefan Cyril Parrák concentrated on the collection and preservation of historical objects during the Second World War. His activity was paralyzed due to the political events in 1948, when his house was nationalized. In 1954, this magnificent collection was moved to the Western Slovakia museum in Trnava and became the property of the state. The study presents not only the beginnings of the conception of an important collection fund in Trnava but also the life story of a man in the background of the socio-political events of the time.
Trnavsko-hlohovské súvislosti a prejavy literárnej avantgardy
Trnavsko-hlohovské súvislosti a prejavy literárnej avantgardy
(Trnava-Hlohovec Contexts and Expressions of the Literary Avant-garde)
- Author(s):Marián Kamenčík
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Cultural history, Social history, Recent History (1900 till today)
- Page Range:188-195
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Avant-Garde; surrealism; Catholic modern; Trnava; Hlohovec;
- Summary/Abstract:An important art initiative connected to modern European trends as well as to domestic inspirational sources is, in the interwar and war era in Slovakia, represented by the surrealistic avant-garde movement. Using the example of naturalisation of surrealism in such a rich cultural town as Trnava is, but also in another small provincial space, which is represented by the town of Hlohovec, we document that the viability of literary avant-garde was enabled not only by the artistic and Bohemian environment of Bratislava, but also by a large number of students, promising poets and abecedarians who focused their activities around important personalities from different places in Slovakia. The surrealistic traces in Trnava and Hlohovec also played an important role in the development of the literary avant-garde in Slovakia. This article maps the contribution of both cultural regions to the forming of avant-garde (mostly the surrealistic one) literary life. First and foremost in the spotlight will be the important organisers of avant-garde literary activities, such as Rudolf Dilong or Mikuláš Bakoš and others, around whom the literary active youth was concentrated who produced students’ magazines or debut books of poetry.
Formation of Regional Identity in the Example of Selected Prominent Personalities
Formation of Regional Identity in the Example of Selected Prominent Personalities
(Formation of Regional Identity in the Example of Selected Prominent Personalities)
- Author(s):Radim Štěrba
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Regional Geography, Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:198-207
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:regional identity; Guardhouse; upbringing; didactic transformation;
- Summary/Abstract:Příspěvek se zaměřuje na rozvoj regionální identity u žáků prostřednictvím využití tematiky významných osobností spjatých s daným místem. V rámci vymezeného regionu – okresu Hodonín, města Strážnice byly vybrány takové významné osobnosti působící v dané lokalitě (B. Hrejsová, J. A. Komenský, M.Kudeříková, J. Skácel a J.Úprka), které reprezentují daný region, ty které jej výrazně překračují a majíi významný mezinárodní přesah. Text má zároveň sloužit jako výchozí materiál pro didaktické zpracování daného tématu do školní výuky.
Trnava as a Cultural and Economic Centre of the Region in the 18th Century (Bel’s View)
Trnava as a Cultural and Economic Centre of the Region in the 18th Century (Bel’s View)
(Trnava as a Cultural and Economic Centre of the Region in the 18th Century (Bel’s View))
- Author(s):Peter Fraňo
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Regional Geography, Economic history, 18th Century
- Page Range:208-215
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Matej Bel; Trnava; topography; regional history;
- Summary/Abstract:Matej Bel (1684–1749) patrí k najvýznamnejším uhorským vzdelancom obdobia novoveku. V 30. rokoch 18. storočia začal v súlade so svojou obsiahlou koncepciou diela Notitia Hungariae novae historico-geographica písať aj Notíciu Trnavy, v ktorej chcel zaznamenať dejiny a súdobý miestopis tohto významného slovenského mesta. V našom príspevku sa zameriame predovšetkým na podrobné predstavenie Belovej topografie mesta Trnavy (kostoly, stĺpy, kláštory, semináre, námestia, ulice). Zároveň si pritom budeme všímať aj niektoré širšie dobové poznatky, ktoré o ňom Matej Bel zaznamenal (pomenovanie mesta, vysvetlenie erbu mesta, zamestnanie obyvateľov, zvyky, národnostné pomery a pod.). Vďaka týmto informáciám a ich porovnávaním so súčasným stavom našich znalostí získame pomerne jasné vedomosti o Trnave ako kultúrnom a hospodárskom centre regiónu v 18. storočí.
The Holocaust and Its Contexts in Strážnice and Svatobořice Based on Oral Testimonies
The Holocaust and Its Contexts in Strážnice and Svatobořice Based on Oral Testimonies
(The Holocaust and Its Contexts in Strážnice and Svatobořice Based on Oral Testimonies)
- Author(s):Slavomír Lesňák
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Oral history, Recent History (1900 till today), History of the Holocaust
- Page Range:216-225
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Svatobořice; Strážnice; holocaust; oral testimonies; IWitness;
- Summary/Abstract:Štúdia skúma metódou mikrohistorickým pohľadom holokaust v moravských obciach Svatobořice a Strážnice. Premeny lokality „Baráky“ vo Svatobořicicích ako i rozprávanie preživšej Ruth Felixovej o jej živote sú odrazom „veľkých dejín“ 20. storočia. Štúdia čerpá informácie k obom miestam z orálnych prameňov uložených v archíve svedectiev Visual History Archive (Univerzity v južnej Kalifornii). Prezentácia z terénneho výskumu sa týka lokality Baráky (Svatobořice – Mistřín), bývalej rómskej osady pri Svatobořicích, synagógy a židovského cintorína v Strážnici a domu Ruth Felixovej na Bzeneckej ulici.
Baťovka – Modernist Vision of the Life of the Baťa a.s. Concern in the Slovácko Region
Baťovka – Modernist Vision of the Life of the Baťa a.s. Concern in the Slovácko Region
(Baťovka – Modernist Vision of the Life of the Baťa a.s. Concern in the Slovácko Region)
- Author(s):Barbora Vacková
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Regional Geography, Social history
- Page Range:226-236
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:company Baťa; democratization; individualization; modernization; Ratíškovice – Baťovka; standardization;
- Summary/Abstract:Text má sloužit jako podklad pro vyučující, kteří chtějí své studenty seznámit s konceptem modernity tak, jak byl rozvíjen v rámci sociologického vědění, a to skrze exkurzní vyučování v lokalitách typických standardizovaných dělnických kolonií. V textu je k tomuto účelu využita malá baťovská kolonie u hnědouhelného dolu v Ratíškovicích na Moravě. První část textu představuje sociologický koncept modernity, druhá část pak kontext kolonie Baťovka v Ratíškovicích, závěrečná je pak aplikaci konceptu v dané lokalitě. Analogicky je možné výklad využít i v jiných baťovských lokalitách.
Sustainable Development with Special Focus on Environmental Problems – Theory, Implementation, and Its Place in Civics Education
Sustainable Development with Special Focus on Environmental Problems – Theory, Implementation, and Its Place in Civics Education
(Sustainable Development with Special Focus on Environmental Problems – Theory, Implementation, and Its Place in Civics Education)
- Author(s):Matúš Porubjak
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Education, Energy and Environmental Studies, Economic development
- Page Range:237-245
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:sustainable development; environment; climate change; cycle path; civics;
- Summary/Abstract:V prvej, teoretickej časti príspevku, predstavíme pojem trvalo udržateľného rozvoja a ukážeme, akým spôsobom ho používa Agenda 2030 pre udržateľný rozvoj prijatá na valnom zhromaždení OSN v septembri 2015. V druhej, výskumnej časti, prednesieme správu z trojdňovej výskumnej cesty, počas ktorej sme záverom augusta 2018 na bicykli absolvovali túru z FF UCM v Trnave na PdF MU v Brne po mapou deklarovaných cyklotrasách. Zvláštnu pozornosť budeme venovať prejavom klimatických zmien, krajinnej ekológii a environmentálnym špecifikám Trnavského a Juhomoravského kraja. Predstavíme tiež niekoľko návrhov na zlepšenie environmentálnej situácie uvedených regiónov. Záverečná implementačná časť príspevku bude venovaná významu trvalo udržateľného rozvoja, predovšetkým ochrane životného prostredia a klimatickým zmenám, pre výučbu náuky o spoločnosti.