Życie rodzinne w sferze zawodów wysokiego ryzyka (na przykładzie zawodu policjanta)
Family Life of High Risk Occupation Groups (Illustrated with the Case of a Police Officer)
Author(s): Monika Żak
Subject(s): Sociology
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: High Risk Occupation Groups; police
Summary/Abstract: The significant role that family plays in the process of development and socializationof a human being is undeniable. One’s profession constitutes another importantaspect of every adult individual’s life. It is important, sience it enables one to acquirefinancial means necessary for satisfying one’s needs, and determines one’s place in thesociety or a social group. The ability to reconcile professional activity with family liferisa problem which has lately become a subject of interest among the representatives ofvarious academic fields. Its importance and its role in the proper functioning of particularindividuals, and the whole communities they belong to, make it impossible to ignorethe influence of these people’s professional work on their and their families’ everydayexistence. Maintaining the balance between one’s professional and personal life is mecessaryfor the complete realization of one’s working and family functions. It is especiallyimportant in the case of jobs, the performance of which requires availability for 24hours a day and working during irregular hours, in difficult and dangerous conditions.Police service is an example of occupation witch determines one’s personal life toa considerable extent.The aim of the present work is to illustrate the impact that high risk occupationsexert of the police officers’ personal and family life. In the book, various theoreticalsources have been discussed, in which the basic information connected with humanwork, occupation and family are delineated. Different aspects of professional work havebeen also described, with a special consideration of the characteristics of a police officer’sprofession in Poland: the background and the social-economic conditions of theirservice. In the empirical part of this study, the authors has presented the results of research,which she conducted among police officers, their families and people from theirclose environment. The main issues on which the author has focused include: position ofwork and family in the police officers’ system of values, marriages and divorces in thepolice officers’ rnvironment, leisure time and forms of spending it, and methods that thepolice officers tend to use for raising their children. The book constitutes a specific studyof social consequences that performing a high risk occupation may have for the policeofficers’ personal and family life.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-346-5
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-345-8
- Page Count: 186
- Publication Year: 2015
- Language: Polish
- eBook-PDF
- Table of Content
- Introduction