Prasa centralnych związków samorządowych w Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej
Press of the central government unions in Second Republic of Poland
Author(s): Karol Makles
Subject(s): Political history, Recent History (1900 till today)
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: Second Republic of Poland
Summary/Abstract: ubject of study is press of the central territorial self-government’s unions in Second Republicof Poland, released in years 1919-1939. These are periodicals of government organizations ofall-Poland range, clustering intercomunal units. These were Związek Miast Polskich, ZwiązekGmin Wiejskich Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej and name-changing organization ofcounty (powiat) self-governments: Związek Sejmików Powiatowych RzeczypospolitejPolskiej, Zrzeszenie Samorządów Powiatowych i Związek Powiatów RzeczypospolitejPolskiej.Topic of self-government press for long years wasn’t raising deeper interests of researchers.Till today we know a little about diverse character of these publishing companies becausethese problems aren’t fully recognized and this issue deserves syntetic study. I put to detailedobservation: all-Poland county organizations weekly - “Samorząd” (1919-1939), municipalactivist monthly - “ Samorząd Miejski” (1921-1939) and quaterly devoted comunal theory andlife - “Samorząd Terytorialny” (1929-1939). These titles are the most representative for all-Polandself-government’s press of interwar period because they were connected to the biggestself-government’s organizations representing county councils and counties, cities, districtsand the smallest administrative units which are examplifications of various types of periodics:weekly, monthly, quaterly whereas typology of frequency of appearance connects with periodic’stypology character: informational, scientific for the general public and specialist-scientific.Taking into account the specification of the subject of this work the actual method ofresarch is bibliological-historical study and supporting them specific research technics.Research that I carry into history and function of press has bibliological and historical characterbecause that’s the angle I analyse periodics under. The technics I use are most often usedin press studies.Because periodics shouldn’t be examined in isolation, which means without a context,I tried to look into the issue from a broad perspective in six parts of my work, that’s why Ididn’t limit only to chosen magazines but I examined their deepest cultural-historical context:press of self-government unions rising from family’s and european’s traditions.The treatise has problematical-chronological character. First part - Introduction -contains explanation of term: self-government press. It considers traditions of self-governmentand problem of central unions which is element that treats of historical point of view at birthof polish administration and state institutions which was effect of regaining independenceby Poland. I also elaborated issue of establishing and activity of Związek Miast Polskich andZwiązek Sejmików Powiatowych.In second part I tried to locate all-Poland self-government publishers on press market.Here I discussed statistical context, publishers geography and issues of legal situation in whichmagazines of central self-government unions functioned.Then - in next three parts - I presented, using uniform model, titles „Samorząd”,„Samorząd Miejski” and „Samorząd Terytorialny”. I presented origins and facts, thatinf luenced magazines creation, and earlier forms that affected final character andshape of periodics. I considered material base, task and history of magazines, redactorsprofiles and authors in context of their inf luence on periodic shape. I characterizedpermanent columns and thematic cycles and also I made contents (thematicstructure) and formal-publishing analysis. The most important parts of last one are:graphic design, typographical arrangement, binding, ilustrating material (photographies,cartographical materials, tables, drawings and sketches), imprint, inf luencerange (circulation, distribution area, subscription types and receivers), format, size,pagination, prize, text breaking, printing base (printing houses), quality and durabilityof paper and advertisments. Size of parts dedicated to particular titles are matchingtheir publishing cycle and periodization.Study is closed by last part, ending. Bibliography of used literature, frequencyindex of authors who were publishing in mentioned titles and illustration materialis fulfillment to this study.In my work I discussed in details problem of publishers and sections of documentary(bibliographical) character, published in the pages of central self-governmentunions’s press. I thoroughly analysed sections Tabllettes Dokumentaires Municipales,Autonomie Municipale and Bibliografaę Miast Polskich appearing in „Samorząd Miejski”,Przewodnik wśród Książek and Oceny i Sprawozdania from „Samorząd”, Bibliografia,Zagadnienia Samorządowe w Prasie and Przegląd Piśmiennictwa in „SamorządTerytorialny” and also publications like Bibliografia dotycząca działalności samorząduw zakresie oświaty pozaszkolnej and Bibliografia literatury o gminie wiejskiej. Manytimes elaborations of these sections, documental publications and bibliographieswere their first analysis. Never till today they weren’t noticed and characterized bybibliographical history researchers and they are very valueable bibliographical relicin many respects.Issue of central press of self-government unions which I discussed in this treatisewasn’t so far subject of scientific research which involves that there is lack of systematicalelaboration. There are only a few pieces of information about magazineswhich exists only in collective publications where they have general character andare only superficial. The presented work, although is significantly widening currentknowgledge about self-government press, doesn’t aspire to overall perspective of thissubject and has ambitions to show - on three chosen examples - constitutive elementsof magazines owned by central self-government unions. Maybe this will be an inspirationto further research into self-government press in The Second Republic of Poland.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-152-2
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-2254-4
- Page Count: 410
- Publication Year: 2014
- Language: Polish
- eBook-PDF
- Table of Content
- Introduction