The Latest Approaches in Communication Sciences Cover Image

İletişim Bilimlerinde Son Yaklaşımlar
The Latest Approaches in Communication Sciences

Contributor(s): Ulaş Başar Gezgin (Editor)
Subject(s): Media studies, Aesthetics, Communication studies, Sociology, Existentialism, Theory of Communication, Film / Cinema / Cinematography, Marketing / Advertising, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Sociology of Art
Published by: Özgür Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti.
Keywords: Sociology of Communication; artificial intelligence; podcast; brands placements in films; big data;
Summary/Abstract: In this book, our title is "The Latest Approaches in Communication Sciences". In the first part, the sociological origins of communication studies are revealed. The second part is a theoretical study: The thoughts of Tocqueville, Putnam and Bourdieu are examined. The third chapter focuses on a fairly new topic, artistic artificial intelligence. The fourth episode reveals the podcast panorama of Turkey. In the fifth section, we turn to cinemas and focus on brand placements. In the sixth chapter, mythology in marketing is discussed. The seventh chapter is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of a film. In the eighth chapter, the topic of hactivism is covered. With the ninth chapter, we move on to studies in English. This section examines the Coca-Cola case study. The topic of chapter 10 is organic markets. Chapter 11 deals with the surveillance society and Chapter 12 covers big data.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-975-447-643-9
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-975-447-643-9
  • Page Count: 298
  • Publication Year: 2023
  • Language: Turkish, English
İletişim Araştırmalarının Sosyolojik Kökenleri

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Medya, Habercilik Alanı ve Sosyal Sermaye İlişkisi: Tocqueville, Putnam ve Bourdieu Bağlamında Kuramsal Bir İnceleme
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Yol Kenarı: Kafkaesk Bir Sinema
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The Digital Era Effect on Brand Image and Brand Communication: The Coca-Cola Case Studies

The Digital Era Effect on Brand Image and Brand Communication: The Coca-Cola Case Studies
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Elektronik Sivil İtaatsizlik Bağlamında Hacktivizmin Meşruluğu Üzerine
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Beyond Ritual: Exploring Organic Markets in Turkey
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From Targeted to Pervasive Surveillance: The Rise of Anti-Surveillance Activism against Twin Big Brothers
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Datagraphy as Historiography of Big Data: Taking Account of Unintentional and Intentional Misrepresentations by Twin Big Brothers and Expert Data Producers
(Datagraphy as Historiography of Big Data: Taking Account of Unintentional and Intentional Misrepresentations by Twin Big Brothers and Expert Data Producers)

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