Спазнаючы Беларусь… Да 65-годдзя беларусістыкі Варшаўскага ўніверсітэта
Discovering Belarus... On the Occasion of the 65th Anniversary of Belarusian Studies at the University of Warsaw
Contributor(s): Radosław Kaleta (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Belarussian Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, British Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: Belarusian Studies in Warsaw; anniversary; history of the Department of Belarusian Studies at the University of Warsaw; linguistics; Belarus; Belarusian language
Summary/Abstract: This monograph celebrates the 65th anniversary of Belarusian Studies at the University of Warsaw. It presents little-known facts from the history of the Department of Belarusian Studies as well as the Department’s present-day academic and didactic achievements and directions of its development. Apart from anniversary-related texts, the book feature research articles by Polish and Belarusian scholars, touching on socio-linguistic, anthropological, lexicographic, etymological, dialectological and toponymic questions, in both historical and modern contexts.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-6274-0
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-6266-5
- Page Count: 325
- Publication Year: 2023
- Language: English, Polish, Belarusian
Przemówienie na uroczystości 65-lecia Katedry Białorutenistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Przemówienie na uroczystości 65-lecia Katedry Białorutenistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
(Speech at the Celebration of the 65th Anniversary of the Department of Belarusian Studies at the University of Warsaw)
- Author(s):Elżbieta Smułkowa
- Language:English, Polish, Belarusian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Belarussian Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, British Literature
- Page Range:25-55
- No. of Pages:31
- Keywords:Antonina Obrębska-Jabłońska; Belarusian studies; history of linguistics; Polish-Belarusian relations
- Summary/Abstract:The article refers to the 65th anniversary of the Department of Belarusian Studies at the University of Warsaw. It discusses the beginnings of Belarusian studies in Warsaw and describes the figures of its first researchers, starting with Prof. Antonina Obrębska-Jabłońska. The author also alludes to the contemporary socio-political situation and the importance of academic research in the field of Belarusian studies in this context.
65-lecie Katedry Białorutenistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (historia i stan badań do 2019 roku)
65-lecie Katedry Białorutenistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (historia i stan badań do 2019 roku)
(On the Occasion of the 65th Anniversary of Belarusian Studies at the University of Warsaw (History and State of Research until 2019))
- Author(s):Nina Barszczewska
- Language:English, Polish, Belarusian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Belarussian Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, British Literature
- Page Range:57-80
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:Department of Belarusian Studies; 65th anniversary; Belarusian studies; history of Belarusian studies; achievements in linguistics and literary studies
- Summary/Abstract:In October 2021, the Department of Belarusian Studies at the University of Warsaw celebrated its 65th anniversary. During that time, a number of scientific papers in the fields of literary studies, linguistics, cultural studies and history were published, and many master’s and doctoral theses were defended. The development of Belarusian studies in Poland is of particular importance in today’s difficult times for the Belarusian language and culture within the Republic of Belarus, where the mother tongue of the nation is being abused and Belarusian organizations are being dissolved.
Katedra Białorutenistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego w latach 2017–2021
Katedra Białorutenistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego w latach 2017–2021
(The Department of Belarusian Studies at the University of Warsaw in 2017–2021)
- Author(s):Radosław Kaleta
- Language:English, Polish, Belarusian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Belarussian Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, British Literature
- Page Range:81-134
- No. of Pages:54
- Keywords:Department of Belarusian Studies; anniversary; history of Belarusian studies; scientific achievements; scientific output
- Summary/Abstract:The article describes the recent history of the Department of Belarusian Studies at the University of Warsaw from 2017 to 2021. It presents staff changes, recent publications, awards, organized conferences, international cooperation, guest lectures, events popularizing Belarusian studies, student affairs and the latest changes in teaching. Apart from showcasing the achievements of the Department on the occasion of its 65th anniversary, the article also aims to raise awareness about Belarusian affairs and encourage support for Belarusianness in difficult times.
Wybrane fakty z historii białorutenistyki warszawskiej w świetle dokumentów archiwalnych
Wybrane fakty z historii białorutenistyki warszawskiej w świetle dokumentów archiwalnych
(Selected Facts from the History of Belarusian Studies in Warsaw in Light of Archival Documents)
- Author(s):Radosław Kaleta
- Language:English, Polish, Belarusian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Belarussian Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, British Literature
- Page Range:135-171
- No. of Pages:37
- Keywords:Department of Belarusian Studies; jubilee; history of Belarusian studies; Antonina Obrębska- Jabłońska; Belarusian studies in Warsaw; archival documents
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the earliest history of the Department of Belarusian Studies at the University of Warsaw. The author describes the origins of the Department and whether it was established as a Department or a Section, and includes selected archival photographs. Some facts are shown in light of the correspondence of Prof. Antonina Obrębska-Jabłońska, who founded Belarusian studies at the University of Warsaw.
O białoruskiej rewolucji z perspektywy antropolożki wsi
O białoruskiej rewolucji z perspektywy antropolożki wsi
(On the Belarusian revolution from the perspective of an anthropologist of peasant communities)
- Author(s):Anna Engelking
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Belarussian Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, British Literature
- Page Range:175-188
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Belarusian revolution of 2020; value system; peasant ethos; discourse; nationalism
- Summary/Abstract:The article is devoted to the discourse of the 2020 Belarusian revolution, which the author analyses from the perspective of her long experience of ethnographic fieldwork in Belarusian villages. The discourse expresses values characteristic of the peasant ethos and, at the same time, constitutive of contemporary Belarusian culture, shaped by civilian, not military, values. The author focuses on three key, interconnected values: life, the human being, and dignity, together with their antiviolence orientation. She points out that the Belarusian cultural matrix appears to be universalism: it highly values bonds that create a humanistic, aideological community of equals. It is a pragmatic community concerned with life and survival. The ethical dimension of the Belarusian revolution is characteristic of a culture that draws primarily from the ethos of peasants, not one of nobles or the Romantic paradigm infused with nationalism.
Асваенне запазычаных міжнародна-прававых тэрмінаў беларускай мовай
Асваенне запазычаных міжнародна-прававых тэрмінаў беларускай мовай
(Assimilation of borrowed international legal terms in the Belarusian language)
- Author(s):Maryna Antaniuk-Prouteau
- Language:Belarusian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Belarussian Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, British Literature
- Page Range:189-197
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:assimilation of terms; international legal terminology; internationalisms; Belarusian language; semantic assimilation; trends in the development of terminology
- Summary/Abstract:The article examines the processes of assimilation of borrowed international legal terms in the Belarusian language in different historical periods. Special attention is paid to modern terms. A description of the stages, ways and mechanisms of assimilation of terms is given. It is noted that internationalization is the main trend in the development of the modern terminology of international law. The cases of variability of borrowed terms have also been examined.
Беларуская мова ў нефілалагічным студэнцкім асяроддзі Беларускага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта
Беларуская мова ў нефілалагічным студэнцкім асяроддзі Беларускага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта
(Belarusian language in the non-philological student environment of the Belarusian State University)
- Author(s):Vieranika Bandarovič
- Language:Belarusian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Belarussian Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, British Literature
- Page Range:198-214
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:questionnaire; Belarusian; Belarusian language; value; nation; level
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of the study was to find out how much the Belarusian language is in demand among modern youth – namely, those who have chosen a non-philological course of study – in order to predict the future fate of the Belarusian language. It turned out that the Belarusian youth mostly speaks the language of the nation at an average level. The respondents also considered the level of Belarusian language teaching in general education institutions to be average. For the majority of young people, the Belarusian language is an attribute of a separate people and a value that needs to be protected. They assume the responsibility for expanding the use of the Belarusian language and do not leave it to the state.
Produktywne typy słowotwórcze odprzymiotnikowych osobowych nazw nosicieli cech z formantami sufiksalnymi w języku białoruskim
Produktywne typy słowotwórcze odprzymiotnikowych osobowych nazw nosicieli cech z formantami sufiksalnymi w języku białoruskim
(Productive word-formation types of deadjectival personal names of feature bearers with suffixes in Belarusian)
- Author(s):Agnieszka Goral
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Belarussian Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, British Literature
- Page Range:215-225
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:personal names; noun derivatives; suffixation; attributive names; Belarusian language
- Summary/Abstract:The article is devoted to the personal names of feature bearers in Belarusian. Over 200 noun derivatives formed by suffixation from adjective and adjectival participle stems were analyzed. The material comes from the author’s file and Belarusian lexicographical sources and scientific works. The lexical corpus is presented according to the most productive word-formation types, including names with the suffixes -ец // -эц // -ац; -ак // -як and -iк // -ык. The study is conducted using descriptive and statistical methods. The derivatives selected for the analysis were classified according to two groups of meaning (names of people according to external and internal features) and then described from the point of view of word-formation structure. The study that in the analyzed lexical units, the (qualitative) feature underlying the derivation process acquires intensity, which leads to the blurring of any other (potential) personal features expressed in the referent. Some derivatives have a stylistic (expressive) character. The collected material proves that the suffix has a semantic and/or stylistic function and that the derivation itself is mutational.
Пытаньне табуізацыі і эўфэмізацыі беларускай сэксуальнай і плоцевай лексыкі: дыдактычны аспэкт
Пытаньне табуізацыі і эўфэмізацыі беларускай сэксуальнай і плоцевай лексыкі: дыдактычны аспэкт
(The issue of tabooing and euphemizing Belarusian sexual and corporeal vocabulary: a didactic perspective)
- Author(s):Uladzislau Ivanou
- Language:Belarusian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Belarussian Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, British Literature
- Page Range:226-234
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:taboos; euphemisms; euphemization; sexual vocabulary of the Belarusian language
- Summary/Abstract:The sexual and corporeal vocabulary of the Belarusian language is still extremely taboo and euphemized. At the academic level, however, it remains underdeveloped due to primarily extralinguistic factors, such as the ideological and moralistic attitudes of the Soviet and now Belarusian society. At the level of the history of language, literature, folklore, as well as on the example of modern Belarusian dialects, sexual vocabulary is actively used and developed. This gap is especially evident during teaching and translating into Belarusian. The article attempts to explain the gap between practice and theory and suggests ways out of the impasse.
Edward Piotrowicz Cynhiel – białoruski działacz społeczno-oświatowy w Łatgalii
Edward Piotrowicz Cynhiel – białoruski działacz społeczno-oświatowy w Łatgalii
(Edvard Pjatrovič Cynhiel – Belarusian social and educational activist in Latgale)
- Author(s):Mirosław Jankowiak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Belarussian Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, British Literature
- Page Range:235-242
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Edvard Pjatrovič Cynhiel; Belarusians in Latvia; Belarusian educational system in Latvia
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the figure of Edvard Pjatrovič Cynhiel, a Belarusian regional activist of merit for the Belarusian minority in Latvian Latgale. Born in 1913 in the village of Cynhiele near Indra, he graduated from, among others, the Belarusian gymnasium in Daugavpils and courses for teachers of Belarusian schools. After returning from exile in Siberia, he worked as a teacher in Krāslava and in a village school, supporting the Belarusian national movement.
Фарміраванне «нацыянальнага ўзору» тапаніміі на старонках першых беларускамоўных газет «Наша Доля» і «Наша Нива» (1906–1907 гг.)
Фарміраванне «нацыянальнага ўзору» тапаніміі на старонках першых беларускамоўных газет «Наша Доля» і «Наша Нива» (1906–1907 гг.)
(Formation of the “national pattern” of toponymy in the first Belarusian-language newspapers "Nasza Dola" and "Nasza Niwa" (1906–1907))
- Author(s):Viktar Korbut
- Language:Belarusian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Belarussian Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, British Literature
- Page Range:243-267
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:toponymy; Belarus; Belarusian language; national movement; Nasza Dola; Nasza Niwa
- Summary/Abstract:The article analyses the first examples of the systematic use of the Belarusian-language version of toponyms in the mass media from 1906–1907: in the Vilna (Vilnius) newspapers "Nasza Dola" and "Nasza Niwa". Some of the forms of toponyms used in these weeklies are the same as contemporary ones: Брэст, Вілейка, Віцебск, Глыбокае, Гомель, Гродна, Заслаўе, Магілёў, Мікалаеўшчына, Мінск, Навагрудак, Полацк, Рагачоў, Смаргонь, Стоўбцы and others. At the same time, other forms of the names of some of these settlements appear, borrowed both from the Russian language or spelling tradition: Вітебск, Глубокае; and from Polish: Брэсць, Вітэбск, Гродно, Магілеў. The names Ашмяна, Смаргоні, Стоўпцы may be derived from Belarusian-Polish linguistic practice. The town of Маладзечна is referred to only in the form Маладэчна. The name Менск appears in the first Belarusian newspapers only in 1906, sometimes in parallel with Мінск, and from 1907, only Мінск is used. The formation of the “national pattern” (the term introduced by the Belarusian researcher Iryna Haponienka) of Belarusian toponymy in the first Belarusian-language newspapers reflects the complex process of the formation of Belarusian national identity. This process was significantly influenced by Polish, but above all by Russian. This explains the similarity of the forms of many toponyms in "Nasza Dola" and "Nasza Niwa" in 1906–1907 and in contemporary Belarusian literary language, which, in turn, underwent a strong Russification after the reform of spelling (in fact, grammar) in 1933, as well as the official change of the form Менск to Мінск in 1939.
Białoruska łacinka w drugiej połowie XIX w.: realizacja akania i jakania w gazecie „Mužyckaja Praŭda”
Białoruska łacinka w drugiej połowie XIX w.: realizacja akania i jakania w gazecie „Mužyckaja Praŭda”
(Belarusian Latin script in the second half of the 19th century: the realization of akan’e and jakan’e in the newspaper Mužyckaja Praŭda)
- Author(s):Maria Katarzyna Prenner
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Belarussian Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, British Literature
- Page Range:268-287
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Mužyckaja Praŭda; Latin script; realization of akan’e/jakan’e; orthographical tendencies
- Summary/Abstract:The article deals with the Belarusian Latin script in the second half of the 19th century, which the author analyses on the basis of the first illegal newspaper in the Belarusian language, "Mužyckaja Praŭda". The paper focuses on the realization or non-realization of akan’e and jakan’e, two important vocalic phenomena. Significantly, the newspaper was published during the pre-orthographic phase of the Belarusian language, which was characterized by a great inconsistency in orthography. The article aims to note the distribution of the realization and non-realization of the above-mentioned phenomena and in this way trace possible trends in the evolution of Belarusian orthography. In a corpus-based analysis, the two phenomena are studied according to parts of speech, which allows exploring whether phonetical (or even morphological) criteria might have influenced the realization of akan’e and jakan’e in "Mužyckaja Praŭda".
Аналіз лексікі беларускай гаворкі найстарэйшага пакалення мястэчка Крынкі
Аналіз лексікі беларускай гаворкі найстарэйшага пакалення мястэчка Крынкі
(Analysis of the lexis of the Belarusian subdialect of the eldest generation from the town of Krynki)
- Author(s):Mateusz Jan Kwiatkowski
- Language:Belarusian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Belarussian Literature, Polish Literature, Philology, British Literature
- Page Range:288-310
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:subdialect; Krynki; Belarusian language; dialectology; vocabulary; analysis; loanwords; Podlasie; language contacts; dialect
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of research is the Belarusian subdialect from the town of Krynki (Podlaskie Voivodeship), which was analyzed lexically. The words for analysis were taken from the conversations with the residents of Krynki recorded by the author in 2020. These people have known the local subdialect since they were children. As for the subdialect itself, it is used in Podlasie (in the modern sense; historically, this region would be called Lithuania). In previous centuries, Podlasie was also populated by Baltic tribes, which affected local subdialects as well. The analysis showed that the dominant part of the vocabulary in this subdialect is of indigenous (Belarusian) origin. The next biggest group are loanwords from Polish, of which there are 185. (The words chosen for the analysis – 247 in total – were characteristic of this subdialect and/or nonexistent in literary language. In some cases, a word was assigned to several groups because it was impossible to determine its etymology). Besides words of Polish origin, words of Russian (22), German (6), Romance and Latin (3) origin were identified. The largest group of loanwords came from the Polish language, which makes sense, given that Krynki are located in Poland. Other loanwords are evidence of contacts with other nations, but it should be emphasized that the dominant part of the vocabulary remains indigenous, i.e., Belarusian.